Open-Source WordPress Infrastructure on Kubernetes
For a more thorough documentation check the hosted docs.
The project is actively maintained and developed and has reached stable beta state. Check the complete list of releases here. The Bitpoke Stack currently runs on Google Cloud Kubernetes Engine and we also have a documented viable deployment flow for Minikube/Docker on Mac/Docker on Windows.
Add the Bitpoke helm charts repo:
helm repo add bitpoke
helm repo update
Cert Manager is a requirement for Stack because it depends on certificates in order to setup it's the environment. The official installation documentation can be found here.
helm repo add jetstack
helm repo update
kubectl create namespace cert-manager
kubectl apply -f${CERT_MANAGER_VERSION}/cert-manager.crds.yaml
helm install \
cert-manager jetstack/cert-manager \
--namespace cert-manager \
The Stack also depends on the Kubernetes Application CRD. The following command will install the application CRD. You may also want (this is optional) to install the Application Controller, see the install guide.
kubectl apply -f
For convenience we collect all necessary CRDs in one place so you can simply install them.
export STACK_VERSION=0.12.4
kubectl apply -f${STACK_VERSION}/deploy/00-crds.yaml
The rest of the Stack can be installed using helm 3. There are many possible platforms where it can be installed. We provide presets for production and development environments.
For GKE is required to have at least three nodes for running components and also
have some room for deploying a site. For testing out and playground e1-small
should suffice.
export STACK_VERSION=0.12.4
helm install \
stack bitpoke/stack \
--create-namespace \
--namespace bitpoke-stack \
--version v${STACK_VERSION} \
Ensure a larger Minikube with eg, minikube start --cpus 4 --memory 8192
provide a working local environment.
export STACK_VERSION=0.12.4
helm install \
stack bitpoke/stack \
--create-namespace \
--namespace bitpoke-stack \
--version v${STACK_VERSION} \
export STACK_VERSION=0.12.4
helm install \
mysite bitpoke/wordpress-site \
--version v${STACK_VERSION} \
--set '[0]'
Issues are being tracked here. We also gladly accept pull requests.
You can find more detailed information about the contributing process on the docs page.