The versions of EPICS base, asyn, and other synApps modules used for each release can be obtained from the EXAMPLE_RELEASE_PATHS.local, EXAMPLE_RELEASE_LIBS.local, and EXAMPLE_RELEASE_PRODS.local files respectively, in the configure/ directory of the appropriate release of the top-level areaDetector repository.
- Initial release
- This release is based on a prototype driver written by Hamamatsu Photonics, which was based on ADSimDetector.
- Mark Rivers made many changes including the following:
- That driver was based on my ADDimDetector driver, and had residual code from the simDetector that was unused. I removed that.
- Changed all tabs to spaces, and reformatted all the text to have consistent indenting.
- The driver used EPICS PVs to initialize the SDK and connect to the camera. I moved the initialization and connection into the constructor, as is done for all other areaDetector cameras.
- Fixed crashes due to uninitialized variables.
- Improved the medm screen, using the standard .adl file components where possible (ADShutter.adl, ADAttrFile.adl, ADBuffers.adl).
- Added example CONFIG_SITE.$(EPICS_HOST_ARCH).Common files to define the path to the Hamamatsu DCAM SDK files.
- Use standard ADDriver parameters where possible.