The Video tab displays all of the images streaming from one Astrobee, and allows the user to stop streaming from all the cameras with one click.
The Video Control Part (
subtab has a Stop Camera Streaming button. The Stop Camera Streaming button grabs
control of Astrobee and sends commands to stop the NavCam, DockCam, and SciCam, from streaming video/images
(sends setCameraStreaming
with parameter false, for each camera).
The SciCam subtab is the same as the Live Video subtab on the Run Plan and Teleoperate tabs
it automatically displays video from the SciCam when the SciCam is
streaming. The Camera 2 and Camera 3 subtabs are the same as the Live Images subtab
) on the Run Plan and
Teleoperate tabs. You can select the Dock or the Navigation camera from the dropdown and it will show the images
from those cameras when they are streaming.