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VLTVG-PyTorch with DDP and Horovod

This repository contains the PyTorch implementations using Distributed Data Parallel (DDP) and Horovod for Cosmoflow. These implementations are intended for usage with the ALCF. Follow the instructions below to get started.

1. Dataset Preparation

The original data used is test-tfr-256. Run to argument the data to 20992 samples

2. Environment Setup

Load the Conda environment using the following commands:

module load conda/2022-07-19; conda activate

Get libboost (not included in the script below) and setup environment variables:

export TMPDIR=./results
export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/grand/datascience/zhaozhenghao/tools/libboost:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH

Create and activate the Python virtual environment, and install required packages:

# Create Python virtual environment
python -m venv --system-site-packages cosmoflow
source cosmoflow/bin/activate

Install necessary packages:

# install mlperf-logging
pip install "git+"
export PYTHONPATH=/grand/datascience/zhaozhenghao/envs/cosmoflow/lib/python3.8/site-packages/:$PYTHONPATH

# install nvidia
pip install --extra-index-url --upgrade nvidia-dali-cuda110

# install apex
git clone
cd apex
pip install -v --disable-pip-version-check --no-cache-dir --no-build-isolation --global-option="--cpp_ext" --global-option="--cuda_ext" ./

3. Running with Different Implementations

PyTorch DDP

source ./

aprun -n 8 -N 4 python ./ +mpi.local_size=4 ++data.stage=/local/scratch/ +log.timestamp=ms_2_ddp +log.experiment_id=${PBS_JOBID} --config-name test_tfr


source ./

aprun -n 8 -N 4 python ./ +mpi.local_size=4 ++data.stage=/local/scratch/ +log.timestamp=ms_2_hvd +log.experiment_id=${PBS_JOBID} --config-name test_tfr

Additional Information

For additional examples, refer to the (for PyTorch DDP) and (for Horovod). Update directories and configurations accordingly for your specific setup.

Below is Cosmoflow benchmark's original README:

Cosmoflow benchmark implementation

This repository contains PyTorch implementation of the Cosmoflow: Using Deep Learning to learn the universe at scale benchmark for MLPerf purpose. Benchmark is based on publicly available reference code: and the paper:


The dataset we use for this benchmark comes from simulations run by the ExaLearn group and hosted at NERSC. The following web portal describes the technical content of the dataset and provides links to the raw data.

For this benchmark we currently use a preprocessed version of the dataset which generates crops of size (128, 128, 128, 4) and stores in TFRecord format. This preprocessing is done using the script included in this package. We describe here how to get access to this processed dataset, but please refer to the ExaLearn web portal for additional technical details.

Globus is the current recommended way to transfer the dataset locally. There is a globus endpoint at:

The contents are also available via HTTPS at:


Dataset by default is available in form of GZIP compressed TFRecrods. This implementation uses numpy .npy for storing samples and regression targets. To convert *.tfrecrod to correct *.npy format use tool/ script.

Exemplary usage:

python -m tool.convert_tfrecord_to_numpy -i <data_dir>/train -o <destination_dir>/train -c gzip

Additionally, script can benefit from multiple MPI processes, to parallelize the processing. List of file and labels for validation and training diractory has to be created separately. To do this, execute following bash command:

ls -1 <path_to_directory>/ | grep "_data.npy" | sort > <path_to_directory>/files_data.lst
ls -1 <path_to_directory>/ | grep "_label.npy" | sort > <path_to_directory>/files_label.lst

For preprocessing of the dataset with SLURM, init_datasets.sub job was created. Specify environment variables DATA_SRC_DIR and DATA_DST_DIR and launch preprocessing with sbatch -N<preprocessing nodes> init_datasets.sub.

Compressed Dataset

Changes have been made to reduce staging time by using a compressed dataset. Use the command in the pytorch/tools directory on the validation and training datasets to create new compressed datasets


Before you run

A Dockerfile is provided under the root directory. The following instructions assume you have built the docker container, that you are using slurm with pyxis/enroot support. If your system uses a different technology, please modify the commands accordingly. Furthermore, the dataset should have been converted to numpy data format as described in the paragraph above.

How to run the benchmark

The benchmark parameters are steered by environment variables. Please see run.sub and for more information. In order to submit the benchmark, you need to source a configuration file you want to run. Those are inside the configs directory. You also need to name your container image. Assuming you named the image mlperf-cosmoflow:v1.0, then you can submit a job as follows:

export CONT=mlperf-cosmoflow:v1.0
export LOGDIR=<directory for output>
export DATADIR=<root directory for the dataset>
source configs/
sbatch <specify system-dependent additional args here> -N ${DGXNNODES} -t ${WALLTIME} run.sub

The parameters DGXNNODES and WALLTIME need to be set according to the system being run on. Please not that in order to pass a locally built image to enroot, you need to export it as a sqsh file using enroot import/create (see the enroot documentation for instructions). We recommend using a registry as enroot can pull the image directly from there.

Strong scaling benchmark run

To reproduce results for strong scaling 128 nodes, use the following sequence of commands:

export CONT=mlperf-cosmoflow:v1.0
export LOGDIR=results/128x8x1/
export DATADIR=<root directory for the dataset>
export DGXNODES=128
source configs/
export CONFIG_FILE=submission_dgxa100_128x8x1_other
sbatch <specify system-dependent additional args here> -N ${DGXNNODES} -t ${WALLTIME} run.sub

To reproduce results for strong scaling 16 nodes, use the following sequence of commands:

export CONT=mlperf-cosmoflow:v1.0
export LOGDIR=results/16x8x1/
export DATADIR=<root directory for the dataset>
export DGXNODES=16
source configs/
export CONFIG_FILE=submission_dgxa100_16x8x1
sbatch <specify system-dependent additional args here> -N ${DGXNNODES} -t ${WALLTIME} run.sub

Weak scaling benchmark run

To reproduce results for weak scaling 4 nodes per instance, 512 nodes in total, use the following sequence of commands:

export CONT=mlperf-cosmoflow:v1.0
export LOGDIR=results/128x4x8x1_weak/
export DATADIR=<root directory for the dataset>
export DGXNODES=512   # 4 nodes x 128 instances
export CONFIG_FILE=submission_dgxa100_4x8x1
sbatch <specify system-dependent additional args here> -N ${DGXNNODES} -t ${WALLTIME} run.sub +instances=128

You can modify total number of parallel instances using INSTANCES environmental variable.


The table below contains the modifiable hyperparameters. Unless otherwise stated, parameters not listed in the table below are fixed and changing those could lead to an invalid submission.

Parameter Name Default Constraints Description
--seed None >= 0 Random number generator seed. Do not use the same seed for multiple submission except for debugging purpose.
--initial-lr 0.001 >= 0 Learning rate from which to start training. This is before the warmup happens and learning rate increases from that point during warmup epochs
--base-lr 0.008 >= initial-lr Base learning rate to use after the warmup is completed.
--weight-decay 0.0 >= 0 if dropout = 0 Weight decay to use instead of dropout for dense layers of the network
--dropout 0.5 1 > x > 0 if weight-decay = 0 Dropout rate used for dense layers instead of weight decay
--warmup-epochs 4 >= 0 Number of epochs for LR warmup during which lr is increasing from initial-lr to base-lr
--lr-scheduler-epochs 32 64 >= 0, count = 2 Epochs on which learning rate should be decreased by the specified factor
--lr-scheduler-decays 0.25 0.125 1 > x > 0, count = 2 Factors that reduces LR on specified epochs
--shuffle False boolean Specify if you want to shuffle dataset after each epoch

Please note that besides the benchmark specific rules above, standard MLPerf HPC logging rules apply.


  1. A. Mathuriya, D. Bard, P. Mendygral, L. Meadows, J. Arnemann, L. Shao, S. He, T. Karna, D. Moise, S. J. Pennycook, K. Maschoff, J. Sewall, N. Kumar, S. Ho, M. Ringenburg, Prabhat, and V. Lee: CosmoFlow: Using Deep Learning to Learn the Universe at Scale, SuperComputing 2018