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This registry extension resource type deletes all contents of a bucket when the resource is deleted.

Use this resource with caution! In the sample below we show how to incorporate a condition to avoid deleting contents from a production environment.

Sample template

    Description: Environment type.
    Default: alpha
    Type: String
      - alpha
      - beta
      - gamma
      - prod
    ConstraintDescription: Specify alpha, beta, gamma, or prod
  IsNotProd: !Not 
    - !Equals
      - !Ref EnvType
      - prod
    Type: AWS::S3::Bucket
    Condition: IsNotProd
    Type: AwsCommunity::S3::DeleteBucketContents
      BucketName: !Ref Bucket


In order to use this resource, you will need to activate it in each account and region where you want to incorporate it into CloudFormation templates.

  1. Log in to the AWS Console
  2. Got to CloudFormation and select Public extensions from the menu. Choose Third party under Publisher.
  3. Select AwsCommunity::S3::DeleteBucketContents

  1. Click on the Activate button.
  2. On the following screen, you must enter an execution role ARN. It appears optional in the user interface, but it is not. Stack creation will fail if you do not create a role and enter the ARN here. The easiest way to create this role is to deploy the resource-role-prod.yaml template, which creates a role with the necessary permissions. An Administrator role will not work, since it does not have the right trust policy, and is not recommended since it is not scoped down to only what is required for the resource handlers to work.
  3. Click Activate Extension
  4. Repeat this process for all other regions and accounts where you want to use the resource.


Open two tabs in your terminal.

Create a virtual environment.

cd resources/BucketNotification
python3 -m venv .env
source .env/bin/activate
pip install -r requirements-dev.txt

In the other tab, run SAM local:

cd resources/BucketNotification
source .env/bin/activaate
sam local start-lambda

Keep in mind that SAM local testing only simulates lambda locally, it will make SDK calls into your account and create resources!

Create the setup stack so that contract tests have something to interact with in your account.

aws cloudformation create-stack --stack-name bucketnotification-setup \
    --template-body file://test/setup.yml

In the first tab:


If you don't have a default profile set up on your machine, you can do this:

AWS_PROFILE=my-profile ./

The script runs pylint and does a cfn submit --dry-run, which is necessary to create the build folder that SAM relies on.

There is also an integ test you can run to test the SDK calls without using SAM. It also creates resources in your account.

cd src
python3 --profile your-aws-profile-name