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segment_liftover Manual

segment_liftover is a Python tool for converting segments between genome assemblies without break them apart. See the main README for introduction and installation.


Usage: segment_liftover [OPTIONS]

  -i, --input_dir TEXT            The directory to start processing.
  -o, --output_dir TEXT           The directory to write new files.
  -c, --chain_file TEXT           Specify the chain file name.
  -si, --segment_input_file TEXT  Specify the segment input file name.
  -so, --segment_output_file TEXT
                                  Specify the segment output file name.
  -pi, --probe_input_file TEXT    Specify the probe input file name.
  -po, --probe_output_file TEXT   Specify the probe output file name.
  -l, --liftover TEXT             Specify the location of the UCSC liftover
  -t, --test_mode INTEGER         Only process a limited number of files.
  -f, --file_indexing             Only generate the index file.
  -x, --index_file FILENAME       Specify an index file containing file paths.
  -m, --mapping_file FILENAME     Specify a pre-defined file of position
  --step_size INTEGER             The step size of approximate conversion (in
                                  bases, default:400).
  --range INTEGER                 The searching range of approximate
                                  conversion (in kilo bases, default:10).
  --beta FLOAT                    Parameter in quality control.
  --no_approximate_conversion     Do not perform approximate conversion.
  --new_segment_header TEXT...    Specify 4 new column names for new segment
  --new_probe_header TEXT...      Specify 3 new column names for new probe
  --resume TEXT...                Specify a index file and a progress file to
                                  resume an interrupted job.
  --demo TEXT                     Copy example files to a user defined
                                  directory and run a demonstration.
  --log_path TEXT                 Specify the directory to write logging
  --help                          Show this message and exit.

Required options

segment_liftover is designed for batch processing, therefore, it requires the user to provide both input and output directories, and a pattern of the input file.

input directory

-i, --input_dir TEXT

The root directory of all the files that need to be processed. The program will traverse all the sub-directories and index all the files that match the user-defined pattern.

output directory

-o, --output_dir TEXT 

Where the converted files should be stored. It keeps the same directory structure as input directory.

UCSC liftOver program

-l, --liftover TEXT

segment_liftover depends on the UCSC liftOver program. segment_liftover looks for liftOver in system path by default. User can also manually provide the path of liftOver.

chain file

-c, --chain_file TEXT

segment_liftover uses the UCSC liftOver program to perform the basic conversion. Since liftOver requires a chain file for conversion, so does the segment_liftover.

Common human chain files are provided by segment_liftover as key words: hg18ToHg19, hg18ToHg38, hg19ToHg38, hg19ToHg18, hg38ToHg19.

You can find other chain files here.

segment input file & probe input file

-si, --segment_input_file TEXT
-pi, --probe_input_file TEXT

At lease one input file need to be given. It will be used for the automatic file traversal and discovery in the input directory.

The TEXT is interpreted as a regular expression.

As a regular expression, the input segment.tsv actually means segment?tsv. But most of the time, this should not be a problem.

Other options

segment output file & probe output file

-so, --segment_output_file TEXT
-po, --probe_output_file TEXT

When specified, the output files will be renamed, otherwise, the input file name will be adopted.

generate an index file

-f, --file_indexing

Traversing a large or complex directory may take hours to complete. With this option, the program will stop after generating the indexing file which is saved as ./logs/fileList.log. This is particularly useful for parallel running.

start from an index file

-x, --index_file FILENAME

Instead of begin with file traversal, which may be unnecessary to repeat, segment_liftover can also start from a pre-defined or generate file.

Each line of the file should be the path of an input file, nothing else should be in this file.

All the required options are still needed to generated the directory structure and distinguish segment/probe files.

test mode

-t, --test_mode INTEGER RANGE

When this option is given, the program will only process a limited number of files.

no approximate conversion


When this option is given, the program will only use conversion results from liftOver.

re-use a mapping file

-m, --mapping_file FILENAME

After each successful execution, segment_liftover will generate a log file containing all the re-converted segments and probes in ./logs/approximate_conversion.log.

It can be re-used to dramatically improve the processing time, if the segments/probes are from the same/similar pipeline or platform.

step size & range

--step_size INTEGER
--range INTEGER

When Liftover fails to convert a segment or probe, segment_liftover will try to re-convert by approximation. The surrounding region of the failed position will be searched, and the closed convertible position will be used as substitute. The distance between two searched positions and the maximum distance of the search are defined by step_size and range, respectively.

The default settings is step_size = 400, range = 10. The counting unit is base for step_size and kilo bases for range.

These options have significant impact on the process time of re-conversion. In general they should be related to the average distance between adjacent probes of the experiment platform.


--beta FLOAT

This parameter controls the strictness of one of the quality control condition, the default value is 2. Please refer to the paper for more details.

new header names

--new_segment_header TEXT
--new_probe_header TEXT

When specified, the output files will use the given new column names in the header.

resume from interruption

--resume TEXT

Two files are needed to resume from an interruption: the indexing file and the progress files. They are log files generated by segment_liftover and saved as output_dir/logs/fileList.log and output_dir/logs/progress.log.

log directory

--log_path TEXT

By default, all log files are saved in output_dir/logs/. User can also specify a directory to save log files.


--demo TEXT

By providing a directory path, an example data set will be copied over and followed by a segment_liftover with default parameters.