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Porsena, Romanorum hostis, rex fuit clarus.

Porsena, enemy of the romans, was a famous king.

Olim urbem Romam obsidebat.

Once he was beseiging the city of Rome.

Magnus erat terror Romanorum, quod Porsena multos milites habebat.

Great was the terror of the Romans, for Porsena had many soldiers.

Timidae feminae. in templis deos adorabant.

Frightened women worshipped gods in templates.

Sed virtus validi viri Romam defendit.

But the virtue of a strong man defended Rome.

Nam paucis cum sociis pro ponte Sublicio Horatius hostis sustinuit.

For with few allies Horatius held in check the enemies in front of the Sublician bridge.

Cives interim a tergo pontem solvunt et rescindunt.

Meanwhile citzens at the back loosened and broke down the bridge.

Tum socios Horatius dimittit et pontem contra hostis defendit.

Then Horatius sent away the allies and defended the bridge against the enemies.

Tandem decidit pons, et inter pila hostium Horatius in Tiberim desilit et ad socios natat.

Finally the bridge fell and Horatius jumped down into the Tiber among the spears of the enemies and swam to the allies.

Id exemplum virtutis Romamservavit.

This example of virtue saved Rome.

Hodie facta Horati laudamus.

Today we praise the deeds of Horatius.


Hispania et Gallia et Germania erant nationes Europae.

Spain and Gaul and Germany were tribes of Europe.

Proxima oceano erat Hispania.

Spain was close to the ocean.

Galli inter Hispaniam et Germaniam,GermanI trans Rhenum incolebant.

The gauls dwelled between Spain and Germany, the Germans across the Rhine.

German!paucos vlcos etiam in Gallia habebant.

At the time, the Germans had few villages in Gaul.

Quod eae nationes hostes erant, Roman! cum Hispanls et Gallis et Germanis saepe pugnaverunt.

BEcause these nations were enemies, the Romans often fought with the SPanish, the Gauls and the Germans.

Inter Galliam et mare erat nova provincia Romae.

Between Gaul and the sea was a new province of Rome.

Incolae eius provinciae iniurias Gallorum diu sustinuerunt.

The inhabitants of this province sustained for a long time the damage of the Gauls.

Tandem ab Romanis auxilium postulaverunt ; nam Helvetios finitimos mag- nopere timebant.

Finally they demanded help from the Romans, for they were greatly scared of the neighboring Helvetians.

Helvetii non solum provinciae sed etiam Ger- manis inimici erant et cum Germanis cotidianis fere proeliis contendebant.

The Helvetians were not only unfriendly to the province but also to the Germans, and with the Germans struggled almost daily in battles.