Simple and small JavaScript ajax library
All this library does is provide a simple wrapper around the XMLHttpRequest object.
These methods should be fairly self-explanatory. 'headers' is an object with header key/value pairs. If provided, 'data' attributes will be sent as a 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded' body on the request. Lastly, if the response content type is 'application/json', the response will be parsed and the resulting object passed to the 'success' or 'error' callbacks. Otherwise the response text is passed to the 'success' or 'error' callbacks.
Method signatures:
http.ajax : function(method, url, headers, data, success, error)
http.get : function(url, success, error) : function(url, data, success, error)
http.put : function(url, data, success, error)
http.delete : function(url, success, error)
Usage example:"users/james", {
name:"James Joyce",
}, function (response) {
alert("It worked");
}, function (response) {
alert("Ooops!\n" + JSON.stringify(response));