A waitGroup waits for a collection of processes to finish. The main process calls fun new/1
to set the number of processes to wait for. Then each of the processes runs and calls fun done/1
when finished. At the same time, fun wait/1
or fun wait/2
can be used to block until all processes have finished.
Just like sync.WaitGroup
in Golang.
foo() ->
% Create a waitGroup, set the number of processes to wait for.
WaitGroup = waitGroup:new(3),
% Call fun done/1 when Worker has finished.
F = fun(Arg) ->
io:format("~p~n", [Arg]),
[spawn(F, [A]) || A <- lists:seq(0, 2)],
% Block until all processes have finished.
% OR fun wait/2 has the timeout (Milliseconds).
waitGroup:wait(WaitGroup, 1000),