- B - build menu (same as clicking command center button or pressing enter)
- ESC - return to build menu. This is your panic button!
- T ent
- C ottage
- S tone house
- H unter
- F isherman
- W ood
- Q uarry
- f A rm
- oil platform (e X on-mobile, the oil company)
- T esla tower
- (W ind)mill
- W arehouse
- woo D workshop
- S tone workshop
- F oundry
- M arket
- B ank
- B arracks (solider's center)
- G reat ballista
- lookout ( T elescope) tower
- R adar tower
- E ngineering center
- S hock tower
- e X ecutor
Too much repetition, I went with a grid layout instead
- Q - wooden wall
- W - wooden tower
- E - wooden gate
- A - stone wall
- S - stone tower
- D - stone gate
- F - wood spikes
- V - barbed wire