This project demonstrates the use of the Diamante SDK to perform various operations on the Diamante blockchain network, including creating accounts, making payments, managing data, and setting options.
To set up the backend, follow these steps:
Clone the repository:
git clone
Navigate to the backend directory and install dependencies:
cd diamante-js-sdk-sample/diamante-demo npm install
Start the backend server:
node index.js
The backend server will be running at http://localhost:3001.
- Endpoint:
- Method:
- Description: Generates a new keypair.
- Response:
- Endpoint: /fund-account
- Method: POST
- Description: Funds the account using Friendbot.
- Request:
- Response:
"message": "Account GCPH3KD3HEEWVBH4TH4RCV7RM5SRSKRTTX0FQQF6EK3QDFSWM73LYXUD funded successfully"
- Endpoint: /make-payment
- Method: POST
- Description: Makes a payment from one account to another.
- Request:
"amount": "10"
- Response:
"message": "Payment of 10 DIAM made to GCPH3KD3HEEWVBH4TH4RCV7RM5SRSKRTTX0FQQF6EK3QDFSWM73LYXUD successfully"
- Endpoint: /manage-data
- Method: POST
- Description: Sets or deletes a key-value pair on an account.
- Request:
"key": "example_key",
"value": "example_value"
- Response:
"message": "Data for key example_key managed successfully"
- Endpoint: /set-options
- Method: POST
- Description: Sets various account options.
- Request:
"homeDomain": "",
"lowThreshold": "1",
"medThreshold": "2",
"highThreshold": "3"
- Response:
"message": "Options set successfully"
To set up the frontend, follow these steps:
Navigate to the frontend directory and install dependencies:
cd diamante-js-sdk-sample/front
npm install
Start the frontend development server:
npm start
Open your browser and navigate to http://localhost:3000.
Create Account Navigate to the "Create Account" page. Click "Generate Keypair" to create a new keypair. Click "Get Test DIAM" to fund the account using Friendbot.
Payments Navigate to the "Payments" page. Enter the sender's secret key, receiver's public key, and amount. Click "Make Payment" to initiate the transaction.
Manage Data Navigate to the "Manage Data" page. Enter the sender's secret key, key, and value. Click "Manage Data" to set or delete the key-value pair.
Set Options Navigate to the "Set Options" page. Enter the sender's secret key, inflation destination, home domain, and thresholds. Click "Set Options" to update the account options.