- Galba Tubam habet
Galba has (a) trumpet.
- Tubāsne habet Galba?
Does Galba have (a) trumpet?
- Puellae Cornēliam et Iūliam laudant.
(The) girls priase Cornelia and Julia.
- Litterās nauta videt.
(The) sailor sees letters.
- Nautās Galba convocat.
Galba calls together sailors.
- Quis Galbam videt?
Who sees Galba?
- Quem videt Galba?
Who does Galba see?
- Agricola puellās nunc convocant.
(The) farmer now calls together (the) girls.
- Videntne nautae terram?
Do (the) sailors see land?
- Cornēliam puellae amant.
(The) girls love Cornelia.
- Who is approaching?
Quis appropinquat?
- The sailor and Galba are approaching.
Nauta et Galba appropinquant.
- What has the farmer?
Quid agricola habet?
- The farmer has land.
Agricola habet terram.
- Does Galba praise the farmers?
Laudatne Galba agricolās?
- The girl sees the water and the land.
Puella videt aquam et terram.
- The sailors call together the farmers.
Nautae convocant agricolās.
- Julia now has the letter.
Iulia nunc habet litteram.