Currently, all examples are from the nearby region of Salt Lake City, Utah, USA. The naming of examples follows {location}-{terrain type}-{oil type}-{additional setting}.
There are three files Under each example folder:
: it serves as the configuration file of the simulation.roughness.txt
: all examples use a Darcy-Weisbach model that considers surface roughness. This file provides roughness information to the model, though the values are simply0.1
: this is an animation of the flow to give users a sense of how their results should look.
For the details of
, please refer to the documentation.
To run an example, do
$ OMP_NUM_THREADS={number of CPU threads to use} geoclaw-landspill run {path to a case folder}
To create the animation.gif
s shown below, do
$ geoclaw-landspill plotdepth --use-sat {path to a case folder}
This command only creates frames used by the animations. The frames are saved
in the folder _plots/sat/level02/
under each case. Finally, we use
to combine frames into a GIF animation file:
$ ffmpeg \
-i {case folder}/_plots/sat/level02/frame00%03d.png \
-vf "fps=20,split[s0][s1];[s0]palettegen[p];[s1][p]paletteuse" \
{filename to save the resulting animation}
For a more serious analysis, users should consider creating a temporal NetCDF raster file for each case with
$ geoclaw-landspill createnc {path to a case folder}
The resulting NetCDF file will be at _output/{case name}
Gasoline without evaporation on flat terrain.
Gasoline with evaporation on flat terrain. File _output/evaporated_fluid.dat
stores the total volume evaporated at the end of the simulation.
Maya crude oil without evaporation on flat terrain.
Maya crude oil with evaporation on flat terrain. File _output/evaporated_fluid.dat
stores the total volume evaporated at the end of the simulation.
Maya crude oil on hilly terrain. Evaporation is on, but the in-land waterbody (a creek in this case) is turned off to see how the solver works with a drainage system.
Maya crude oil on hilly terrain. Evaporation is on. The in-land waterbody
(a creek in this case) is on. The creek catches all oil.
records contact points and the fluid volumes flowing
into waterbodies at the contact points.
Maya crude oil on flat terrain but with some structures in the area. Both evaporation and in-land waterbodies are on.
Gasoline above land surrounded by in-land waterbodies.
records contact points and the fluid volumes flowing
into waterbodies at the contact points. The evaporation is off.
Gasoline above land surrounded by in-land waterbodies.
records contact points and the fluid volumes flowing
into waterbodies at the contact points. The evaporation is on.
Maya crude oil above land surrounded by in-land waterbodies.
records contact points and the fluid volumes flowing
into waterbodies at the contact points. The evaporation is off.
Maya crude oil above land surrounded by in-land waterbodies.
records contact points and the fluid volumes flowing
into waterbodies at the contact points. The evaporation is on.