diff --git a/udp-nlb-sample/README.md b/udp-nlb-sample/README.md index 4d5dfe6..8164390 100644 --- a/udp-nlb-sample/README.md +++ b/udp-nlb-sample/README.md @@ -2,5 +2,5 @@ This project uses [supertuxkart](../supertuxkart) as a UDP game server and deploy it to EKS in highly-availible mode. It uses NLB UDP IPv4 support. NLB supports UDP but requires the [target group](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/elasticloadbalancing/latest/network/load-balancer-target-groups.html) health check to use TCP which requires the game publisher to add TCP endpoint in the game server container and reconcile the UDP socket server health with the TCP endpoint. This example simplifies this part by: * [udp-health-probe](https://github.com/aws-samples/containerized-game-servers/blob/master/udp-nlb-sample/stk/udp-health-probe.py) that test the UDP socket server health. -* The project offers two deployment methods of the side-car TCP server. The first uses static [sidecar container](./nginx-static-sidecar), the second, [nginx-inject-sidecar](./nginx-inject-sidecar), deploys TCP endpoint as a sidecar prior to the game-server pod object by using [MutatingAdminssionWebhook](https://kubernetes.io/docs/admin/admission-controllers/#mutatingadmissionwebhook-beta-in-19) +* The project offers two deployment methods of the side-car TCP server. The first uses [static sidecar container](./nginx-static-sidecar), the second, [nginx-inject-sidecar](./nginx-inject-sidecar), deploys TCP endpoint as a sidecar prior to the game-server pod object by using [MutatingAdminssionWebhook](https://kubernetes.io/docs/admin/admission-controllers/#mutatingadmissionwebhook-beta-in-19)