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Mouse Membrane Potential Active Whisking and Touch Decoding

This study uses data from @kiritani2023membrane to investigate which cell types might be better discriminators for active touch decoding in mouse barrel cortex during active whisker sensing



This research project seeks to investigate the potential for distinguishing between two states in mouse behavior within a specific cell type: free whisking (FW), characterized by unrestricted movement of the mouse’s whiskers, and active touch (AT), where the whiskers make contact with a metal pole. The classification process will be based solely on features derived from membrane potentials. The underlying hypothesis proposes that utilizing distinctions in membrane potentials during these states can aid in decoding the mouse’s behavioral state (FW or AT) within a specified time frame. In a parallel analogy to fMRI decoding, where researchers decode brain activity from images, our project employs a similar principle in decoding mouse behavior. In fMRI studies, neural responses are decoded from brain images, providing insights into cognitive processes. Similarly, in our investigation, we traverse from the recording of membrane potentials (Vm) in specific mouse cells to discerning the corresponding stimuli—specifically, distinguishing between active touch (AT) and free whisking (FW) states. By drawing this parallel, we highlight the common thread of decoding complex information from neural recordings, whether it be unraveling cognitive patterns in the human brain or discriminating between distinct behaviors in mice based on their membrane potentials.

In the subsequent phase of the study, rather than developing a model for each cell type, a model will be trained for each individual cell. The objective is to see whether particular cells, given the considerable variability in cell behavior, exhibit different accuracies than the rest. Additionally, an analysis will be conducted to investigate whether cells demonstrating different accuracies are localized at specific depths or anatomical regions within the cortex.

Models and Methods


In the initial phase of our study, we first extracted event windows from $V_m$ for both active touch (AT) and free whisking peak (FW) occurrences. All windows maintained a consistent duration of $0.5$ seconds, spanning from $-0.25$ seconds to $+0.25$ seconds from the peak event. We only extracted the windows from peaks whose corresponding window did not overlap with other peaks’ windows. For this, we had to first understand what the given code does line by line and later significantly change it so as to tailor it to our needs. The terms Trial or Sweep are employed to indicate a singular recording of the membrane potential (Vm) of a cell, while the terms Event or Window are utilized to characterize the temporal window in $V_m$ surrounding whisking events for both active touch (AT) and free whisking peaks (FW).

In summary, the code systematically traversed the time series of whisker angles, identified time points where the peaks of whisking angles exceeded a predetermined threshold, and ensured appropriate temporal spacing between those occurrences. Subsequently, upon pinpointing the temporal locations of these events, equivalent time windows were extracted from the $V_m$ time series. Fig. 21 shows this process step by step for free whisking events. The time points for active touch events were already present in the dataset, thus, no further processing was needed for them 10. It is noteworthy that our dataset comprised 4909 free whisking events and 1736 active touch events, displaying an imbalance between the two classes. Consequently, the F1 score, in addition to accuracy, was considered as the most appropriate metrics for gauging the accuracy of our decoding model.

From left to right: 1) The whisking period of the mouse is highlighted on the whisker angle signal. 2) Example peaks are extracted from the whisking angle signal 3) The corresponding window around each peak is extracted from Vm (after removing the action potentials)

Active touch events highlighted on the whisker angle signal

Feature Extraction

Our approach involved the extraction of features specific to each window, yielding a total of 19 features. Given the lack of prior knowledge regarding the significance of individual features in relation to classification, we opted to start with a comprehensive set of features and later on find those that are correlated with each other or exhibit more importance than the rest. While certain features were derived from the original dataset, we also integrated a lot of additional features into the analysis for a more comprehensive examination. The list of the features and their descriptions are show in Table 1

Abbreviation Description
vm_amplitude(pre/post) Mean Sub-threshold Membrane Potential Amplitude
ap_fr(pre/post), Mean Action Potential Firing Rate of Sub-threshold Membrane Potential
fft_low(low/high) Fast Fourier Transform of Sub-threshold Membrane Potential
vm_mav(pre/post) Mean Absolute Value of Sub-threshold Membrane Potential
vm_max(pre/post) Maximum Value of Sub-threshold Membrane Potential
vm_std(pre/post) Standard Deviation of Sub-threshold Membrane Potential
vm_rms(pre/post) Root Mean Squared of Sub-threshold Membrane Potential
vm_wl(pre/post) Wave Length or Geodesic Distance of Sub-threshold Membrane Potential
vm_ssc(pre/post) Slope Sign Change of Sub-threshold Membrane Potential
Cell_Depth Depth of the cell

List of the extracted features. pre/post means that the feature was extracted two times one for the pre-onset window and one for the post-onset window

Classification Model

The classification was performed using Support Vector Machine (SVM) algorithm, which is a powerful-supervised machine learning algorithm commonly used in classification problems with two or more classes. The goal of the SVC algorithm is to find the hyperplane that best separates the classes in the transformed space. As implantation was used the package of Scikitlearn. In order to improve the model, a Grid Search approach was performed to find the best set of hyperparameters that elicit a high level of accuracy. The parameter grid includes values for the regularization parameter ’C’ [0.1, 1, 10, 100, 1000], kernel function [’poly’, ’rbf’ (Radial Basis Function), ’sigmoid’], and kernel coefficient ’gamma’ [0.001, 0.01, 0.1, 1, 10, ’auto’].

To better test our model and effectively use the whole dataset for model evaluation, we used nested-cross-validation that combines hyperparameter tuning with cross-validation and consists of an inner and outer loop. As illustrated in Fig. 11 , during the inner loop, hyperparameter tuning is conducted by training models on the training data and validating them on a separate validation set. The objective is to identify the optimal parameters, and the model is then trained on the entire inner loop dataset. Despite being optimized for performance on the validation data, there is potential bias in the evaluation. To mitigate this, in an outer loop, the model undergoes testing using a separate test dataset, aiming to provide an unbiased performance estimate. Once the expected performance is known, the model needs to be trained using all available data. It’s crucial to recognize that our model comprises not only the algorithm, but the entire process of building the model.

Image by by Ajitesh Kumar in Nested Cross Validation for Algorithm Selection, August 31, 2020

Feature Importance Measures

Feature selection and feature importance ranking refers to the process of selecting a subset of variables from a dataset for use in the machine learning algorithms. In some cases, it may be necessary to reduce the number of features in order to improve model performance, prevent overfitting, or make the training process less computationally intensive. Feature importance ranking can also help with data visualization by reducing the dimensionality of a dataset. This makes it easier to understand relationships between variables and identify their interactions. Here we decided to use three measure of feature selection:

  • Correlation Based: Correlation feature reduction involves identifying and eliminating groups of correlated features in a dataset. In this process, highly correlated features are identified, and one or more features from each correlated group are kept to reduce redundancy. The goal is to retain the most informative features while eliminating those that provide similar information, as highly correlated features can introduce multicollinearity issues and may not contribute significantly to the model’s predictive power. By reducing correlated features, this technique aims to enhance model interpretability, mitigate overfitting, and potentially improve the efficiency of the learning algorithm.

  • Permutation Feature Importance: Permutation feature importance serves as a method for inspecting machine learning models applied to tabular data, particularly proving valuable for non-linear or less transparent estimators. The concept revolves around assessing the impact on a model’s score when randomly shuffling a single feature’s values. This shuffling disrupts the connection between the feature and the target variable, and the ensuing drop in the model score indicates the extent to which the model relies on that specific feature. An advantage of this technique is its model-agnostic nature, allowing for multiple calculations with diverse permutations of the feature. It is crucial to note that features deemed unimportant for an underperforming model might hold significant importance for a well-performing one. Hence, evaluating a model’s predictive capability with a separate set or, better yet, through cross-validation is essential before determining feature importances. Permutation importance reflects the feature’s importance within the context of a specific model rather than its intrinsic predictive value in isolation.

  • Recursive Feature Elimination (RFE): RFE is a feature selection technique commonly used in machine learning. It systematically ranks and eliminates features based on their importance to the model’s performance. The process starts with the entire set of features and recursively removes the least significant ones, typically using a model-specific metric, until the desired number of features is reached. At each iteration, the model is retrained, and the feature rankings are reassessed. RFE helps identify the most informative features for a given task, contributing to enhanced model interpretability and potentially improving predictive performance by focusing on the most relevant attributes.


Classification by cell type

Figure 12 shows the result of performing the decoding model on each cell type to predict the label (free whisking peak or active touch). EXC cells had an accuracy of 0.79 and F1 score of 0.61, PV cells had an accuracy of 0.87 and F1 score of 0.63, VIP cells had an accuracy of 0.86 and an F1 score of 0.65, and SST cells had an accuracy of 0.90 and F1 score of 0.77. SST cells exhibit the highest accuracy and F1 score, whereas, excitatory cells showed the worst outcome. we might be able to attribute this to excitatory cells showing less distinction and have less discernible features between the two states of free whisking peak and active touch. Whereas as we saw in question three SST cells show depolarization for AT and hyperpolarization for FW which could be picked up by the machine learning model leading to higher accuracy.

Following the initial classification, an extensive examination of feature importance was conducted using the techniques discussed in the previous section.

Correlation feature selection

The initial strategy to reduce the number of features involved assessing their correlation levels. Within each cluster of correlated features, we retained a single feature, which was then used for classification. Figure 13 illustrates how different cell types exhibit distinct sets of correlated features. Here we list the correlated groups for each cell type.

  • EXC:

    • vm_amplitude_post, vm_amplitude_pre, vm_mav_post, vm_mav_pre, vm_max_post, vm_max_pre, vm_rms_post, vm_rms_pre

    • vm_wl_post, vm_wl_pre

    • vm_ssc_post, vm_ssc_pre

  • PV:

    • vm_amplitude_pre, vm_mav_pre, vm_max_pre, vm_rms_pre, vm_std_pre

    • vm_amplitude_post, vm_mav_post, vm_max_post, vm_rms_post

    • vm_wl_post, vm_wl_pre

  • VIP:

    • vm_amplitude_pre, vm_mav_pre, vm_max_pre, vm_rms_pre

    • vm_amplitude_post, vm_mav_post, vm_max_post, vm_rms_post

    • vm_wl_post, vm_wl_pre

    • vm_ssc_post, vm_ssc_pre

  • SST:

    • vm_amplitude_post, vm_amplitude_pre, vm_mav_post, vm_mav_pre, vm_max_post, vm_max_pre, vm_rms_post, vm_rms_pre

    • vm_wl_post, vm_wl_pre

We observe that both EXC and SST cells exhibit a substantial cluster with 8 correlated features each. Additionally, the initial two clusters associated with PV and VIP cells originate from either the pre or post window, suggesting that correlated features tend to be situated on the same side of the onset for these cell types.

Upon removal of correlated features, a marginal reduction in the accuracy of the model is observed in Fig. 14. PV cells demonstrate the least amount of change, suggesting an abundance of redundant features within this cell type. In contrast, both EXC and VIP cells exhibit substantial change, with the greatest impact on their accuracy and particularly a decrease in F1 score. This observed variation underscores the distinct characteristics of these cell types in terms of feature correlation. It is worth noting that certain widely used correlation filtering methods tend to eliminate more features than necessary, a concern that becomes more pronounced in larger datasets with numerous pairwise correlations surpassing a specified threshold. This feature removal may result in a loss of information, potentially leading to suboptimal model performance.

Correlation matrices for each cell type

Accuracy and F1 score before and after correlated feature removal

Permutation feature selection

Next, we conducted permutation feature importance analysis. Fig 15 shows the result of training the model on the dataset with correlated features removed (blue bar) versus training it with only the top five features based on their scores (orange bar). It is crucial to acknowledge that in permutation feature importance, when two features are correlated, and one undergoes permutation, the model can still access the feature through its correlated counterpart. This scenario leads to diminished importance values for both features, potentially masking their actual significance. To mitigate this issue, we applied the permutation feature selection (PFS) method directly to the uncorrelated features obtained in the previous step.

It is evident that SST and PV cells exhibit minimal changes, while EXC and VIP cells experience a more significant reduction in their F1 score, indicating that the model gets more biased toward a specific class. Importantly, these observations come after eliminating correlated features. When accuracy remains consistent in this context, it signifies that the method effectively identified crucial features and successfully eliminated unnecessary ones that simple correlation could not discern.

Blue bar: metric with all the uncorrelated features, Orange var: metric with only the top 5 features based on permutation feature importance

In Figure 16, we observe the top five features for various cell types using the permutation feature method. AP firing rate is the most important feature for PV cells which matches our observations in part 3. Fast Fourier transform ranks as the top feature for EXC cells and slope sign change seems to be important for SST cells. AP firing rate and the amplitude of action potential in the post window are consequential for VIP cells. The figure not only presents the selected features but also provides insights into their respective rankings across different cells. It is essential to note that Permutation Feature Selection (PFS) doesn’t inherently convey the predictive value of a feature in isolation. Instead, it emphasizes the significance of a feature within a specific model. Figure 17 shows the ranking of the feature across all cell types and signifies that AP firing rate in the post onset windows and slope sign change seem to be the most important ones in general.

Feature rankings for each cell types

Feature rankings across all cell types

RFE feature selection

In this section, we opt for Recursive Feature Elimination (RFE) as it enables the utilization of all features without necessitating the removal of correlated ones, allowing for a more comprehensive understanding of complex interactions between features. As seen in Fig. 18, EXC and SST cells exhibit the most significant changes in their metric after training the model only on the top 5 features. Fig. 19 represents the top 5 features for each cell type, and Fig. 20 represents the ranking of the feature based on their importance across the cell types. Unlike Permutation Feature Importance (PFI), Fast Fourier Transform appears to have a comparatively lesser impact. Once again, it is evident that action potential firing rate holds utmost importance for PV cells. Across all cell types, features such as wave length and slope sign change consistently emerge as the most crucial.

Metric for RFE feature reduction. The blue bar represents the metric using all 19 features.

Top 5 features for each cell type based on RFE

Feature rankings across cell types based on RFE

Classification per single cell

Given the considerable variation in behavior and characteristics (Fig. [fig:part2-ap_duration]) observed among individual cells, including those within the same cell type, we tried a subsequent iteration of classification by training the model on individual cells. The aim of this exploration was to ascertain whether certain cells could achieve different accuracies from others and if so, what are some of their distinct features.

AP duration across different class of cells: we can see a lot of variability in each class

In order to mitigate bias and overfitting to a specific class and guarantee the acquisition of significant outcomes, a threshold was applied in the selection of cells for this section. Specifically, only cells demonstrating a well-balanced and sufficiently high count (more than 15) of active touch (AT) and free whisking (FW) events were included in the analysis. After this thorough screening process, a subset of 25 cells was identified from the larger dataset, which initially comprised 205 cells. Table 2 shows the cell types and their count in this subset.

Cell Type Number of Cells
PV 3
SST 12

Subset of cells selected

For each of the selected cells, an independent classifier was trained using the relevant data specific to each cell. The training process encompassed initial classification employing all available features, followed by a feature selection step using RFE, mirroring the methodology outlined in the preceding sections. As depicted in Fig. 22, noticeable shifts in accuracy and F1 score emerge after feature pruning across different cells. Interestingly, certain cells exhibit an improvement in metrics, while others show a decline. The variability among distinct cells shows the unique impact of feature reduction on accuracy for each individual cell. This divergent behavior aligns with the typical patterns observed in machine learning models, where reducing the number of features can enhance accuracy by prioritizing essential information. However, it also carries the risk of losing valuable information, potentially leading to decreased accuracy.

Accuracy and F1 score for each cell

An interesting observation stands out in the behavior of cell TK471_1, where both accuracy and F1 score remain very high even after feature selection. To understand why this high accuracy is achieved, a careful analysis of the feature space within the windows (AT and FW) of the cell was conducted. The pairplot (Fig 23) shows the values of the most crucial features for cell TK471_1 across the two labels. Notably, the feature vm_ssc_post effectively distinguishes between the two distinct states. Based on these findings, it can be concluded that the classifier trained on these cells achieves outstanding performance by effectively using the discriminative power of this particular feature.

Pair plot for two of the features of TK471_1

Layer and Barrel dependence

Our final investigation aimed to see if cells with high accuracy in the classification task are found in specific areas of the primate sensory barrel cortex, focusing on layer location (L3/4, L5, etc.) and the barrel’s anatomical region (C2, S1, etc.). We hypothesized that, after stimulating the C2 whisker, the most activated cells would be in the C2 barrel, suggesting that cells with higher accuracy would mostly be located there. ig. 24 breaks down the accuracy by cell layer, while Fig. [by_barrel] shows accuracy based on anatomical regions. However, we couldn’t provide a statistically significant answer to our inquiry because of some limitations of the dataset since only one cell was not in the C2 barrel and as for the cell layer, there weren’t enough cells to draw significant conclusions, with over half of the dataset lacking cell layer information. Given these constraints, we cannot definitively determine if specific cell locations correlate with superior classification capabilities.

F1 score of different cells differentiated by their layer


In summary, our exploration into mouse behavior within the primate sensory barrel cortex by employing machine learning techniques, has yielded promising results. The models demonstrated commendable accuracy and F1 scores, emphasizing the efficacy of these approaches in decoding intricate behavioral patterns. Interestingly, SST cells exhibited the highest accuracy, providing valuable insights into their distinctive behavior, while excitatory (EXC) cells showed comparatively lower accuracy.

We outlined which feature are most important for each cell types, and notably, even after feature removal, the models maintained relatively high accuracies, highlighting the robustness of the model and the resilience of the remaining features. This underscores the adaptability and effectiveness of the model in decoding mouse behavior within the sensory barrel cortex. While challenges remain, our findings contribute to the ongoing understanding of cellular behavior and pave the way for further investigations in neuroscience and behavior analysis.

Our investigation into single cell classification revealed significant variability in accuracy among cells, underscoring the importance of individual cellular characteristics. However, limitations in data availability hindered our ability to establish conclusive correlations between cell attributes and their spatial origin, such as C2 barrel, layer location, and anatomical region.