- Capiet, capit, capiunt.
He will capture, he captures, they capture.
- Iaciō, iaciam, iaciēbam.
I throw, I will throw, I was throwing.
- Cēpērunt, iēcit, iēcimus.
The captured, he threw, we threw.
- Fūgimus, fugimus, dīmīsimus.
We fled, we flee, we sent away.
- Ex conloquiō fugiunt.
They are fleeing from the conference.
- Ab vīcō in agrōs fugient.
The will flee from the city into the fields.
- Dē oppidō ad ōceanum fūgit.
He fled from the town to the ocean.
- Quī litterās ad rēgem mīsērunt?
Who sent letters to the king?
- Dē mūrīs eius oppidī pīla iēcērunt.
They threw javelins from the walls of this town.
- Dēfessōs mīlitēs ex proeliō dīmisit.
He sent the tired soldiers away from the battle.
- Cūr ab eō locō fugis?
Why are you fleeing from this location?
- Carrōs nostrōs capient.
They will capture our wagons.
- He will hurl, they will hurl, they hurl.
Iaciet, iacient, iaciunt.
- You throw, you will throw, you have thrown.
Iacis, iaciēs, iēcistī.
- They wounded the feet of the horsemen.
Pēdēs equitum vulneraverunt.
- I shall hasten from Italy into the province.
Ab Italiā in provinciam properābō.
- Both women and girls were fleeing from the fields.
Et Feminae et puellae ab argīs fugiēbant.
- They have hastened from Germany into Italy.
Ab Germaniā in Italiam properāvērunt.
- He led the tribune to the conference.
Tribunum in conloquium dūxit.