The commit message format specified by the conventional
standard is enforced by husky as a git hook on commit-msg
to run
You can create a ~/.gitmessage
file with the following contents so that it is
automatically included with your editor when you create a commit message. Handy
to get a summary of the formatting rules.
# Please use the following guidelines to format all your commit
# messages:
# <type>(<scope>): <subject>
# <body>
# <footer>
# Please note that:
# - The HEADER is a single line of max. 50 characters that
# contains a succinct description of the change. It contains a
# type, an optional scope, and a subject
# + <type> describes the kind of change that this commit is
# providing. Allowed types are:
# * feat (feature)
# * fix (bug fix)
# * docs (documentation)
# * style (formatting, missing semicolons, …)
# * refactor
# * test (when adding missing tests)
# * chore (maintain)
# + <scope> can be anything specifying the place of the commit
# change
# + <subject> is a very short description of the change, in
# the following format:
# * imperative, present tense: “change” not
# “changed”/“changes”
# * no capitalised first letter
# * no dot (.) at the end
# - The BODY should include the motivation for the change and
# contrast this with previous behavior and must be phrased in
# imperative present tense
# - The FOOTER other than BREAKING CHANGE: <description> may be provided
# and follow a convention similar to git trailer format.
# See for more information
See How to release