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471 lines (367 loc) · 18 KB


File metadata and controls

471 lines (367 loc) · 18 KB




  • Add the gsutil to google install options. Required for uploading data. (@wtgee #1036, #1037)
  • Ability to specify autofocus plots in config file. (@wtgee #1029)
  • A "developer" version of the panoptes-pocs docker image is cloudbuilt automatically on merge with develop. (@wtgee #1010)
  • Better error checking in cameras, including ability to store error. (@AnthonyHorton #1007)
  • Added error.InvalidConfig exception. (@wtgee #1007)
  • Config options to control camera processing options and allow for defaults in the config that applies to all cameras: (@wtgee #1007)
    • cameras.defaults.compress_fits if FITS files should be fpacked. Default True.
    • cameras.defaults.record_observations if observation metadata should be recorded. Default True.
    • cameras.defaults.make_pretty_images to make jpgs from images. Default True.


  • The model parameter for the camera and subcomponents needs a fully resolved namespace for either the module or class. (@wtgee #1007)
  • The take_exposure method returns an event to indicate that exposure is in progress, not to indicate when exposure has completed. The event is stored in the camera object and accessible via camera.is_exposing. (@wtgee #1007)
  • Removed camera temperature stability checking for now. (@wtgee #1007)
  • Moved the AbstractGphotoCamera class into it's own namespace and file. (@wtgee #1007)
  • Python moved back to 3.7. (#1021)

Bug fixes

  • Fix incorrect import of autofocus plots. (@wtgee #1034)
  • DSLR simulator cameras properly override the cooling defaults. (@wtgee #1001)
  • Stability checks for cooled cameras so they are only marked ready when cooled condition has stabilized. (@danjampro #990)
  • Properly closed the autofocus matplotlib figures. (@wtgee #1029)
  • Prevent thumbnails from being larger than image. (@wtgee #1029)


  • Change thumbnail_size to cutout_size consistently. (@wtgee #1040.)
  • Camera observation updates:
    • headers param fixed so truly optional. The POINTING keyword is checked in the metadata, not original headers. Closes #1002. (@wtgee #1009)
    • Passing approved headers will actually write them to file. (@wtgee #1009)
    • blocking=False param added. If True, will wait on observation_event. (@wtgee #1009)
    • Renamed metadata variables to be consistent. (@wtgee #1009)
    • _process_fits is responsible for writing the headers rather than calling out to panoptes-utils. Allows for easier overrides. (@wtgee #1009)
    • dslr simulator readout time improved. (@wtgee #1009)
    • process_exposure doesn't require the exposure_event to be passed because that is the cameras is_exposing property. (@wtgee #1009)
    • The autofocus plotting has been moved to an external file. (@wtgee #1029)
  • Changelog cleanup. (@wtgee #1008)
  • panoptes-utils updates:
    • Updated panoptes-utils to v0.2.29. (@wtgee #1021)
    • Updated panoptes-utils to v0.2.28. (@wtgee #1007)
    • Updated panoptes-utils to v0.2.27 to support the envvars for starting config server. (@wtgee #1001)
  • Move the script into scripts. (@wtgee #1001)
  • Camera:
    • Changed how subcomponents for camera are created. (@wtgee #1007)
    • Camera and subcomponent stringification changed for clarity. (@wtgee #1007)
    • Can reassign SDK camera if same UID is presented with flag to create_cameras_from_config. (@wtgee #1007)
    • Add support for taking "dark" frames for cameras with mechanical shutters or opaque filters in the filterwheel. (@AnthonyHorton #989)
    • _poll_exposure was needlessly being called in a threading.Timer rather than a simple threading.Event. (@wtgee @1007)
    • Slight improvements to the timeout and readout for exposures with the simulators. (@wtgee #1007)
  • Docker:
    • Updated to match panoptes-utils Docker updates: removal of source-extractor and more. (@wtgee #1008)
    • gphoto2 comes from apt. (@wtgee #1007)
    • Local setup script doesn't build panoptes-utils but assumes done otherwise or uses (@wtgee #1007)
  • Testing:
    • Testing is run from a locally built Docker image for both local and CI testing. (@wtgee #1001)
    • Config file for testing is moved to $PANDIR/tests/testing.yaml. (@wtgee #1001)
    • Config server for testing is started external to pytest, which is currently lowering coverage. (@wtgee #1001)
    • Coverage reports are generated inside the Docker container. (@wtgee #1001)
    • Default log level set to TRACE. (@wtgee #1007)
    • Less hard-coding of fixtures and answers, more config server. (@wtgee #1007)
    • Renamed the cameras in testing fixtures. (@wtgee #1007)
    • Cooled cameras have temperature stability check in conftest. (@wtgee #1007)


  • Removed all arduino files, to be replaced by Firmata. See instructions on gitbook docs. (@wtgee #1035)
  • Remove create_camera_simulator helper function. (@wtgee #1007)

[0.7.6] - 2020-08-21


  • Dependency updates:

    • panoptes-utils to 0.2.26. (#995)
    • panoptes-utils to 0.2.21. (#979)
    • panoptes-utils to 0.2.20. (#974)
  • Install script. (#974)

    • Env var file is sourced for zshrc and bashrc.
    • Fix the clone of the repos in install script. (#978)
    • Adding a date version to script. (#979)
    • docker-compose version bumped to 1.26.2. (#979)
    • Better testing for ssh access. (#984)
    • Using docker-compose so we also have arm version without work. (#986)
    • Fixing conditional so script can proceed without restart. (#986)
    • Generalizing install script in sections. (#986)
  • Development Environment (#974)

    • Many cleanups to environment and launch. See docs.
    • Config server started along with development environment.
    • Docker images and python packages are now automated via GitHub Actions and Google Cloud Build. (#995)
  • Docker image updates (#972)

    • Updated script.
    • latest installs the panoptes-pocs module from pip
    • develop installs via pip install -e[google.testing] and is used for running the CI tests.
    • developer-env installs locally but with all options, i.e. pip install -e[google,testing,plotting,developer]. Also builds jupyterlab and other developer tools. Starts a jupyterlab instance by default.
    • Use new arduino-cli installer.
    • Add bin/panoptes-develop and bin/ to installed scripts.
    • Add docker/, a convenience script for building local images.
    • Python moved to 3.8. (#974)
    • Docker images are now built with buildx to get an arm version running. (#978)
    • Removing readline and pendulum dependencies. (#978)
    • Fully automated build and release of packages with GitHub Actions. (#995)
  • Testing (#974)

    • Removing all the dynamic config server info, making things a lot simpler.
    • docker-compose files for running tests.
    • Misc documentation updates.
    • Code coverage no longer ignores test.
    • Testing is run via panoptes-develop test.
    • Log files are rotated during each run.
  • POCS (#974)

    • POCS instance cannot initialize unless it's observatory.can_observe.
    • Set simulator config item at start of POCS init method if simulators (note plural) is passed.
    • Simplification of the run method and the various predicates used to control it. Now just use the computed keep_running.
    • Adding some action flags to the pocs.yaml file.
    • Remove POCS.check_environment class method.
    • Add a console_log_level and stderr_log_level. The former is written to the log file in $PANLOG and is meant to be tailed in the console. The stderr_log_level is what would be displayed, e.g. in a jupyter notebook. (#977)
    • Mount simulator better name and stringify. (#977)
    • Global db object for PanBase (#977)
    • Allow for custom folder for metadata. (#979) * Default changed to metadata.
  • Camera simulator cleanup. (#974)

  • Scheduler (#974)

    • The fields_file is read when scheduler is created.

[0.7.4] - 2020-05-31

Note that we skipped 0.7.2 and 0.7.3.

Bug fixes

  • Package name is panoptes-pocs for namespace consistency. (#971)
  • README changed to rst. (#971)

[0.7.1] - 2020-05-31

If you thought 9 months between releases was a long time, how about 18 months! :) This version has a lot of breaking changes and is not backwards compatible with previous versions. The release is a (big) stepping stone on the way to 0.8.0 and (eventually!) a 1.0.0.

The entire repo has been redesigned to support docker images. This comes with a number of changes, including the refactoring of many items into the panoptes-utils repo.

There are a lot of changes included in this release, highlights below:


This changelog is likely missing some things. The release was large. Too large. If you think something might be working different that just might be true. Check the forums.


  • Storing an explicit safety collection in the database.
  • Configuration file specific for testing rather than relying on pocs.yaml.
  • Convenience scripts for running tests inside docker container:
  • GitHub Actions for testing and coverage upload.


  • Docker as default. (#951).
  • Weather items have moved to aag-weather.
    • Two docker containers run from the aag-weather image and have a docker/docker-compose-aag.yaml file to start.
  • Config items related to the configuration system have been moved to the Config Server in panoptes-utils repo.
    • The main interface for POCS related items is through self.get_config, which can take a key and a default, e.g. self.get_config('mount.horizon', default='30 deg').
    • Test writing is affected and is currently more difficult than would be ideal. An updated test writing document will be following this release.
  • Logging has changed to loguru and has been greatly simplified:
    • get_root_logger has been replaced by get_logger.
  • The per-run logs have been removed and have been replaced by two logs files:
  • $PANDIR/logs/panoptes.log: Log file meant for watching on the
    command line (via tail) or for otherwise human-readable logs. Rotated daily at 11:30 am. Only the previous days' log is retained.
  • $PANDIR/logs/panoptes_YYYYMMDD.log: Log file meant for archive
    or information gathering. Stored in JSON format for ingestion into log analysis service. Rotated daily at 11:30 and stored in a compressed file for 7 days. Future updates will add option to upload to google servers.
  • loguru provides two new log levels

    • trace: one level below debug.
    • success: one level above info.
  • Breaking Mount: unparking has been moved from the

    ready to the slewing state. This fixes a problem where after waiting 10 minutes for observation check, the mount would move from park to home to park without checking weather safety.

  • Documentation updates.

  • Lots of conversions to f-strings.

  • Renamed codecov configuration file to be compliant.

  • Switch to pyscaffold for package maintenance.

  • "Waiting" method changes:
    • sleep has been renamed to wait.
  • All status() methods have been converted to properties that return a useful dict.

  • Making proper abstractmethods.

  • Documentation updates where found.

  • Many log and f-string fixes.

  • pocs.config_port property available publicly.

  • horizon check for state happens directly in run.


[0.6.2] - 2018-09-27

One week between releases is a lot better than 9 months! ;) Some small but important changes mark this release including faster testing times on local machines. Also a quick release to remove some of the CloudSQL features (but see the shiny new Cloud Functions over in the panoptes-network repo!).


  • Cameras
  • Use unit_id for sequence and image ids. Important for processing
    consistency [#613].
  • State Machine


  • Camera
  • Remove camera creation from Observatory [#612].
  • Smarter event waiting [#625].
  • More cleanup, especially path names and pretty images [#610, #613,
    #614, #620].
  • Mount
  • Testing
  • Caching some of the build dirs [#611].
  • Only use Mongo DB type during local testing - Local testing with
    1/3rd the wait! [#616].
  • Google Cloud [#599]
  • Storage improvements [#601].


  • Misc
  • CountdownTimer utility [#625].


  • Google Cloud [#599]
  • Reverted some of the CloudSQL connectivity [#652]
  • Cameras
  • Remove spline smoothing focus [#621].

[0.6.1] - 2018-09-20

  • Lots of changes in this release. In particular we've pushed through a lot of changes
  • (especially with the help of @jamessynge) to make the development process a lot
  • smoother. This has in turn contribute to the quality of the codebase.

Too long between releases but even more exciting improvements to come! Next up is tackling the events notification system, which will let us start having some vastly improved UI features.

Below is a list of some of the changes.

Thanks to first-time contributors: @jermainegug @jeremylan as well as contributions from many folks over at


  • Cameras
  • Fix for DATE-OBS fits header [#589].
  • Better property settings for DSLRs [#589].
  • Pretty image improvements [#589].
  • Autofocus improvements for SBIG/Focuser [#535].
  • Primary camera updates [#614, 620].
  • Many bug fixes [#457, #589].
  • State Machine
  • Many fixes [#509, #518].


  • Mount
  • POCS Shell: Hitting Ctrl-c will complete movement through states [#590].
  • Pointing updates, including auto_correct [#580].
  • Tracking mode updates (fixes for Northern Hemisphere only!) [#549].
  • Serial interaction improvements [#388, #403].
  • Shutdown improvements [#407, #421].
  • Dome
  • Changes from May Huntsman commissioning run [#535]
  • Messaging
  • Better and consistent topic terminology [#593, #605].
  • Anticipation of coming events.
  • Misc
  • Default to rereading the fields file for targets [#488].
  • Timelapse updates [#523, #591].


  • Cameras
  • Basic scripts for bias and dark frames.
  • Add support for Optec FocusLynx based focus controllers [#512].
  • Pretty images from FITS files. Thanks @jermainegug! [#538].
  • Testing
  • pyflakes testing support for bug squashing! :bettle: [#596].
  • pycodestyle for better code! [#594].
  • Threads instead of process [#468].
  • Fix coverage & Travis config for concurrency [#566].
  • Google Cloud [#599]
  • Added instructions for authentication [#600].
  • Add a pan_id to units for GCE interaction[#595].
  • Adding Google CloudDB interaction [#602].
  • Sensors
  • Much work on arduinos and sensors [#422].
  • Misc
  • Startup scripts for easier setup [#475].
  • Install scripts for Ubuntu 18.04 [#585].
  • New database type: mongo, file, memory [#414].
  • Twitter! Slack! Social median interactions. Hooray! Thanks
    @jeremylan! [#522]

[0.6.0] - 2017-12-30


  • Enforce 100 character limit for code
  • Using root-relative module imports
  • Observatory is now a parameter for a POCS instance
  • Better handling of simulator types
  • Log improvements:
  • Separate files for each level and new naming scheme
  • Reduced log format
  • Better reusing of logger
  • Single shared MongoClient connection
  • Improvements to build process
    176, 166.
  • State machine location more flexible
    209, 219
  • Testing improvements
  • Updates to many wiki pages.
  • Misc bug fixes and improvements.


  • Merge PEAS into POCS
  • Merge PACE into POCS
  • Support added for testing of serial devices
    164, 180.
  • Basic dome support
    231, 248.
  • Polar alignment helper functions moved from PIAA


  • Remove threading support from rs232.SerialData

[0.5.1] - 2017-12-02


  • First real release!
  • Working POCS features:
  • mount (iOptron)
  • cameras (DSLR, SBIG)
  • focuer (Birger)
  • scheduler (simple)
  • Relies on separate repositories PEAS and PACE
  • Automated testing with
  • Code coverage via
  • Basic install scripts