By Brenda Storer (@brendamarienyc) from Thoughtbot on October 9th, 2017 @ 5:00PM - Slides
The new CSS Grid specification is here! Sure, it's fun to play with, but is it truly ready or even practical to use for everyday work? As a designer and front-end developer at a software development agency, I've been using CSS Grid in production websites and it is already making my life easier. In this talk, I'll show you some examples that will include:
Layouts achieved with a few lines of code that previously required messy hacks or JavaScript
- Examples of different syntax and units for CSS Grid
- Fallbacks for older browsers
- How CSS Grid improves accessibility
- Interest in new spec items usually peaks until someone asks about browser compatibility
- It went from 0 - 70 in a month for browser support because vendor prefixes are becoming a thing of the past and feature flags are the new way forward
- Microsoft Edge is going to get Grid support on October 17, 2017!
- Step by Step Guide to Writing CSS Grid
- Step 1: Identify a Good Use Case
- Flexbox vs Grid
- Flexbox is great for laying out items in one direction... in rows... or columns...
- Grid allows you to lay out elements in two directions: rows & columns
- Grid shares the similar paradigm of flexbox where you have a grid parent and then the direct children of that parent are grid children
- Flexbox vs Grid
- Step 2: Write Grid Code
- Don't worry about the fallback. Just write grid code.
- A benefit of grid code is that is simplifies the markup because the visual aspect will be taken care of by grid
- Step 3: Fallback Gracefully with Feature Queries
- Use
- If the browser doesn't recognize
, it skips it anyways.
- If the browser doesn't recognize
- Fallin' back with Flexbox
- Order matters
- The fallback should be first as default
- Grid code shoudl be last so it can override any of the default styles
- A few things to consider...
- Disable grid in autoprefixer is default for Autoprefixer v7.0+
- Some syntax is not supported in Sass until v3.5
- Sass rails is only running Sass v3.1
- Use
- Step 4: Ship It!
- Step 1: Identify a Good Use Case
- What things can CSS Grid do that CSS couldn't do before
- Control placement around unknowns
- Using media queries with grid
- Can CSS Grid replace Masontry?
- Not really, but kinda sometimes sorta?
- Needs autoprefixer grid support disabled
- Graceful Degradation
- Who made the rules that web pages must look the same in every browser?
"Vendor prefixes were probably never meant to be shipped to production. And because they were, it created a whole slew of problems for us." - Brenda Storer
"It's okay that when I look back at my old code I sometimes say, 'What was I thinking?' That means I'm still learning and growing." - Brenda Storer
- Great use of a faux graph: "Emotional Reaction to new CSS Specs"
- Nice use of abstract shapes to represent mental models of how grid works