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79 lines (43 loc) · 1.62 KB

Lesson XX excercise solutions


  1. Quī id templum aedificāvērunt?

Who built this temple?

  1. Quī lēgātī eōs virōs armāvērunt?

Which lieutentants armed these men?

  1. Quid in eō agrō est?

What is in this field?

  1. Cui dat Mārcus id praemium?

To whom does Marcus give this reward?

  1. Quibus terrīs est Britannia proxima?

Which land is Britain close to?

  1. Quem laudātis?

Whom do you praise?

  1. Quem librum laudāvit Cornēlia?

Which book did Cornelia praise?

  1. Quō gladiō captīvum vulnerāvērunt?

With which sword did they wound the captive?

  1. Quod perīculum nārrās?

Which danger are you telling about?


  1. Who was the messenger of the gods?

Quis nūntius deōrum erat?

  1. What gift did he give to this boy?

Quod dōnum eī puerō dedit?

  1. Whose shield did that slave have?

Scutum cuius is servus habuit.

  1. To whom have they shown the causes of this war?

Cui causās eius bellī demonstravērunt?

  1. Whom have you overcome?

Quem superāvistī?

  1. With what arms have they overcome the Helvetians?

Quibus armīs Helvētiōs superāvērunt?

  1. In which village did they live?

In quō vīcō habitāvērunt?


Mars, the ancestor of the Romans, loved arms, battles & wars. Romulus and Remus, sons of the god of arms, built Rome. And so, battles and wars delighted the minds of the Romans. The Romans worshiped Mercury and Neptune and Vesta. Mercury, messenger of the gods, told the inhabitants of the earth the commands of the gods. Sailors worshiped Neptune, god of waters and the ocean. Women worshipped Vesta, goddess of the hearth, and they prepared many gifts for this goddess.