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Griffel for React.js

A package with wrappers and APIs to be used with React.js.


npm install @griffel/react
# or
yarn add @griffel/react


Is used to define styles, returns a React hook that should be called inside a component:

import { makeStyles } from '@griffel/react';

const useClasses = makeStyles({
  button: { color: 'red' },
  icon: { paddingLeft: '5px' },

function Component() {
  const classes = useClasses();

  return (
      <button className={classes.button} />
      <span className={classes.icon} />

Pseudo & class selectors, at-rules, global styles

makeStyles() supports pseudo, class selectors and at-rules.

import { makeStyles } from '@griffel/react';

const useClasses = makeStyles({
  root: {
    ':active': { color: 'pink' },
    ':hover': { color: 'blue' },
    // :link, :focus, etc.

    '.foo': { color: 'black' },
    ':nth-child(2n)': { backgroundColor: '#fafafa' },

    '@media screen and (max-width: 992px)': { color: 'orange' },
    '@supports (display: grid)': { color: 'red' },
    '@layer utility': { marginBottom: '1em' },

Another useful feature is :global() selector, it allows connecting local styles with global selectors.

import { makeStyles } from '@griffel/react';

const useClasses = makeStyles({
  root: {
    ':global(html[data-whatintent="mouse"])': { backgroundColor: 'yellow' },
    // outputs: html[data-whatintent="mouse"] .abcd { background-color: yellow }

Keyframes (animations)

keyframes are supported via animationName property that can be defined as an object or an array of objects:

import { makeStyles } from '@griffel/react';

const useClasses = makeStyles({
  root: {
    animationIterationCount: 'infinite',
    animationDuration: '3s',
    animationName: {
      from: { transform: 'rotate(0deg)' },
      to: { transform: 'rotate(360deg)' },
  array: {
    animationIterationCount: 'infinite',
    animationDuration: '3s',
    animationName: [
        from: { transform: 'rotate(0deg)' },
        to: { transform: 'rotate(360deg)' },
        from: { height: '100px' },
        to: { height: '200px' },

CSS Fallback Properties

Any CSS property accepts an array of values which are all added to the styles. Every browser will use the latest valid value (which might be a different one in different browsers, based on supported CSS in that browser):

import { makeStyles } from '@griffel/react';

const useClasses = makeStyles({
  root: {
    overflowY: ['scroll', 'overlay'],

RTL support

Griffel uses rtl-css-js to perform automatic flipping of properties and values in Right-To-Left (RTL) text direction defined by TextDirectionProvider.

import { makeStyles } from '@griffel/react';

const useClasses = makeStyles({
  root: {
    paddingLeft: '10px',


/* Will be applied in LTR */
.frdkuqy {
  padding-left: 10px;
/* Will be applied in RTL */
.f81rol6 {
  padding-right: 10px;

You can also control which rules you don't want to flip by adding a /* @noflip */ CSS comment to your rule:

import { makeStyles } from '@griffel/react';

const useClasses = makeStyles({
  root: {
    paddingLeft: '10px /* @noflip */',


/* Will be applied in LTR & RTL */
.f6x5cb6 {
  padding-left: 10px;


💡 It is not possible to simply concatenate classes returned by useClasses().

There are cases where you need to merge classes from multiple useClasses calls.

To properly merge the classes, you need to use mergeClasses() function, which performs merge and deduplication of atomic classes generated by makeStyles().

import { mergeClasses, makeStyles } from '@griffel/react';

const useClasses = makeStyles({
  blueBold: {
    color: 'blue',
    fontWeight: 'bold',
  red: {
    color: 'red',

function Component() {
  const classes = useClasses();

  const firstClassName = mergeClasses(classes.blueBold,; // { color: 'red', fontWeight: 'bold' }
  const secondClassName = mergeClasses(, classes.blueBold); // { color: 'blue', fontWeight: 'bold' }

  return (
      <div className={firstClassName} />
      <div className={secondClassName} />


Creates styles attached to a global selector. Styles can be defined via objects:

import { makeStaticStyles } from '@griffel/react';

const useStaticStyles = makeStaticStyles({
  '@font-face': {
    fontFamily: 'Open Sans',
    src: `url("/fonts/OpenSans-Regular-webfont.woff2") format("woff2"),
         url("/fonts/OpenSans-Regular-webfont.woff") format("woff")`,
  body: {
    background: 'red',

   * ⚠️ nested and pseudo selectors are not supported for this scenario via nesting
   * Not supported:
   * .some {
   *   .class { ... },
   *   ':hover': { ... }
   * }
   * Supported:
   * '.some.class': { ... }
   * '.some.class:hover': { ... }

function App() {

  return <div />;

Or with string & arrays of strings/objects:

import { makeStaticStyles } from '@griffel/react';

const useStaticStyles1 = makeStaticStyles('body { background: red; } .foo { color: green; }');
const useStaticStyles2 = makeStaticStyles([
    '@font-face': {
      fontFamily: 'My Font',
      src: `url(my_font.woff)`,
  'html { line-height: 20px; }',

function App() {

  return <div />;


Atomic CSS has tradeoffs. Once an element has many HTML class names each pointing to different CSS rules, browser layout times slow down.

There are cases when it's reasonable to flatten multiple declarations into monolithic CSS. For example, base styles for components in a UI library. Rules generated by makeResetStyles() are inserted into the CSS style sheet before all the Atomic CSS, so styles from makeStyles() will always override these rules.

makeResetStyles returns a React hook that should be called inside a component:

💡makeResetStyles supports all features from makeStyles() and allows to use CSS shorthands.

import { makeStyles, makeResetStyles, shorthands } from '@griffel/react';
import { mergeClasses } from './mergeClasses';

const useBaseClass = makeResetStyles({
  color: 'red',
  padding: 0,
  // etc.

const useClasses = makeStyles({
  primary: { color: 'blue' },
  circular: {

function Component(props) {
  const baseClass = useBaseClass();
  const classes = useClasses();

  return (
    <button className={mergeClasses(baseClass, props.primary && classes.primary, props.circular && classes.circular)} />

⚠️ Only one class generated by makeResetStyles() can be applied to an element. Otherwise, behavior will be non-deterministic as classes merging will not be done for this case and results depend on order of insertion.

import { makeStyles } from '@griffel/react';

const useClassA = makeResetStyles({
  /* styles */
const useClassB = makeResetStyles({
  /* styles */

function Component(props) {
  /* 💣 Never apply multiple rules from makeResetStyles() to the same element */
  return <button className={mergeClasses(useClassA(), useClassB())} />;

createDOMRenderer(), RendererProvider

createDOMRenderer is paired with RendererProvider component and is useful for child window rendering and SSR scenarios. This is the default renderer for web, and will make sure that styles are injected to a document.

import { createDOMRenderer, RendererProvider } from '@griffel/react';

function App(props) {
  const { targetDocument } = props;
  const renderer = React.useMemo(() => createDOMRenderer(targetDocument), [targetDocument]);

  return (
    <RendererProvider renderer={renderer} targetDocument={targetDocument}>
      {/* Children components */}
      {/* ... */}


A map of attributes that's passed to the generated style elements. For example, is useful to set "nonce" attribute.

import { createDOMRenderer } from '@griffel/react';

const renderer = createDOMRenderer(targetDocument, {
  styleElementAttributes: {
    nonce: 'random',


TextDirectionProvider is used to determine the text direction for style computation. The default text direction is Left-To-Right (LTR).

import { TextDirectionProvider } from '@griffel/react';

function App() {
  return (
        {/* Inner components will have styles for LTR */}
        {/* ... */}
      <TextDirectionProvider dir="rtl">
        {/* Inner components will have styles for RTL */}
        {/* ... */}


shorthands provides a set of functions to mimic CSS shorthands and improve developer experience as CSS shorthands are not supported by Griffel.


import { makeStyles, shorthands } from '@griffel/react';

const useClasses = makeStyles({
  root: {
    ...shorthands.border('2px', 'solid'),
    ...shorthands.border('2px', 'solid', 'red'),

shorthands.borderBottom, shorthands.borderTop, shorthands.borderLeft, shorthands.borderRight

import { makeStyles, shorthands } from '@griffel/react';

const useClasses = makeStyles({
  root: {
    // The same is true for "borderTop", "borderLeft" & "borderRight"
    ...shorthands.borderBottom('2px', 'solid'),
    ...shorthands.borderBottom('2px', 'solid', 'red'),


import { makeStyles, shorthands } from '@griffel/react';

const useClasses = makeStyles({
  root: {
    ...shorthands.borderColor('red', 'blue'),
    ...shorthands.borderColor('red', 'blue', 'green'),
    ...shorthands.borderColor('red', 'blue', 'green', 'yellow'),


import { makeStyles, shorthands } from '@griffel/react';

const useClasses = makeStyles({
  root: {
    ...shorthands.borderStyle('solid', 'dashed'),
    ...shorthands.borderStyle('solid', 'dashed', 'dotted'),
    ...shorthands.borderStyle('solid', 'dashed', 'dotted', 'double'),


import { makeStyles, shorthands } from '@griffel/react';

const useClasses = makeStyles({
  root: {
    ...shorthands.borderWidth('12px', '24px'),
    ...shorthands.borderWidth('12px', '24px', '36px'),
    ...shorthands.borderWidth('12px', '24px', '36px', '48px'),


import { makeStyles, shorthands } from '@griffel/react';

const useClasses = makeStyles({
  root: {
    ...shorthands.flex(1, '2.5rem'),
    ...shorthands.flex(0, 0, 'auto'),

import { makeStyles, shorthands } from '@griffel/react';

const useClasses = makeStyles({
  root: {'12px'),'12px', '24px'),


import { makeStyles, shorthands } from '@griffel/react';

const useClasses = makeStyles({
  root: {
    ...shorthands.gridArea('first', 'second'),
    ...shorthands.gridArea(2, 4, 'span footer'),
    ...shorthands.gridArea(2, 4, 1, 3),


import { makeStyles, shorthands } from '@griffel/react';

const useClasses = makeStyles({
  root: {
    ...shorthands.inset('10px', '5px'),
    ...shorthands.inset('2px', '4px', '8px'),
    ...shorthands.inset('1px', 0, '3px', '4px'),


import { makeStyles, shorthands } from '@griffel/react';

const useClasses = makeStyles({
  root: {
    ...shorthands.margin('12px', '24px'),
    ...shorthands.margin('12px', '24px', '36px'),
    ...shorthands.margin('12px', '24px', '36px', '48px'),


import { makeStyles, shorthands } from '@griffel/react';

const useClasses = makeStyles({
  root: {
    ...shorthands.overflow('visible', 'hidden'),


import { makeStyles, shorthands } from '@griffel/react';

const useClasses = makeStyles({
  root: {
    ...shorthands.padding('12px', '24px'),
    ...shorthands.padding('12px', '24px', '36px'),
    ...shorthands.padding('12px', '24px', '36px', '48px'),


import { makeStyles, shorthands } from '@griffel/react';

const useClasses = makeStyles({
  root: {
    ...shorthands.transition('margin-right', '2s'),
    ...shorthands.transition('margin-right', '4s', '1s'),
    ...shorthands.transition('margin-right', '4s', '1s', 'ease-in'),
      ['margin-right', '4s', '1s', 'ease-in'],
      ['margin-left', '2s', '0s', 'ease-in-out'],