Set following ENV variables.
export OST_INFRA_AWS_ACCESS_KEY=' <AWS IAM access key>'
export OST_INFRA_AWS_KEY_SECRET=' <AWS IAM key secret>'
export OST_INFRA_AWS_REGION=' eu-west-1'
export OST_INFRA_AWS_ACCOUNT_ID=401473291306
export OST_INFRA_AWS_KMS_KEY_ID=' <AWS KMS key id>'
export OST_INFRA_MYSQL_HOST=' localhost'
export OST_INFRA_MYSQL_USER=' infra_user'
export OST_INFRA_MYSQL_PASSWORD=' <DB Password>'
export OST_INFRA_WORKSPACE=' <Workspace directory path>'
Create SSH tunnel to connect to ost infra DB.
ssh -o ExitOnForwardFailure=yes -L 3308:< MySQL Host> :3306 -N -f
Create and update platform configuration data
Create platform configuration if not created. [p1]
cd " <app root directory >/ost-infra"
node executables/utils/platform.js --create --platform-id {platformId} --aws-account-id {accountId} --aws-region {region} --env {env} --sub-env {sub_env}
Get platform configuration data in a file (If your system responds to open
command, then the file will open in editor else you have to copy the file path and open it in respective editor). [p2]
cd " <app root directory >/ost-infra"
node executables/utils/platform.js --get --platform-id {platformId} --env {env} --sub-env {sub_env}
Update platform configuration data from the file. [p3]
cd " <app root directory >/ost-infra"
node executables/utils/platform.js --update --platform-id {platformId} --env {env} --sub-env {sub_env}
Create and update application configuration data
Create application configuration if not created yet. [ac1]
cd " <app root directory >/ost-infra"
node executables/utils/app_config.js --create --platform-id {platformId} --env {env} --sub-env {sub_env} --app {app_name}
Get application configuration data in a file (If your system responds to open
command, then the file will open in editor else you have to copy the file path and open it in respective editor). [ac2]
cd " <app root directory >/ost-infra"
node executables/utils/app_config.js --get --platform-id {platformId} --env {env} --sub-env {sub_env} --app {app_name}
Update application configuration data from the file. [ac3]
cd " <app root directory >/ost-infra"
node executables/utils/app_config.js --update --platform-id {platformId} --env {env} --sub-env {sub_env} --app {app_name}
EC2 instances for applications
Create application stack from template (defined in ost-infra/templates/app_setup/production/app_stack_template.json
) [as1]
cd " <app root directory >/ost-infra"
node executables/utils/app_setup.js --create-app-stack --platform-id {platformId} --env {env} --sub-env {sub_env} --app {app_name}
Create multiple instances of single app. [as2]
cd " <app root directory >/ost-infra"
node executables/utils/app_setup.js --create-app-stack --platform-id {platformId} --env {env} --sub-env {sub_env} --app {app_name} --app-name {app_name} --app-type {app/cron} --app-count {number_of_servers}
Run app Configuration changes from Ansible
Setup application server. [a1]
cd " <app root directory >/ost-infra"
node executables/utils/ansible.js --app-setup --platform-id {platformId} --env {env} --sub-env {sub_env} --app {app_name}
Create build for application [a2]
cd " <app root directory >/ost-infra"
node executables/utils/ansible.js --build --platform-id {platformId} --env {env} --sub-env {sub_env} --app {app_name} --branch-name {branch_name}
Deploy build on application servers. [a3]
cd " <app root directory >/ost-infra"
node executables/utils/ansible.js --deploy --platform-id {platformId} --env {env} --sub-env {sub_env} --app {app_name} --build-number {build_number}
Activate systemd services on servers. [a4]
cd " <app root directory >/ost-infra"
node executables/utils/ansible.js --activate-services --platform-id {platformId} --env {env} --sub-env {sub_env} --app {app_name}
Example: Steps to create new app from scratch.
Create platform config if not exists. Follow steps mentioned in p1, p2 and p3
Create application configuration first. Follow steps mentioned in ac1, ac2 and ac3
Add EC2 instance template for application in file ost-infra/templates/app_setup/production/app_stack_template.json
Add cron job configs (if any) to file ost-infra/config/ansible/inventory_configs.js
Create AWS config file for the application at the following location ost-infra/config/aws/${env}/${app_name}.json
Create application constant JS file at the following location config/aws/{app_name}.js
Create EC2 instances for application. Run Step as1
Setup EC2 instances for application. Run Step a1
Create build for application. Run Step a2
Activate systemd services on servers. Run Step a4
Deploy build to application servers. Run Step a3