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DD Example

This serves as an example project to run to generate metrics, traces, and logs within Datadog.

Setup / Prerequisites

  • install docker
  • install minikube
  • Start Minikube
    • Run: minikube start
    • Run: eval $(minikube docker-env)
      • Sets the docker environment to the one minikube offers instead of the one that you may already have installed in your local environment

Run the example app

Build Docker Images

docker build -t sample_flask:latest ./raw_files/flask/
docker build -t sample_postgres:latest ./raw_files/postgres/

Put API Key secret in minikube

Replace API_KEY with your actual API Key from your Datadog Account.

kubectl create secret generic datadog-api --from-literal=token=API_KEY

Deploy to minikube

  • Run:
    kubectl apply -f postgres_deployment.yaml -f flask_deploy.yaml -f datadog-agent.yaml -f kubernetes

Confirm it works & generate traffic

  • Grab the CLUSTER-IP for flaskapp:
    • kubectl get services
    • Example output:
    ⇒  kubectl get services
    NAME         TYPE        CLUSTER-IP      EXTERNAL-IP   PORT(S)    AGE
    flaskapp     ClusterIP   <none>        5005/TCP   3m11s
    kubernetes   ClusterIP       <none>        443/TCP    32m
    postgres     ClusterIP   <none>        5432/TCP   3m11s
  • SSH into minikube: minikube ssh
  • Hit the flask endpoints:
    curl http://CLUSTER-IP:5005/
    curl http://CLUSTER-IP:5005/bad
    curl http://CLUSTER-IP:5005/query
    curl http://CLUSTER-IP:5005/log
    • where CLUSTER-IP is the one found from the previous command

You will need to hit these endpoints several times to generate traces and logs. If you have not setup logs before, you'll need to go through the setup screen, choose containers, choose kubernetes, then wait until the DD app let's you move to the explorer screen.

Observe in Datadog

In a few minutes, you should be able to see metrics, traces, hosts, logs, etc: