fn fib(n: u32) -> u128 {
let mut a: u128 = 0;
let mut b: u128 = 1;
let mut sum: u128;
for _ in 1..n {
sum = a + b;
a = b;
b = sum;
Running powdr-riscv executor in fast mode...
Fast executor took: 322.353291ms
Trace length: 2861
Loading program ZK setup.
Running witness and proof generation for 1 chunks...
[00:00:04 (ETA: 00:00:00)] ████████████████████ 100% - 128667 rows/s, 9392k identities/s, 100% progressGenerating proof...
Proof generation took: 4.351545417s
Running powdr-riscv executor in fast mode...
Fast executor took: 314.574625ms
Trace length: 2861
Loading program ZK setup.
Running witness and proof generation for 1 chunks...
[00:00:05 (ETA: 00:00:00)] ████████████████████ 100% - 129299 rows/s, 9438k identities/s, 100% progressGenerating proof...
Proof generation took: 4.53269075s
Running powdr-riscv executor in fast mode...
Fast executor took: 317.027167ms
Trace length: 2903
Creating program ZK setup. This has to be done only once per program.
Running witness and proof generation for 1 chunks...
[00:00:06 (ETA: 00:00:00)] ████████████████████ 100% - 126871 rows/s, 9261k identities/s, 100% progressGenerating proof...
Proof generation took: 4.686578958s
Running powdr-riscv executor in fast mode...
Fast executor took: 373.51425ms
Trace length: 2990
Loading program ZK setup.
Running witness and proof generation for 1 chunks...
[00:00:05 (ETA: 00:00:00)] ████████████████████ 100% - 125172 rows/s, 9137k identities/s, 100% progressGenerating proof...
Proof generation took: 4.856331542s
Running powdr-riscv executor in fast mode...
Fast executor took: 320.073541ms
Trace length: 2990
Loading program ZK setup.
Running witness and proof generation for 1 chunks...
[00:00:04 (ETA: 00:00:00)] ████████████████████ 100% - 127210 rows/s, 9286k identities/s, 100% progressGenerating proof...
Proof generation took: 8.6471005s
Running powdr-riscv executor in fast mode...
Fast executor took: 347.174625ms
Trace length: 3040
Loading program ZK setup.
Running witness and proof generation for 1 chunks...
[00:00:04 (ETA: 00:00:00)] ████████████████████ 100% - 121862 rows/s, 8895k identities/s, 100% progressGenerating proof...
Proof generation took: 9.044389709s
fn sha2(input: &[u8]) -> [u8; 32] {
let mut hasher = Sha256::new();
let result = hasher.finalize();
Into::<[u8; 32]>::into(result)
Running powdr-riscv executor in fast mode...
Fast executor took: 361.698625ms
Trace length: 8255
Creating program ZK setup. This has to be done only once per program.
Running witness and proof generation for 1 chunks...
[00:00:04 (ETA: 00:00:00)] ████████████████████ 100% - 131337 rows/s, 9587k identities/s, 100% progressGenerating proof...
Proof generation took: 12.130208666s=
Running powdr-riscv executor in fast mode...
Fast executor took: 389.0595ms
Trace length: 73731
Creating program ZK setup. This has to be done only once per program.
Running witness and proof generation for 1 chunks...
[00:00:08 (ETA: 00:00:00)] ████████████████████ 100% - 125203 rows/s, 9139k identities/s, 100% progressGenerating proof...
Proof generation took: 9.071026708s
Running powdr-riscv executor in fast mode...
Fast executor took: 484.632584ms
Trace length: 347165
Creating program ZK setup. This has to be done only once per program.
Running witness and proof generation for 2 chunks...
[00:00:31 (ETA: 00:00:00)] ████████████████████ 100% - 9131 rows/s, 773k identities/s, 92% progressGenerating proof...
Proof generation took: 36.286408167s
[00:00:13 (ETA: 00:00:00)] ████████████████████ 100% - 120656 rows/s, 8807k identities/s, 100% progressGenerating proof...
Proof generation took: 14.808813125s
Running powdr-riscv executor in fast mode...
Fast executor took: 604.942042ms
Trace length: 685802
Creating program ZK setup. This has to be done only once per program.
Running witness and proof generation for 3 chunks...
[00:00:24 (ETA: 00:00:00)] ████████████████████ 100% - 12718 rows/s, 1082k identities/s, 92% progressGenerating proof...
Proof generation took: 14.953730666s
[00:00:17 (ETA: 00:00:00)] ████████████████████ 100% - 5848 rows/s, 485k identities/s, 91% progressGenerating proof...
Proof generation took: 15.406207208s
[00:00:16 (ETA: 00:00:00)] ████████████████████ 100% - 127210 rows/s, 9286k identities/s, 100% progressGenerating proof...
Proof generation took: 15.174332083s
use sha2::{Digest, Sha256};
use hex;
pub struct MerkleTree {
leaves: Vec<[u8; 32]>,
tree_levels: Vec<Vec<[u8; 32]>>,
impl MerkleTree {
pub fn new(leaves: Vec<[u8; 32]>) -> Self {
let mut tree = MerkleTree {
tree_levels: Vec::new(),
fn build_tree(&mut self) {
if self.leaves.is_empty() {
let mut curr_level: Vec<[u8; 32]> = self.leaves.iter().map(|leaf| sha256_hash(leaf)).collect();
while curr_level.len() > 1 {
let mut next_level: Vec<[u8; 32]> = Vec::with_capacity((curr_level.len() + 1) / 2);
for chunk in curr_level.chunks(2) {
if chunk.len() == 2 {
let combined = [&chunk[0][..], &chunk[1][..]].concat();
} else {
curr_level = next_level;
pub fn get_root(&self) -> [u8; 32] {
if self.tree_levels.is_empty() {
return [0; 32];
pub fn get_proof(&self, index: usize) -> Vec<[u8; 32]> {
let mut proof = Vec::new();
let mut idx = index;
for level in &self.tree_levels {
if level.len() <= 1 {
let sibling_index = if idx % 2 == 0 { idx + 1 } else { idx - 1 };
if sibling_index < level.len() {
idx /= 2;
fn sha256_hash(data: &[u8]) -> [u8; 32] {
let mut hasher = Sha256::new();
let result = hasher.finalize();
pub fn generate_merkle_proof(leaves_base_2: u32) -> u32 {
let total_leaves = 2_usize.pow(leaves_base_2);
let leaves = vec![[0u8; 32]; total_leaves];
let tree = MerkleTree::new(leaves);
let root = hex::encode(tree.get_root());
let leaf_idx: usize = 1;
let proof = tree.get_proof(leaf_idx).iter().map(|hash| hex::encode(hash)).collect::<Vec<String>>();
println!("Merkle tree with {} leaves has root {}", total_leaves, root);
println!("Proof for leaf at index {} is {:?}", leaf_idx, proof);
Running powdr-riscv executor in fast mode...
Merkle tree with 4 leaves has root 1223349a40d2ee10bd1bebb5889ef8018c8bc13359ed94b387810af96c6e4268
Proof for leaf at index 1 is ["66687aadf862bd776c8fc18b8e9f8e20089714856ee233b3902a591d0d5f2925", "2eeb74a6177f588d80c0c752b99556902ddf9682d0b906f5aa2adbaf8466a4e9"]
Fast executor took: 820.184375ms
Trace length: 76906
Creating program ZK setup. This has to be done only once per program.
Merkle tree with 4 leaves has root 1223349a40d2ee10bd1bebb5889ef8018c8bc13359ed94b387810af96c6e4268
Proof for leaf at index 1 is ["66687aadf862bd776c8fc18b8e9f8e20089714856ee233b3902a591d0d5f2925", "2eeb74a6177f588d80c0c752b99556902ddf9682d0b906f5aa2adbaf8466a4e9"]
Merkle tree with 4 leaves has root 1223349a40d2ee10bd1bebb5889ef8018c8bc13359ed94b387810af96c6e4268
Proof for leaf at index 1 is ["66687aadf862bd776c8fc18b8e9f8e20089714856ee233b3902a591d0d5f2925", "2eeb74a6177f588d80c0c752b99556902ddf9682d0b906f5aa2adbaf8466a4e9"]
Running witness and proof generation for 1 chunks...
[00:00:08 (ETA: 00:00:14)] ████████░░░░░░░░░░░░ 41% - 23084 rows/s, 1785k identities/s, 89% progressMerkle tree with 4 leaves has root 1223349a40d2ee10bd1bebb5889ef8018c8bc13
[00:00:08 (ETA: 00:00:13)] ████████░░░░░░░░░░░░ 43% - 24509 rows/s, 1877k identities/s, 89% progressProof for leaf at index 1 is ["66687aadf862bd776c8fc18b8e9f8e20089714856ee233b3902a591d0d5f2925", "2eeb74a6177f588d80c0c752b99556902ddf9682d0b906f5aa2adbaf8466a4
[00:00:08 (ETA: 00:00:00)] ████████████████████ 100% - 131216 rows/s, 9578k identities/s, 100% progressGenerating proof...
Proof generation took: 10.842923834s
use starknet_crypto::poseidon_hash_single;
use starknet_types_core::felt::Felt;
/// Ref: https://github.com/xJonathanLEI/starknet-rs/blob/master/starknet-crypto/benches/poseidon_hash.rs
pub fn poseidon_hash() {
let input = &[5u8; 32];
let elem = Felt::from_bytes_be(input);
let hash = poseidon_hash_single(elem).to_fixed_hex_string();
1st Run
Running powdr-riscv executor in fast mode...
Fast executor took: 509.251917ms
Trace length: 286652
Loading program ZK setup.
Running witness and proof generation for 2 chunks...
[00:00:22 (ETA: 00:00:00)] ████████████████████ 100% - 20454 rows/s, 1637k identities/s, 89% progressGenerating proof...
Proof generation took: 13.594827208s
[00:00:08 (ETA: 00:00:00)] ████████████████████ 100% - 124533 rows/s, 9090k identities/s, 100% progressGenerating proof...
Proof generation took: 7.946486125s
2nd Run
Running powdr-riscv executor in fast mode...
Fast executor took: 512.843792ms
Trace length: 286652
Creating program ZK setup. This has to be done only once per program.
Running witness and proof generation for 2 chunks...
[00:00:28 (ETA: 00:00:00)] ████████████████████ 100% - 18141 rows/s, 1452k identities/s, 89% progressGenerating proof...
Proof generation took: 28.434556708s
[00:00:09 (ETA: 00:00:00)] ████████████████████ 100% - 111544 rows/s, 8142k identities/s, 100% progressGenerating proof...
Proof generation took: 9.714906s
Fast executor took: 1.063086s
Trace length: 836956
Creating program ZK setup. This has to be done only once per program.
Running witness and proof generation for 4 chunks...
[00:00:47 (ETA: 00:00:00)] ████████████████████ 100% - 11408 rows/s, 916k identities/s, 89% progress Generating proof...
Proof generation took: 30.177880459s
[00:00:37 (ETA: 00:00:00)] ████████████████████ 100% - 12310 rows/s, 989k identities/s, 89% progress Generating proof...
Proof generation took: 46.75899225s
[00:00:45 (ETA: 00:00:00)] ████████████████████ 100% - 11411 rows/s, 900k identities/s, 89% progress Generating proof...
Proof generation took: 45.871270584s
[00:00:22 (ETA: 00:00:00)] ████████████████████ 100% - 77261 rows/s, 5640k identities/s, 100% progress Generating proof...
Proof generation took: 48.474264875s
Running powdr-riscv executor in fast mode...
Fast executor took: 7.05421125s
Trace length: 4744346
Creating program ZK setup. This has to be done only once per program.
Running witness and proof generation for 20 chunks...
[00:00:42 (ETA: 00:00:00)] ████████████████████ 100% - 8655 rows/s, 679k identities/s, 89% progress Generating proof...
Proof generation took: 25.221509833s
[00:00:24 (ETA: 00:00:00)] ████████████████████ 100% - 12150 rows/s, 984k identities/s, 89% progress Generating proof...
Proof generation took: 21.510615667s
[00:00:37 (ETA: 00:00:00)] ████████████████████ 100% - 13405 rows/s, 1057k identities/s, 89% progress Generating proof...
Proof generation took: 26.149253666s
[00:00:24 (ETA: 00:00:00)] ████████████████████ 100% - 12484 rows/s, 1000k identities/s, 89% progress Generating proof...
Proof generation took: 24.792396041s
[00:00:41 (ETA: 00:00:00)] ████████████████████ 100% - 8132 rows/s, 670k identities/s, 91% progress Generating proof...
Proof generation took: 24.947313333s
[00:00:40 (ETA: 00:00:00)] ████████████████████ 100% - 12225 rows/s, 978k identities/s, 89% progress Generating proof...
Proof generation took: 33.005294167s
[00:00:29 (ETA: 00:00:00)] ████████████████████ 100% - 13306 rows/s, 1049k identities/s, 89% progress Generating proof...
Proof generation took: 30.326178959s
[00:00:32 (ETA: 00:00:00)] ████████████████████ 100% - 8591 rows/s, 693k identities/s, 89% progress Generating proof...
Proof generation took: 27.267400792s
[00:00:23 (ETA: 00:00:00)] ████████████████████ 100% - 13160 rows/s, 1035k identities/s, 89% progress Generating proof...
Proof generation took: 24.200584084s
[00:00:08 (ETA: 00:01:55)] █░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░ 8% - 2326 rows/s, 478k identities/s, 94% progress
[00:00:08 (ETA: 00:01:55)] █░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░ 8% - 3015 rows/s, 390k identities/s, 92% progre
[00:00:30 (ETA: 00:00:00)] ████████████████████ 100% - 14048 rows/s, 1098k identities/s, 89% progressGenerating proof...
Proof generation took: 26.932177417s
[00:00:25 (ETA: 00:00:00)] ████████████████████ 100% - 13054 rows/s, 1019k identities/s, 89% progressGenerating proof...
Proof generation took: 26.9118305s
[00:00:38 (ETA: 00:00:00)] ████████████████████ 100% - 12686 rows/s, 1010k identities/s, 89% progressGenerating proof...
Proof generation took: 29.311177792s
[00:00:27 (ETA: 00:00:00)] ████████████████████ 100% - 10941 rows/s, 874k identities/s, 89% progressGenerating proof...
Proof generation took: 36.746900708s
[00:00:25 (ETA: 00:00:00)] ████████████████████ 100% - 11605 rows/s, 950k identities/s, 89% progressGenerating proof...
Proof generation took: 34.97565475s
[00:00:25 (ETA: 00:00:00)] ████████████████████ 100% - 12718 rows/s, 1018k identities/s, 89% progressGenerating proof...
Proof generation took: 29.520409708s
[00:00:28 (ETA: 00:00:00)] ████████████████████ 100% - 11393 rows/s, 931k identities/s, 89% progressGenerating proof...
Proof generation took: 28.32494225s
[00:00:24 (ETA: 00:00:00)] ████████████████████ 100% - 13034 rows/s, 1035k identities/s, 89% progressGenerating proof...
Proof generation took: 23.711504292s
[00:00:24 (ETA: 00:00:00)] ████████████████████ 100% - 11986 rows/s, 968k identities/s, 90% progressGenerating proof...
Proof generation took: 24.198188417s
[00:00:26 (ETA: 00:00:00)] ████████████████████ 100% - 11428 rows/s, 940k identities/s, 89% progressGenerating proof...
Proof generation took: 29.701452125s
[00:00:20 (ETA: 00:00:00)] ████████████████████ 100% - 80243 rows/s, 5857k identities/s, 100% progressGenerating proof...
Proof generation took: 41.262138375s