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BJ Hargrave edited this page Feb 17, 2016 · 31 revisions

Bnd 3.2.0

For Bndtools 3.2.0 changes, see

Bnd Maven Plugin Changes


  • When generating the Bundle-Version manifest header, previous versions of this plugin always replaced the string SNAPSHOT in the version qualifier with the value of the Bnd ${tstamp} macro. The plugin now instead sets the Bnd instruction -snapshot: ${tstamp}. This will replace the qualifier value of SNAPSHOT with the the value of the Bnd ${tstamp} macro. Using the -snapshot instruction allows the user to override the plugin behavior in the bnd.bnd file. For example, to retain the string SNAPSHOT as the version qualifier, set -snapshot: SNAPSHOT in the bnd.bnd file.
  • The plugin will avoid writing output if none of the input files to the bundle are changed. This helps with incremental builds in M2E.

Bnd Gradle Plugin Changes

  • TBD

Other Notable Changes

  • TBD

Backwards compatibility

  • The bnd-maven-plugin changed how SNAPSHOT is replaced with ${tstamp} in the Bundle-Version header value. See above for details.
  • The Bnd annotations will be deprecated in a future release of Bnd. Please make plans to migrate to the OSGi Release 6 specified annotations which now offer more features than the bnd annotations.

Known Issues

  • None at this time.
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