- Victoria hostium civis urbis Romae terruit.
The victory of the enemies terrified the citzens of the city of Rome.
- Collis et montis Italiae non vidl.
I did not see the hills and mountains of Italy.
- Exploratores et centuriones ex finibus Sabmorum fugerunt.
The scouts and centurions fleed from the terroritories of the sabines.
- Roman! multas navis et navigia in marl habuerunt.
The romans had many ships and boats on the sea.
- Magno perlculd elves cibum frumentumque in urbem portant.
The citzens are bringing food and grain to the city in great danger.
- Cohortes quoque mittemus et hostis superabimus.
We will also send cohorts and overcome the enemies.
- Propinquum monti erat oppidum.
There was a town close to the mountain.
- Virtus clvium grata duel fuit.
The virtue of the citzens was pleasing to the leader.
- Have we many ships today?
Hodie navis multas habemusne?
- Formerly they lived on the hills and mountains.
In collibus et montibus olim habitāvērunt.
- The territories of the Romans were wide.
Fīnēs Romanorum lātī erunt.
- These citizens are not fit for war.
Illi cives non idonei bellō sunt.
- Our soldiers have captured many cities of Greece.
Militēs nostri multa oppida graciae cēpērunt
- Who are throwing javelins down from the walls of the cities ?
Quis de muris oppidorum pila iaciunt?
- Boys see great fires in the city.
Pueri in oppido īgnīs magnos vident.