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File metadata and controls

100 lines (67 loc) · 4.24 KB


Thank you for your interest in helping out with this project.

Two very straightforward ways of getting involved on your own terms are:

  • Issues
    • looking at issues raised and trying to advise users looking for help, or encouraging them to obtain useful diagnostics
  • Documentation

Otherwise, if you are willing to help us test new features, before they are put on general release, you can set your HACS Integration (re-)download settings to show beta versions.


If you want to take things further you can get involved with code, either to deal with issues raised or to develop new features.



As you will use a fork for your development we encourage you to familiarise yourself with the Github guide to working with forks.

If you Fork the project, it might tell you that workflows are being disabled on your fork. This is good, because they are currently designed only to work on the main fork, so you do NOT want to enable them. If, for any reason, your fork starts to notify you that you have Actions failing, then you should disable them:


In your OWN fork:

  • Settings / Actions / General
  • Actions permissions = Disable
  • remember to Save

Now the Actions tab should disappear from your fork, and the notifications will cease.

Development practices

All development work should be done on branches created from the dev branch. Please ensure you understand the branching model we follow.

Both of the above-linked guides also include command examples for you to work on your local project repository.

Please raise an issue if you want further guidance on developing new features or fixing issues.

Project Structure

For the time being, contributors have settled on a project structure that includes:

  • HACS integration as a custom repository, with associated metadata files
  • Instructions for manual install as custom_component
  • incorporating any changes to the API-related python code in warmup4ie subfolder
    • and keeping a tracking copy in the root warmup4ie-PyPi folder for later

Pull Requests

Once you have completed your development and testing on your changes, then please raise a Pull Request for us to be able to merge in your work. They should be merged into the dev branch.

You will see some validation actions launched as part of our HACS compliance. If any of these actions fail, then your Pull Request might be held back.


We use GitHub Releases as good practice, both for a github repo, and for a HACS integration. Once the changes applied in the dev branch have been sufficiently tested, then they can be bundled up for a release into the master branch,

Before bringing changes into the master branch, please ensure that you have referenced the changes into on dev. You could use git log --oneline -all to gather the info. Include these changes in a PR into the ha-warmup:warmup:dev branch.


Since 2021.5.23, the versioning format has been YYYY.M.D (no leading zeroes). Note that HACS does not support the use of candidate suffixes - using a version like YYYY.M.D-beta may break the component.

When releasing a version, please ensure that you update the version in


You may find it convenient to tag your release candidate with the version. When raising the PR from your origin/dev to the main project master, remember to ask for a new Github Release to be created with the same tag.

Please be clear if this is a Production release. Otherwise, when the Release is created it should be marked as a Pre-release. That way it will only be available to users who have selected the option 'show beta versions'.