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Spark Druid Package

Spark-Druid package enables Logical Plans written against a raw event dataset to be rewritten to take advantage of a Drud Index of the Event data. It comprises of a Druid DataSource that wraps the raw event dataset, and a Druid Planner that contains a set of Rewrite Rules to convert 'Project-Filter-Aggregation-Having-Sort-Limit' plans to Druid Index Rest calls.

Overall Picture

There are 2 scenarios where the combination of Druid and Spark adds value:

  • For existing deployments of Druid, this can expose the Druid Index as a DataSource in Spark. This provides a proper SQL interface(with jdbc/odbc access) to the Druid dataset; it also enables analytics in Spark(SQL + advanced analytics) to utilize the fast navigation/aggregation capabilities of the Druid Index. The second point is the key: the goal is fast SQL++ access on a denormalized/flat event Dataset. One that marries the rich programming model of Spark with the fast access and aggregation capabilities of Druid. Currently we are focused on this use case.
  • Longer term , we envision using the Druid technology as an OLAP index for Star Schemas residing in Spark. This is a classic OLAP space/performance tradeoff: a specialized secondary index to speed up queries.

Please read the design document for details on Spark Druid connectivity, and the Rewrite Rules in place(and planned). We have benchmarked a set of representative queries from the TPCH benchmark. For slice and dice queries like TPCH Q7 we see an improvement in the order of 10x. The benchmark results and an analysis are in the Design document(a more detailed description of the benchmark is available here)

So if you have your raw event store is in Deep Storage(hdfs/s3) and you have a Druid index for this dataset, you can use the Spark-Druid package in the following way. Here we give the example of the flattened TPCH dataset. Details of this is setup, and how a Druid index is created are in the Benchmark document.

// 1. create table /register the Raw Event DataSet
CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE orderlineitempartsupplierbase 
     o_orderkey      INTEGER, 
     o_custkey       INTEGER, 
     o_orderstatus   STRING, 
     o_totalprice    DOUBLE, 
     o_orderdate     STRING, 
     o_orderpriority STRING, 
     o_clerk         STRING, 
     o_shippriority  INTEGER, 
     o_comment       STRING, 
     l_partkey       INTEGER, 
     l_suppkey       INTEGER, 
     l_linenumber    INTEGER, 
     l_quantity      DOUBLE, 
     l_extendedprice DOUBLE, 
using com.databricks.spark.csv options (
     path "orderLineItemPartSupplierCustomer.sample/", 
     header "false", 
     delimiter "|"

// 2. create temporary table using the Druid DataSource
CREATE temporary TABLE orderlineitempartsupplier 
   using org.sparklinedata.druid options (
    sourcedataframe "orderLineItemPartSupplierBase", 
    timedimensioncolumn "l_shipdate", 
    druiddatasource "tpch", 
    druidhost "localhost", 
    druidport "8082"
  • For an entire list of columns see the benchmark docs.
  • Here I am loading the raw event datset using the CSV package. But it could be any Spark DataFrame.
  • The orderlineitempartsupplier is a DataFrame in Spark that you can query as though it has the same Schema as the DataFrame it wraps, /orderLineItemPartSupplierBase/. It defintions contains information about the Druid Index: connection information, column mapping information, rewrites allowed etc.

Now a Query like:

SELECT s_nation,
       Year(Datetime( ` l_shipdate ` )) AS l_year,
       Sum(l_extendedprice)             AS extendedPrice
FROM   orderlineitempartsupplier
WHERE  ( ( s_nation = 'FRANCE'
           AND c_nation = 'GERMANY' )
          OR ( c_nation = 'FRANCE'
               AND s_nation = 'GERMANY' ) )
GROUP  BY s_nation,
          Year(Datetime( ` l_shipdate ` ))

with a Logical Plan:

Aggregate [s_nation#88,c_nation#104,scalaUDF(scalaUDF(l_shipdate#71))], ...
 Project [s_nation#88,c_nation#104,l_shipdate#71,l_extendedprice#66]
  Filter (((s_nation#88 = FRANCE) && (c_nation#104 = GERMANY)) || ...

is rewritten to a Spark Plan:

Project [s_nation#88,c_nation#104,CAST(l_shipdate#172, IntegerType) AS...
 PhysicalRDD [s_nation#88,...], DruidRDD[12] at RDD at DruidRDD.scala:34

The Druid Query executed for this rewritten plan is here


This library requires Spark 1.4+. It embeds the spark-datetime package


You can link against this library in your program at the following coordiates:

groupId: Sparklinedata
artifactId: spark-druid-olap
version: 0.0.1

Using with Spark shell

This package can be added to Spark using the --packages command line option. For example, to include it when starting the spark shell:

$ bin/spark-shell --packages Sparklinedata:spark-druid-olap:0.0.1

Building from Source

This library is built with SBT, which is automatically downloaded by the included shell script. To build a JAR file simply run build/sbt package from the project root.