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General CS

General Python


Object-Oriented Programming

Python Scoping



What are some things we can do to prepare for CS?

Why is there such a debate between OOP and functional programming, and why should we care?

There are a lot of programming paradigms and they all have their strengths and weaknesses when it comes to solving different types of problems.

People can be quite opinionated about their favorites, but it's important to remember that no one language or paradigm is the right tool for all jobs. And, additionally, that virtually all problems can be solved in any of the declarative or imperative paradigms. (Some might produce cleaner, more elegant code for a particular problem.)

Paradigms are the hardest thing to learn because you often have to take all the knowledge you have about solving a problem in another paradigm and throw it out the window. You have to learn new patterns and techniques to be effective.

But we encourage this kind of learning because most popular languages are to some degree multi-paradigm, and the more techniques you know from more paradigms, the more effective you are in that multi-paradigm langage.

In regard to the code challenge solution, why is the '+' operator being used to concatenate strings? I thought we were supposed to use the join() method in Python?

Using join() to join large numbers of strings is definitely faster in Python than using the + operator to do it. The reason is that every time you join() or use the + operator, a new string is created. So if you only have to join() once, versus using + hundreds of times, you'll run faster.

That said, if you want to use the join() approach, you'll have to have all your strings in a list, which uses more memory than just having the two or three that you need at a time to use +. So there's a tradeoff.

Another tradeoff might be in readability. It might be easier to read the + version. That's worth something.

Finally, if + is fast enough for this case, it might not be worth the time to bother with making a list of strings to join().

How do you get out of the Python built-in help?

Hit q for "quit".

It's a common command in Unix "pagers" (programs that show documents a page at a time).

Are there any helpful VS Code extensions that are recommend for using with Python?

I'm on Windows; what command do I use to run Python?

If you're running in PowerShell or cmd, use:


If in bash, use python or python3.

What version of Python do I need?

You should have version 3.7 or higher. Test with:

python --version

Do I need to use pipenv?

You should. Good Python devs know how.

How do I get out of the Python REPL?

Hit CTRL-D. This is the way End-Of-File is signified in Unix-likes.

What does "REPL" mean?

Read, Evaluate, Print Loop.

It reads your input, evaluates it, and prints the result. And loops.

I'm on a Mac and when I run Python it says I'm on version 2.7. Why?

Macs come with version 2.7 by default. You'll need to install version 3.

And preferable use pipenv after that.

Does Python use tabs or spaces?

PEP 8 says four spaces.

How do I convert an iterator into a list?

Cast it:



[0, 1, 2, 3, 4]

Does Python have hoisting?


Does scoping work similar to other languages?

Generally, and also not really. Variables are either global or function-local.

Since there are no declarations, there's no block-level scope.

It is similar to var in JavaScript.

Can you return a reference to a function from another function? Or store it in a variable?

Yes. Functions are first-class citizens.

Can you use boolean shortcut assignments?

Yes, you can. This is common in Perl and JavaScript, but it's not particularly idiomatic in Python.

x = SomethingFalsey or 5

Can you do anonymous functions?

You can use lambda for simple functions:

adder = lambda x, y: x + y

adder(4, 5)   # 9

do_some_math(4, 5, lambda x, y: y - x)

Is a dict like a JavaScript object?

Sort of.

The syntax is different, though. In Python you must use [] notation to access elements. And you must use " around the key names.

What are all those method names with double underscores around them?

Those are function you typically don't need to use, but can override or call if you wish.

Most commonly used are:

  • __init__() is the constructor for objects
  • __str__() returns a string representation of the object
  • __repr__() returns a string representation of the object, for debugging

How do I get a value from a dict?

d = {
    "a": 2,
    "b": 3


You don't use dot notation.

When do we run pipenv shell?

pipenv shell puts you into your work environment. When you're ready to work, or run the code, or install new dependencies, you should be in your pipenv shell.

How do I get out of the pipenv shell?

Type exit.

How do I install additional packages from pipenv?

pipenv install packagename

Is it possible to use system-wide packages from inside the virtual environment?

This is not recommended.

Where are good Python docs?

The official docs might be hard to read at first, but you'll get used to them quickly

Which linter?

Pylint or Flake8. The latter seems to be a bit more popular.

Can you dynamically add new methods/properties to class through other functions? Or must all properties/methods be declared at once?

You can add them dynamically at runtime, but you have to add them to the class itself:

class Foo():

f = Foo()

Foo.x = 12  # Dynamically add property to class

f.x == 12 # True!

def a_method(self):

Foo.hi = a_method  # Dynamically add method to class

f.hi()   # Prints "Hi"

This is not a common thing to see in Python, however.

Following this flow: 1) class Dog is created with attributes size and weight. 2) New instance called Snoopy of class Dog is created. 3) Class Dog gets the method bark() dynamically added to it. Question: will Snoopy now have access to bark() method?


If a subclass inherits from two superclasses with a method of the same name, which method will the subclass use?

The answer to this is twofold:

  1. Lots of devs and shops frown on multiple inheritance, so maybe just don't do it. (Discussion)

  2. As for the order in which methods of the same name are resolved, check out the MRO Algorithm which is what Python uses.

How to handle multiple inheritance and why/when to do it in the first place?

class Base1:

class Base2:

class Derived(Base1, Base2):  # Multiple inheritance

Sometimes multiple inheritance can lead to elegant solutions when a subclass needs attributes from multiple, otherwise-unrelated parent classes.

However, a lot of people find it's not worth the trouble) and opt for other solutions, like composition.

Why use tuples instead of lists?

  • Tuples are immutable. There's a school of thought that says bugs can be reduced if you make as many things immutable as you can.
  • Tuples are faster than lists to access.
  • Some tuples (containing primitive types), can be used as dict keys.

What's the difference between repr and str?

Generally speaking, __repr__ is the string a dev would want to see if they dumped an object to the screen. __str__ is the string a user would want to see if the object were print()ed.

The output of __repr__ should be valid Python code that can reproduce the object.

class Goat:
    def __init__(self, leg_count):
        self.leg_count = leg_count

    def __repr__(self):
        return f'Goat(leg_count={self.leg_count})'

    def __str__(self):
        return f'a goat with {self.leg_count} legs'

In action:

>>> g = Goat(4)
>>> str(g)
'a goat with 4 legs'
>>> g
>>> Goat(leg_count=4)  # output of __repr__ makes a clone of that object!

How does sys.argv work?

It's a list that holds command line arguments. This is a way for a user to run your program and specify different behavior from the command line.

Here's a small program that prints the command line arguments:

import sys

for i in range(len(sys.argv)):
    print(f'Argument #{i} is: {sys.argv[i]}')

and here's some output, assuming you named the script

$ python
Argument #0 is:
$ python antelope buffalo
Argument #0 is:
Argument #1 is: antelope
Argument #2 is: buffalo

Note that the 0th element in the list is the name of the program.

Here's another program that prints up to whatever number the user specifies:

import sys

for i in range(int(sys.argv[1])):

Example runs:

$ python 2
$ python 4

How do I concatenate two arrays into a single array?

Use extend().

a = [1, 2, 3]
b = [4, 5, 6]


print(a)   # [ 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 ]

What are some ways to learn a new language?

  • Figure out how variables and functions work.
  • Build small toy programs to test individual features.
  • Build a larger project that exercises many features.
  • Don't get frustrated! Treat the problem like a curiosity, a thing to be studied.
  • Do small tutorials or code-alongs.
  • Find docs you like.
  • Learn the differences between this language and one you know.
  • Learn this language's way of doing the things you know.

Things to look for in the new language:

  • Collections (arrays, vectors, dictionaries)
  • Data types
  • Iterators
  • Flow control (if, while, loops, etc)
  • Functions
  • etc.

Why test code frequently?

It's often better to make progress in small increments than to write a bunch of stuff and test it in one go.

Also, it's easier to stay motivated if you spend 10 minutes getting a first version going, even if it's missing 99% of its features, and then starting to iterate on that.

Why isn't official documentation more helpful than Stack Overflow?

Often official documentation is more geared toward being a concise reference. Stack Overflow is more of an example-based learning environment.

Sometimes you need to know the specific details. In those cases, you can dig into the spec, with all it's lawyerly language, and try to decipher what it is you have to do.

Other times, you just need a getting-started example, and Stack Overflow is great for that.

Both types of documentation have their purpose.

During an interview, what do I do if I can't remember the exact syntax?

Just say so.

"I can't remember how to add an element to the end of the list in Python... is it push()? In any case, we'll call the function here that does that."

(Turns out it's append() in Python, but being honest and describing what it is your're trying to do will get you 99% of the way there in an interview.)