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Lesson XXV


  1. Multis de causis Romani auxilium non miserunt.

On account of many reasons the Romans did not send help.

  1. Lapidibus plllsque eos homines vulneraverunt.

They wounded these men with stones and spears.

  1. Multa vulnera in capitibus et in corporibus habent.

They have many wounds on their heads and on their bodies.

  1. Hodie patres vulneribus filiorum dolebunt.

Today the fathers were grieving on account of the wounds of their sons.

  1. Dux noster magna victoria centuriones laudabit.

Our leader will praise the centurions on account of the big victory.

  1. Perlculum exploratorum milites terruit.

The danger of the scounts terrified the soliders. ?

  1. Turn in muros oppidl ob iniurias non fugiebatis.

Then you did not flee to the walls of the town on account of the injuries.

  1. Propter inopiam cibi 1 magno in perlculo fuimus.

On account of the lack of food we were in great danger.

  1. Legatus equites et pedites ad conloquium duxit.

The lieutenant led the footsoliders and horsemen to the conference.


  1. We have often been tired because of wounds.

Saepe vulneribus erāmus dēfessī.

  1. I shall praise our soldiers because of their courage and zeal.

Milites nostrōs virtūte et studiō laudābō.

  1. Our fathers will fight for a long time and will capture much booty.

Patrēs nostri diū pugnābunt et multam praedam capient.

  1. Which centurion was throwing javelins down from the wall?

Qui centurio pila dē murō iaciēbat.

  1. On account of a lack of food and water Marcus and Galba, the centurions, did not fight with courage.

Ob inopiam cibī et aquae Marcus et Galba, centuriones, non virtūte pugnāvērunt.

  1. My sister is now grieving because the women of Britain are wretched.

Soror mea dolet quod feminae Britaniae miserae sunt.

  1. In the meantime the scouts related the commands of the general.

Interim explōrātōrēs imperiā ducis narraverunt.