#H2 database
(H2)[http://www.h2database.com] is a Java SQL database. Main features of H2 are:
- Very fast, open source, JDBC API
- Embedded and server modes; in-memory databases
- Browser based Console application
- Small footprint: around 1.5 MB jar file size
This image is based on java-jolokia:8 and so it benefits directly from the jolokia JVM agent and its configuration: more information are available (here)[https://hub.docker.com/r/jolokia/java-jolokia/]. It also contains a default installation of H2 database.
To run a container instance, just use:
docker run --name some-h2 -d arnaudeprez/h2database:1
This containers expose the following ports:
- 1521: jdbc port
- 80: web console
- 8778: jolokia JVM agent
By default it uses the directory /opt/h2-data to store the databases. It means this container shouldn't be used alone in production, instead you should use it with a volume container with /opt/h2-data as volume.
#Create the volume
docker run --name h2-data -v /opt/h2-data busybox true
#Then run the H2 database container that uses the docker volume to store its data
docker run --name some-h2 -d --volumes-from h2-data arnaudeprez/h2database:1