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SEP 004 -- Add contextual role properties to SequenceAnnotation and Component

SEP 004
Title Add contextual role properties to SequenceAnnotation and Component
Authors Mike Bissell (bissell at, Chris Macklin (macklin at, Raik Gruenberg (raik dot gruenberg at gmail)
Editor Bryan Bartley
Type Data Model
SBOL Version 2.1.0
Status Accepted
Created 10-Oct-2015
Last modified 16-Aug-2016
Issue #4


We propose adding optional roles fields to both SequenceAnnotation and Component. SequenceAnnotation and Component will each contain a set of zero or more role members, which we call "contextual roles." Contextual roles will allow users to specify the actual role(s) of a subcomponent or subsequence in the context of a design.

SBOL already permits roles on ComponentDefinition instances, however the declared roles that were originally imagined and encoded by the author of a ComponentDefinition may not accurately reflect the roles of that part in every biological and operational context. In practice, context often takes precedence in the determination of a part's actual roles. For example, a DNA sequence encoding a protein purification tag might, in a particular design, be used merely as a benign spacer between two DNA elements.

  1. Rationale

1.1 Background: Roles Per SBOL 2.0

In [SBOL] 2.0, a non-contextual roles field already belongs to ComponentDefinition. This optional field classifies an entity's declared function(s) at the time of design. Roles may specify biological function, in which case the roles should come from Table 3 (Sequence Ontology) if possible, however [SBOL] does not strictly limit the application of roles to biological ontologies. A role simply links the given ComponentDefinition to a term from an external ontology.

1.2 Argument: Context Matters

Note, however, that in the context of a larger design, the actual purpose of this ComponentDefinition may be rather different from that which was intended; the original authors of a ComponentDefinition record cannot foresee all possible applications of a biological part. In fact, outside of a host context, a part in isolation most likely will fail to play its declared biological roles. Moreover, genetic designers may want to annotate functions of a sequence that are only locally relevant to their particular experiment or a specific fabrication step. Consider, for example, sequences required in DNA assembly and quality control, where the same DNA sequence could serve different purposes in different locations of a design, or in different steps of an assembly workflow.

Importantly, when implementing a construction and testing service, or when implementing genetic CAD software and the underlying genetic compilers, it may become necessary to flag subcomponents in a design not only according to their biological function, but also with non-biological classifications that describe each subcomponent's logical role in each specific assembly.

During the automated planning of construction recipes, the intended biological function of a physically isolated subcomponent is largely irrelevant, but it may become necessary to classify logistical and compositional relationships in order to manage the flow of templates, host strains, construction reagents, and output products through a construction workflow. For example, a planning algorithm might decide that one Component incorporating a PCR primer's ComponentDefinition is to be implemented by ordering an oligo from a particular vendor, while a second such Component is to be implemented by retrieving an existing sample from inventory.

During computer aided design and compilation, certain algorithms may care about the local, logical or compositional role of an entity while deliberately ignoring its planned biological function in finished assemblies. Since modular subcomponents are typically intended for reuse in multiple finished assemblies, these subcomponents' eventual logical or biological roles may not even be determined at the time of design or compilation, however the genetic compiler will still need to classify subcomponents' relationships to various intermediate build products containing them.

In both scenarios, non-biological roles are important because a subcomponent has no relevant biological activity in isolation, during design and construction. Therefore, contextual roles are needed.

1.3 Terminology and Model

According to [SBOL], a hierarchical affiliation of ComponentDefinitions may take the following form. Please note how this SEP applies the position-relative labels "parent," "child," and "sibling" in the context of the argument below.

Parent, siblings, and children in an SBOL part hierarchy.

(Additionally note that the UML notation in this class diagram employs a dialect of UML 2.5. The UML class diagrams in [SBOL] use their own dialect. If this SEP is approved, we assume that the SBOL editors will merge its contents into the specification as needed, but not necessarily verbatim.)

1.4 Argument for Both Component.roles and SequenceAnnotation.roles

We propose to add contextual roles in two places: Component and SequenceAnnotation.

Adding an optional roles field to Component will allow users to describe the subcomponent's actual design purpose(s) with respect to the current assembly, without reference to the specific details of its parent's sequence (if that sequence is even known yet).

Adding an optional roles field to SequenceAnnotation will allow users to describe the design purpose(s) of a subsequence and an optional subcomponent in the context of a parent sequence, with respect to a specific location in that sequence.

It is insufficient to put roles only on SequenceAnnotation; roles are additionally needed on Component. There are two reasons. First, not all roles pertain to a specific parent sequence or to a particular location on that sequence. Second, SequenceAnnotations must refer to a sequence, but a parent sequence is not always known at every moment in the lifetime of a design. For instance, genetic compilers often compute the sequences of a parent assembly from the sequences of its children in a bottom-up fashion. In this case, the parent sequence would not be determined until the final compilation step, even though the contextual roles of its subcomponents would have been determined earlier in the build. Compilation of the parent ComponentDefinition's sequence might even be deferred until later, when the host context is finally determined. Between the time that the subcomponents were compiled and the moment of the parent's compilation, subcomponents' contextual roles must be conveyed through the compiler toolchain, and we propose that Component.roles is the appropriate vehicle.

It is insufficient to put roles only on Component; roles are additionally needed on SequenceAnnotation. There are, again, two reasons. First, when it is possible to map a subcomponent with some contextual role (say, the promoter onto a specific location in a parent sequence, then users will want to do that. Only SequenceAnnotation gives us that ability; Component does not refer to parent sequence details. Secondly, users may choose not to model every aspect of a ComponentDefinition hierarchically (using Components to link in sub-ComponentDefinitions), but our users may still wish to annotate the genetic details of a ComponentDefinition's sequence. For example, the user might tag one subsequence as an RBS, and another sequence as a start codon, without making separate, heavyweight Component and ComponentDefinition elements for the RBS and the start codon.

  1. Specification

We specify the contents of SequenceAnnotation.roles and Component.roles in analogy to Participation.roles ([SBOL] 7.9.4) and ComponentDefinition.roles ([SBOL] 7.1). We additionally specify the optional fields SequenceAnnotation.roleIntegration and Component.roleIntegration. Integration rules specify how to resolve potential conflicts between competing sets of roles.

2.1.0 Component.roles

The Component.roles property comprises an OPTIONAL set of zero or more URIs describing the purpose or potential function of a given child ComponentDefinition in the context of its parent ComponentDefinition.

If provided, these role URIs MUST identify terms from appropriate ontologies. Roles are not restricted to describing biological function; they may annotate Components' function in any domain for which an ontology exists.

It is RECOMMENDED that these role URIs identify terms that are compatible with the type properties of both the parent and child ComponentDefinitions. For example, a role of a Component which belongs to a ComponentDefinition of type DNA and points to a child ComponentDefinition of type DNA might refer to terms from the Sequence Ontology. A table of recommended ontology branches is given in the [SBOL] specification.

2.1.1 Component.roleIntegration

The Component.roleIntegration property has a data type of URI. A Component instance with zero roles MAY OPTIONALLY specify a roleIntegration. A Component instance with one or more roles MUST specify a roleIntegration from the table below.

A roleIntegration specifies the relationship between a Component instance's own set of roles and the set of roles on the child ComponentDefinition.

Integration URI Description In the context of this Component, ignore any role(s) given for the child ComponentDefinition. Instead use only the set of zero or more roles given for this Component. Use the union of the two sets: both the set of zero or more roles given for this Component as well as the set of zero or more roles given for the child ComponentDefinition.

If zero Component.roles are given and no Component.roleIntegration is given, then is assumed.

It is RECOMMENDED to specify a set of Component.roles only if the integrated result set of roles would differ from the set of roles belonging to the child ComponentDefinition.

2.2.0 SequenceAnnotation.roles

The SequenceAnnotation.roles property comprises an OPTIONAL set of zero or more URIs describing the purpose or potential function of a given subsequence (and, if given, a child ComponentDefinition) in the context of its parent ComponentDefinition.

If provided, these role URIs MUST identify terms from appropriate ontologies. Roles are not restricted to describing biological function; they may annotate Sequences' function in any domain for which an ontology exists.

It is RECOMMENDED that these role URIs identify terms that are compatible with the type properties of both the parent and child ComponentDefinitions (if given). For example, a role of a SequenceAnnotation which belongs to a ComponentDefinition of type DNA and incorporates a child ComponentDefinition of type DNA might refer to terms from the Sequence Ontology. A table of recommended ontology branches is given in the [SBOL] specification.

2.2.1 SequenceAnnotation.roleIntegration

The SequenceAnnotation.roleIntegration property has a data type of URI. A SequenceAnnotation instance with zero roles MAY OPTIONALLY specify a roleIntegration. A SequenceAnnotation instance with one or more roles MUST specify a roleIntegration from the table below.

Using roleIntegration, a SequenceAnnotation instance MAY specify the relationship between its own set of roles and the set of roles computed for the sibling Component (if given). The integrated result set of computed roles may include role elements from the child ComponentDefinition if dictated by the value of Component.roleIntegration. To determine the integrated role set for a SequenceAnnotation, first compute the integrated set of roles for the sibling Component (if given) according to the integration rules in section 2.1.1 above. If no sibling Component is given, then the sibling set is assumed to be the empty set.

Integration URI Description In the context of this SequenceAnnotation, ignore the integrated set of roles computed for the optional sibling Component. Instead use only the set of zero or more roles given for this SequenceAnnotation. Use the union of the two sets: both the set of zero or more roles given for this SequenceAnnotation as well as the integrated set of zero or more roles computed for the optional sibling Component.

If zero SequenceAnnotation.roles are given and no SequenceAnnotation.roleIntegration is given, then is assumed.

It is RECOMMENDED to specify a set of SequenceAnnotation.roles only if the integrated result set of roles would differ from the integrated set of roles computed for the sibling Component.

2.3.0 XML Serialization Details

For both proposed contextual roles properties, a set of zero or more <role> child elements, if declared, MUST be contained within the parent element in the XML serialized form.

For both proposed roleIntegration rule properties, either zero or one <roleIntegration> child element, if declared, MUST be contained within the parent element in the XML serialized form.

2.3.1 XML Serialization Example

<sbol:ComponentDefinition rdf:about="...">

    ... properties specifed in [SBOL] 7.7 ...

    zero or more <sbol:component>

        <sbol:Component rdf:about="...">

            ... properties specified in [SBOL] 7.7.2 ...

            zero or more <sbol:role rdf:resource="..."/> elements
            zero or one <sbol:roleIntegration rdf:resource="..."/> element

        </sbol:Component> elements

    </sbol:component> elements

    zero or more <sbol:sequenceAnnotation>

        <sbol:SequenceAnnotation rdf:about="...">

            ... properties specified in [SBOL] 7.7.4 ...

            zero or one <sbol:component rdf:resource="..."/> element
            zero or more <sbol:role rdf:resource="..."/> elements
            zero or one <sbol:roleIntegration rdf:resource="..."/> element


    </sbol:sequenceAnnotation> elements


<sbol:ComponentDefinition rdf:about="...">

    ... properties specifed in [SBOL] 7.7 ...

    zero or more <sbol:role rdf:resource="..."/> elements


By providing a way to override roles, this data structure allows us to specify that a child ComponentDefinition whose designer declared some role(s) actually has different role(s) in the current context.

  1. Examples

3.1 DNA Assembly and Cloning

A collection of DNA constructs for which DNA assembly is ordered from a commercial provider may contain a short DNA sequence in different locations of several constructs. In some constructs, this sequence may be included as a forward sequencing primer binding site, in others as a reverse primer for the amplification of a DNA segment during the DNA assembly process.

3.2 Protein Peptide Sequences

A given fusion protein design may contain a Hexahistidine tag which is commonly used for protein purification. However, in a cell biology experiment, the His tag may instead have been included as an antigen in order to localize the protein with immunostaining. In both cases, the SequenceAnnotation should (via Component) point to the same ComponentDefinition (His tag). As long as the actual purpose is annotated in SequenceAnnotation, a third party could automatically verify whether this immunotag is compatible with the antibodies available in-house. Alternatively, a cell biologist may automatically remove all protein purification tags from a given design but would want to keep any sequence used for immunostaining.

  1. Backwards Compatibility

There are no obvious backwards compatibility issues. Contextual roles require additional fields on both Component and SequenceAnnotation. These fields can be safely ignored by software tools written for [SBOL] 2.0.

  1. Discussion

5.1 History

This proposal was advanced by Mike Bissell from Amyris in order to accommodate two types of annotations that proved necessary to implement the Amyris genetic compilers and DNA assembly processes. It was heavily revised in response to community input during SBOL Workshop 14 (March 2016, Boston), and again in response to a second round of reviews by Bryan Bartley, Chris Myers, Raik Gruenberg, and Chris Macklin (March 23-24, 2016).

5.2 Role Inheritance, a.k.a. Role Integration

It is possible for there to be conflicts between the roles assigned explicitly to a Component and the roles already assigned to the underlying child ComponentDefinition to which that Component refers. It is likewise possible for there to be conflicts between the roles assigned expliclty to a SequenceAnnotation and the roles already assigned to either its optional underlying sibling Component and/or the roles already assigned to its sibling's underlying child ComponentDefinition.

Moreover, we discussed how there may arise situations where, up at the level of a Component instance, users may wish to explicitly invalidate or override roles declared down at the level of the child ComponentDefinition. For example, whoever originally designed a part may have had no idea what it really might eventually be used for, and a user of that part might therefore need to discard, supplement, and/or replace the originally declared roles where that part is incorporated into a parent ComponentDefinition.

After discarding other options, we settled on introducing an explicit property, roleIntegration, which specifies whether roles on Component or SequenceAnnotation should (1) be added to (mergeRoles), or (2) completely replace (overrideRoles), any roles declared on the underlying object(s) to which they may refer.

As an alternative, it was first proposed to re-use MapsTo.refinement types. Per [SBOL] these are:

  • useLocal (akin to the proposed 'overrideRoles' roleIntegration, meaning replace terms),
  • useRemote (ignore any terms declared on this instance),
  • verifyIdentical (see [SBOL] MapsTo.refinement for definition),
  • merge (akin to the proposed 'mergeRoles' roleIntegration).

Both the use of verifyIdentical and useRemote were challenged as unnecessary complications. The effect of useRemote is more obviously achieved by not declaring any new roles on Component. verifyIdentical was criticized for being an altogether different beast: verifyIdentical would impose a constraint implying a validation rule, as opposed to mergeRoles and overrideRoles, which simply name functions which, given multiple sets of roles, return a single set of roles.

For compatibility with [SBOL] 2.0 documents, a roleIntegration is not required if no contextual roles are given. Because [SBOL] avoids specifying default values, an explicit roleIntegration is required if contextual roles are given.

5.3 Errata

On August 11, 2016, MB deleted the following line from the second ComponentDefinition above, at the end of the serialization example:

zero or one <sbol:roleIntegration rdf:resource="..."/> element

This SEP does not specify a ComponentDefinition.roleIntegration property. The deleted line was the result of a copy/paste error.

On August 11, 2016, MB reordered two of the properties in the SequenceAnnotation serialization example, so that the new properties appear after the last property specified in [SBOL] 7.7.4.

On August 16, 2016, MB deleted the unintentionally duplicated word 'set' from the specification of Component.roleIntegration.

  1. Competing SEPs

There are currently no competing or conflicting SEPs.




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