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152 lines (126 loc) · 5.18 KB


Neotest adapter for Java, using JUnit.

LuaRocks GitHub Repo stars


⭐ Features

  • ✅ Maven and Gradle projects
  • ✅ Multimodule projects
  • ✅ Debugging tests with nvim-dap

Check to see what's coming!

🔧 Installation

Install in 3 steps 👟
  1. Make sure you have installed nvim-treesitter parsers. Use :TSInstall java groovy
  2. Add neotest-java to your config:
LazyVim distro installation
return {
    ft = "java",
    dependencies = {
      "mfussenegger/nvim-dap", -- for the debugger
      "rcarriga/nvim-dap-ui", -- recommended
      "theHamsta/nvim-dap-virtual-text", -- recommended
    init = function()
      -- override the default keymaps.
      -- needed until neotest-java is integrated in LazyVim
      local keys = require("lazyvim.plugins.lsp.keymaps").get()
      -- run test file
      keys[#keys + 1] = {"<leader>tt", function() require("neotest")"%")) end, mode = "n" }
      -- run nearest test
      keys[#keys + 1] = {"<leader>tr", function() require("neotest") end, mode = "n" }
      -- debug test file
      keys[#keys + 1] = {"<leader>tD", function() require("neotest"){ strategy = "dap" }) end, mode = "n" }
      -- debug nearest test
      keys[#keys + 1] = {"<leader>td", function() require("neotest"){ vim.fn.expand("%"), strategy = "dap" }) end, mode = "n" }
    dependencies = {
    opts = {
      adapters = {
          ["neotest-java"] = {
            -- config here
lazy.nvim plugin manager
return {
    ft = "java",
    dependencies = {
      "mfussenegger/nvim-dap", -- for the debugger
      "rcarriga/nvim-dap-ui", -- recommended
      "theHamsta/nvim-dap-virtual-text", -- recommended
    dependencies = {
    opts = {
      adapters = {
        ["neotest-java"] = {
          -- config here
  1. Run :NeotestJava setup

⚙️ Configuration

    junit_jar = nil, -- default: stdpath("data") .. /nvim/neotest-java/junit-platform-console-standalone-[version].jar
    incremental_build = true
    java_runtimes = {
        -- there are no runtimes defined by default, if you wish to have neotest-java resolve them based on your environment define them here, one could also define environment variables with the same key/names i.e. `JAVA_HOME_8` or `JAVA_HOME_11` or `JAVA_HOME_17` etc in your zshenv or equivalent.
        ["JAVA_HOME_8"] = "/absolute/path/to/jdk8/home/directory",
        ["JAVA_HOME_11"] = "/absolute/path/to/jdk11/home/directory",
        ["JAVA_HOME_17"] = "/absolute/path/to/jdk17/home/directory",

Note that neotest-java would try it's best to determine the current project's runtime based on the currently running lsp servers, neotest-java supports both native neovim lsp and coc.nvim, it would try to fallback to your project configuration, supports both maven (reading from pom.xml) & gradle (reading from build.gradle or In case the runtime is found but the location of it is not defined, neotest-java would prompt the user to input the absolute directory for the specific runtime version (only once).

:octocat: Contributing

Feel free to contribute to this project by creating issues for bug reports, feature requests, or suggestions.

You can also submit pull requests for any enhancements, bug fixes, or new features.

Your contributions are greatly appreciated. See