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Ryan R. Fox edited this page Mar 13, 2019 · 4 revisions

TESTNET: User Guide for Hashed Time-Lock Contracts (HTLC) on BitShares

Note: This documentation applies to the BitShares Public TESTNET only. HTLC is not yet implemented on MAINNET.

Note: The BitShares HTLC implementation is beta software and should be used for experimentation purposes only. The software may not perform as designed and you may lose value as a result.

Note: The BitShares UI Web Wallet does not yet implement the HTLC features. Therefore, one must use the BitShares CLI (command line wallet) to interact with HTLC directly. The UI Team is working with the Core Team to implement the required graphical interface prior to mainnet release.


An HTLC is a conditional transfer of value from "depositor" to "recipient" where two distinct conditions prevent immediate execution. 1) The hashlock requires presenting the proper "preimage" to the blockchain prior to the 2) timelock expiration, else the value automatically returns to "depositor".

This allows two parties to exchange tokens on independent platforms trustlessly and securely and thus enables Atomic Cross-Chain Swaps (ACCS) among other useful functionalities.

Getting Started with HTLC

There are 5 steps to progress through when working with an HTLC:

  1. Generate a "preimage" (depositor)
  2. Calculate the "preimage_hash" (depositor)
  3. Create the HTLC (depositor)
  4. Verify the HTLC (recipient)
  5. Redeem the HTLC (recipient)

0. Prerequisites

  1. The "depositor" must have an unlocked cli_wallet with their account (e.g alice)
  • a. alice must have a balance of TEST tokens in her wallet
  • b. anyone may issue this command to verify: $>list_account_balances alice
  1. The "recipient" must have an unlocked cli_wallet with their account (e.g bob)
  • a. bob may have a 0 balance

Note: For testing purpose, the accounts may be in the same wallet

1. Generate a "preimage" (depositor)

  1. alice must generate a "preimage" (think: password) and keep is safe from bob until she is ready to reveal it him.
  2. Using this external website generate a "preimage"
  3. Enter your "preimage" text into the textbox
Warning: Using a popular preimage is large security risk. The recipient can redeem the HTLC by comparing the preimage_hash to a dictionary of popular hashes. The best preimage is a long, random one.
  1. Count how many characters your entered, including spaces, this is your "preimage_length" in bytes
  2. Retain your "preimage" and "preimage_length" for later use
  3. Example: "preimage" is My Preimage and "preimage_length" is 11 bytes

2. Calculate the "preimage_hash" (depositor)

  1. alice must calculate the "preimage_hash" from the preimage she generated above
  2. Just below the textbox will be the SHA256 hash of your preimage string
  3. Retain this as your "preimage_hash" for later use
  4. Example: "preimage_hash" is 650BFCEF53BD8E6E030613E0B75EC0CBA4FCD25C53BF0D15A6283593B269DF79

3. Create the HTLC (depositor)

  1. alice will create the HTLC using the htlc_create command with syntax of htlc_create <from> <to> <amount> <symbol> <hash_algo> <preimage_hash> <preimage_length> <expiration> <broadcast>
  • a. is alice our depositor
  • b. is bob our recipient
  • c. is the number of tokens to be locked into the contract (e.g. 100)
  • d. is the token symbol (e.g. TEST)
  • e. <hash_algo> will be SHA256 (future releases may support additional hash algorithms)
  • f. <preimage_hash> is the calculated value from #2 (not the preimage which remains private)
  • g. <preimage_length> is the number of bytes from #1
  • h. is the timelock expressed as the number of seconds the HTLC will remain valid upon broadcast to the blockchain (e.g. 300 for 5 minutes)
  • i. is a boolean value which must be set to true to be sent by the cli_wallet software
  1. alice will execute this command: $(unlocked)>htlc_create alice bob 100 TEST SHA256 "650BFCEF53BD8E6E030613E0B75EC0CBA4FCD25C53BF0D15A6283593B269DF79" 11 300 true
  2. The JSON response will be returned (else an assert error - check your parameters)
  3. The HTLC is now active and the hashlock expiration is counting down the seconds for bob to verify and redeem.
  4. The 100 TEST tokens are deducted from the account balance of alice and are locked into the HTLC, protected by both the hashlock and timelock conditions.

4. Verify the HTLC (recipient)

  1. bob must validate the HTLC created by alice meets his requirements. He can do this by looking at the recent account history operations for his account to find the active HTLC.
  2. bob will execute this command: $(unlocked)>get_account_history bob 1
  • a. This will return the most recent operation, which should begin with "Create HTLC to bob"
  • b. Locate the HTLC "database_id" having the format 1.16.XX
    • i. "XX" will also be a numeric value unique to the HTLC alice created
    • ii. Retain the complete HTLC "database_id" (e.g 1.16.99)
  1. bob will use the "database_id" to execute this command: $(unlocked)>get_htlc 1.16.99
  2. bob will verify the following transfer values meet his expectations, as agreed to previously with alice:
  • a. from
  • b. to
  • c. amount
  • d. asset
  1. bob will now learn about the two conditions alice applied to the HTLC.
  • Within the hashlock he observes:

    • a. hash_algo
    • b. preimage_hash
    • c. preimage_length
  • Within the timelock he observes:

    • d. expiration_string
  1. If bob validates everything, he may proceed to Redeem the HTLC
  2. Else, alice will automatically receive the value locked in the HTLC when the timelock expires

5. Redeem the HTLC (recipient)

  1. bob will obtain the preimage from alice, likely after performing the agreed upon task
  2. The htlc_redeem command has the following syntax: htlc_redeem <htlc_database_id> <fee_paying_account> <preimage> <broadcast>
  3. bob will execute the following command: $(unlocked)>htlc_redeem 1.16.99 bob "My Preimage" true
  4. The JSON response will be returned (else an assert error - check your parameters)
  5. The "preimage" bob supplied satisfies the hashlock condition on the HTLC and the 100 TEST are moved into his account balance (less 0.4 TEST which is paid as the transaction fee, less 0.8 TEST which is paid as the kilobyte fee for storing the "preimage").
  6. Anyone may issue this command to verify: $>list_account_balances bob

Using Two HTLCs to Perform an Atomic Swap

An atomic swap involves a pair of HTLCs related by the same hashlock within both, allowing for trustless exchange of distinct tokens between distinct accounts. More on how to perform this on the TESTNET shortly.

Performing an Atomic Cross Chain Swap (ACCS)

The ultimate goal for our HTLC implementation is to allow the trustless exchange of tokens on the BitShares blockchain for tokens on a foreign blockchain. We will likely start with TESTBTC instructions in the coming weeks. Please practice on our chain first.

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