- ruby
- rake
- bundler
Setup data dir + run bundler with:
$ rake setup
Once you've created an account, register the application with Twitter:
Note the consumer key & consumer secret on the application page, follow the "My Access Token" link, and note the access token and access secret.
Create a config.yaml
with the previously noted details:
:consumer_token: "consumer_token_of_doom"
:consumer_secret: "consumer_secret_of_doom"
:access_token: "accces_token_of_doom"
:access_secret: "access_secret_of_doom"
set up a cron job:
$ crontab -e
*/15 * * * * /path/to/project/nswbushfires.sh
gets latest current incidents list from RFS GeoRSS feed, extracts
data from it, and writes it out in YAML.
compares the last two YAML files, and posts the differences to
Twitter. Also builds a shortened GMaps url for viewing incident location, and
embeds lat/lng data in Twitter update.
wraps both, making it suitable for running out of cron.
Standalone server PagerDuty notifications
- if no notification has been sent in the last 24 hours
- if there are Twitter failures (posting, authentication)
Web interface to review updates
cap deploy