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Releases: benchmark-urbanism/cityseer-api

Adds jitter. Upgrades progress bar.

26 Nov 17:51
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Uses a new package for better progress bar behaviour in parallel loops.

Adds a jitter parameter for injecting shortest-path algorithm jitter for use on rectilinear grids.

Minor release

24 Sep 10:45
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Minor release which adds a dependency to requirements.txt.

Minor Release

24 Sep 10:15
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Minor version bump which fixes a test

Minor release (docs)

09 Jul 19:38
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Minor release with some small refinements to the documentation.

Added a new function for calculating the average walking distance for a given impedance. (Since this may be more intuitive than reasoning about maximum distances and spatial impedances.)

Enables fastmath flags throughout

26 May 18:49
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Enables numba fastmath flags throughout.

(This has no affect on how the methods are called.)

Splits compute_aggregated into compute_landuses and compute_stats

26 May 17:13
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Splits compute_aggregated method into compute_landuses and compute_stats.

Docs and tests are updated accordingly.

Landuse methods are now also able to make use of parallel threads.

Sorts out numba-mode progress bar

24 May 08:24
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Minor bump resolving edge cases for numba mode progress reporting.

Parallelises centrality measures

23 May 08:01
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Incorporates parallelisation via numba prange for centrality measures.

Tests are passing and the code is presently being tested against real-world usage.

Note that the numba progress bars can no longer be sequential due to parallelisation, so this is reworked to a non-sequential update.

(tqdm progress bars in non-jitted python code still work fine, though).

Removes zero-length self-looped edges if encountered in `nX_simple_geoms`

18 May 15:57
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Removes zero-length self-looped edges if encountered in nX_simple_geoms

This resolves a situation where a converted OSM graph with a zero length edge causes downstream errors. This arises because inferring geometry for a looped OSM edge (same start and end node) implies a zero-length geom: this results in geometry.Point instead of geometry.LineString. These zero-length edges are now removed.


26 Mar 13:02
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