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171 lines (134 loc) · 14 KB


Members Descriptions
class AnalogInClass Class for the Analog IN connector of the Portenta Machine Control.
class AnalogOutClass Class for the Analog OUT connector of the Portenta Machine Control.
class CANCommClass Class for managing the CAN Bus communication protocol of the Portenta Machine Control.
class DigitalOutputsClass Class for the Digital Output connector of the Portenta Machine Control.
class EncoderClass Class for the encoder module of the Portenta Machine Control.
class ProgrammableDINClass Class for the Programmable Digital Input connector of the Portenta Machine Control.
class ProgrammableDIOClass Class for the Programmable Digital IO connector of the Portenta Machine Control.
class RS485CommClass Class for managing the RS485 and RS232 communication protocols of the Portenta Machine Control.
class RTDTempProbeClass Class for managing the Resistance Temperature Detector (RTD) temperature sensor connector of the Portenta Machine Control.
class RtcControllerClass Class for controlling the PCF8563T RTC of the Portenta Machine Control.
class TCTempProbeClass Class for managing the Thermocouple (TC) temperature sensor connector of the Portenta Machine Control.
class USBClass Class for managing the USB functionality of the Portenta Machine Control.

class AnalogInClass

Class for the Analog IN connector of the Portenta Machine Control.


Members Descriptions
public AnalogInClass(PinName ai0_pin, PinName ai1_pin, PinName ai2_pin) Construct an Analog Input reader for the Portenta Machine Control.
public ~AnalogInClass() Destruct the AnalogInClass object.
public bool begin(SensorType sensor_type, int res_bits) Initialize the analog reader, configure the sensor type and read resolution.
public uint16_t read(int channel) Read the sampled voltage from the selected channel.

class AnalogOutClass

Class for the Analog OUT connector of the Portenta Machine Control.


Members Descriptions
public AnalogOutClass(PinName ao0_pin, PinName ao1_pin, PinName ao2_pin, PinName ao3_pin) Construct an Analog Output writer for the Portenta Machine Control.
public ~AnalogOutClass() Destruct the AnalogOutClass object.
public bool begin() Initialize the PWM, configure the default frequency for all channels (500Hz).
public void setPeriod(int channel, uint8_t period_ms) Set the PWM period (frequency) on the selected channel.
public void write(int channel, float voltage) Set output voltage value on the selected channel.

class CANCommClass

Class for managing the CAN Bus communication protocol of the Portenta Machine Control.


Members Descriptions
public CANCommClass(PinName can_tx_pin, PinName can_rx_pin, PinName can_stb_pin) Construct a CANCommClass object.
public ~CANCommClass() Destruct the CANCommClass object.
public bool begin(CanBitRate can_bitrate) Begin the CAN communication protocol.
public int write(CanMsg const & msg) Write a CAN message to the bus.
public size_t available() Check the number of available CAN messages in the receive buffer.
public CanMsg read() Read a CAN message from the bus.
public void end() Close the CAN communication protocol.

class DigitalOutputsClass

Class for the Digital Output connector of the Portenta Machine Control.


Members Descriptions
public DigitalOutputsClass(PinName do0_pin, PinName do1_pin, PinName do2_pin, PinName do3_pin, PinName do4_pin, PinName do5_pin, PinName do6_pin, PinName do7_pin, PinName latch_pin) Construct a DigitalOutputsClass object.
public ~DigitalOutputsClass() Destruct the DigitalOutputsClass object.
public bool begin(bool latch_mode = true) Initialize the DigitalOutputs module with the specified latch mode.
public void write(uint8_t channel, PinStatus val) Write the output value for the given channel.
public void writeAll(uint8_t val_mask) Set the state of all digital outputs simultaneously.

class EncoderClass

Class for managing Quadrature Encoder Interface devices of the Portenta Machine Control.


Members Descriptions
public EncoderClass(PinName enc0_a_pin, PinName enc0_b_pin, PinName enc0_i_pin, PinName enc1_a_pin, PinName enc1_b_pin, PinName enc1_i_pin) Construct an EncoderClass object.
public ~EncoderClass() Destruct the EncoderClass object.
public void reset(int channel) Reset the encoder counter for the specified channel.
public int getCurrentState(int channel) Get the current state of the specified encoder channel.
public int getPulses(int channel) Get the number of pulses counted by the specified encoder channel.
public int getRevolutions(int channel) Get the number of revolutions counted by the specified encoder channel.

class ProgrammableDINClass

Class for the Programmable Digital Input connector of the Portenta Machine Control.


Members Descriptions
public ProgrammableDINClass() Construct a ProgrammableDINClass object.
public ~ProgrammableDINClass() Destruct the ProgrammableDINClass object.
public bool begin() Initialize the ProgrammableDIN module.

class ProgrammableDIOClass

Class for the Programmable Digital IO connector of the Portenta Machine Control.


Members Descriptions
public ProgrammableDIOClass(PinName latch_pin) Construct a ProgrammableDIOClass object.
public ~ProgrammableDIOClass() Destruct the ProgrammableDIOClass object.
public bool begin(bool latch_mode) Initialize the ProgrammableDIO module with the specified latch mode.

class RS485CommClass

Class for managing the RS485 and RS232 communication protocols of the Portenta Machine Control.


Members Descriptions
public RS485CommClass(arduino::UART& uart_itf, PinName rs_tx_pin, PinName rs_de_pin, PinName rs_re_pin) Construct a RS485CommClass object.
public ~RS485CommClass() Destruct the RS485CommClass object.
public void begin(unsigned long baudrate, int predelay, int postdelay) Begin the RS485 communication protocol.
public void end() Close the RS485 communication protocol.
public void setModeRS232(bool enable) Set RS485 mode to RS232.
public void setYZTerm(bool enable) Set YZ termination for RS485 communication.
public void setABTerm(bool enable) Set AB termination for RS485 communication.
public void setSlew(bool enable) Set the slew rate for RS485 communication.
public void setFullDuplex(bool enable) Set RS485 communication to Full Duplex mode.

class RTDTempProbeClass

Class for managing RTD temperature sensor inputs of the Portenta Machine Control.


Members Descriptions
public RTDTempProbeClass(PinName rtd_cs_pin, PinName ch_sel0_pin, PinName ch_sel1_pin, PinName ch_sel2_pin, PinName rtd_th_pin) Construct a RTDTempProbeClass object.
public ~RTDTempProbeClass() Destruct the RTDTempProbeClass object.
public bool begin(uint8_t io_address) Initialize the RTDTempProbeClass with the specified I/O address.
public void end() Disable the temperature sensors and release any resources.
public void selectChannel(int channel) Select the input channel to be read (3 channels available).

class RtcControllerClass

Class for controlling the PCF8563T RTC.


Members Descriptions
public RtcControllerClass(PinName int_pin) Construct a RtcControllerClass object with an interrupt pin.
public ~RtcControllerClass() Destructor for the RtcControllerClass.

class TCTempProbeClass

Class for managing thermocouples temperature sensor of the Portenta Machine Control.


Members Descriptions
public TCTempProbeClass(PinName tc_cs_pin, PinName ch_sel0_pin, PinName ch_sel1_pin, PinName ch_sel2_pin) Construct a TCTempProbeClass object.
public ~TCTempProbeClass() Destruct the TCTempProbeClass object.
public bool begin() Initialize the TCTempProbeClass.
public void end() Disable the temperature sensors and release any resources.
public void selectChannel(int channel) Select the input channel to be read (3 channels available).

class USBClass

Class for managing the USB functionality of the Portenta Machine Control.


Members Descriptions
public USBClass(PinName power_pin, PinName usbflag_pin) Construct a USBClass object.
public ~USBClass() Destruct the USBClass object.
public bool begin() Begin the USB functionality.
public void end() End the USB functionality.
public bool getFaultStatus() Get the fault status of the USBA VBUS.