All notable changes to the "vscode-sparql-notebook" extension will be documented in this file.
Feature: Add Code Cell Statusbar Item to show connection endpoint url or file path. Feature: Add Code Cell Statusbar Item to show the source of the cell content (cell or file) Feature: Accept file paths as endpoint url.
Fix: Store external query files in onDidSaveNotebookDocument callback. This is needed to make the notebook file portable.
Fix: Store external query files relative to the notebook file. This is needed to make the notebook file portable.
Minor: Shorten Blank Node IDs Minor: Add extension dependencies
Fix: Rename command
Fix: Sparql Result JSON rendering with optional Feature: Use an RDF file as a data source
Feature: Better Stardog errors Feature: Copy IRI to clipboard
Fix: Set proper accept header depending on the query type.
Fix: Add a component for blank node rendering for application/sparql-results+json
Feature: New react renderer for application/sparql-results+json
Fix: Problem with new connections with an empty password.
Update readme
Feature: Attach .sparql or .rq files to cells
Updated webpack build to improve performance and reduce file size
Added support for Visual Studio Code version 1.77
Minor bug fixes and improvements
Format *.sparqlbook files to improve version control.
Feature: Initial support for abort query.
Improve error handling
Fix: SELECT result first column CSS
Fix: Error handling.
Special Thanks: Vojtěch Musílek
Fix: ASK query with 'sparqlbook.useNamespaces' true.
Fix: Query POST created invalid route for this sparql database: Oxigraph. Remove tailoring '/' from the endpoint.
Feature: SPARQL SELECT results uses now prefixes from the query. You can disable this behaviour with the setting 'sparqlbook.useNamespaces'.
Special Thanks: Vojtěch Musílek, Ivo Velitchkov
Feature: New application/sparql-results+json
renderer with dark and light mode support.
Feature: Export Notebook as Markdown.
Feature: Configure endpoint per cell. Add a comment like # [endpoint=http://....]
to your SPARQL Query.
Feature: New rendering for TTL output
Fix: content type with charset application/sparql-results+json;charset=utf-8
not recognized
Update description
Initial release!