- When creating folder, check if the same folder title already exists... as you to rename else if user doesnt rename, add a suffix like (1). This logic is to be implemented in folder.ts create mutation
- Open TreeView folders recursively. Rewrite TreeWrapper?
- Also if empty folder are like /a/b/c/d/bookmark, the should not render the whole tree tiles for a b c d. these should be a single tile with title a/b/c/d
- drag and drop to rearrange bookmarks/folders
- Create a GCP VM container image to address the puppeteer issue (see comments of fetchHtml that uses vercel serverless to do scraping using puppeteer.)
- Import/export bms with browsers
- folder locks with encrypted folder details (titles, urls, or anything that is readable and might contain private info)
- TreeView vertical line
- Automatic eas build (trigger GH action)
- Generate Preview builds to get the APKs(eas build -p android --profile preview)
- Upgrade project to latest solito and RN. Use Solito App dir.
- convert to tamagui with custom compoenents that follow MD3 (maybe start tamamui project first)
- 404 page
- Drag to resize left pane in web
- PROFILE MENU OPTIONS (top right dropdown on web / slide-in menu on the right)
- Star on GitHub
- Buy me a Coffee
- Lock folders
- Theme changer (start tamamui project first)
- Report a Issue: this needs two things
- a TextBox UI theme to write in the issue in markdown
- a convex action that will call the GitHub apis to create the issue on repo with the received markdown content