This list is an unordered, non-committal set of proposed topics.
- Distances between probability distributions (Mahalanobis-like)
- Network models of propagating (perceived) uncertainty
- Intelligence is relative to the participants to the conversation
- Multi-modal networks, with layered or hierarchical or polymorphic relationships and attributed nodes
- Detachability and permanence
- Functional / router
- Pipedream catastrophe
- Graph2Vec: Bitmaps, serializing an open api spec to a bitset
- Chain of custody
- Resilience is the stasis component of adaptability
- Key-head holder
- ortogonalitatea segmentelor (consecutive) de cheie, din tabele hibrid digital-fuzzy
- Auto-encoder of expectation and prediction, based on results and feedback from other agents
- "Obvious features make one less recogzinable."
- "The cross-differential of actual truth is always zero"
- Scheduler Entropy / Cache Breaks
- Deep Boltzman machines
- REDACTED (deep sensor, pattern, prediction and reward-behavior chain path finding)
- REDACTED: Architecture of Intelligence
- Cross-selection of neural agents
- @ Polytopes
- Hypergraph.add(6a8ea70d754c6bbf2ee493fa984fbc9d5aa36b825f2e36fadd7fa0f1743f087a6e7628386f83bc15509ca7c5d1d4b8b9a462d33749c7f7d1e820c2cd8db6b961)
- Heuristically ordered queues of jobs with persistent caching, reorderable under real time constraints.
- Bag of Differences / Differential Vector Pooling *Meta-design: making the business case for less premature optimization *I think most people imagine AI as something that can learn for you, so that you don’t have to go through the painful tasks of reading and tinkering and communicating with others about what’s going on.
- Ch(Ch(Ch(Ch(s2,s1),s3),s4),null)=null Series obtained from recursive expression of bounded choice.
- Probabilitate ca functie de diferentiala a functiei obiectiv
- Probability wave collapsed in null event
- Note from Strada REDACTED
- Kalman filters for determining origin of perfume (emission) from two streams: one with computer vision (candidate origin positioning) and one which measures stimulus intensity (concentration, temperature)
- Collapsing several dimensional of relationships in a hypergraph in a 3d space where all events up to third (n-th) order are plotted in a way that is cognitively relevant from a vision point of view
- Syncording snapshots in STEM 6D space
- Taxonomy & epigenetics
- Generalized and analytically-characterizing “uncanny valley” the the view-point of the sentient observer
- Diljar-Overton IPOA (Input-Processing-Output-Action) acceptability quaternion
- Verencz vector and coefficient
- Optimization under uncertainty
- Reduce n-dimensional spaces to a graph of filaments/tubules with agglomerations of high-res space
- DeepHeuristics
- PageRank for Semantic Graphs
- Decidability coverage of languages
- Publicly infferrable knowledge
- REDACTED_NAMES feature-outcome mapping
- The matrix is the mesh or the graph of interconnected self-powering pieces of machinery that talk to each other about hopefully/suppossedly/work together
- Detecting the videodrome: how can we design an intelligence which is eventually-capable of doubting the realness of its environment?
- Self-serving laterality in causal root cause analysis
- pStem guarantees and settlements
- Branch cuts and glass walls in pStem and pGraph space
- The importance of sentience bubbles (membranes)
- Causal insulation as a means to achieve higher reliability of complex transactional processes
- Effects of virtualization (membrane p-filter) on networks of sentients
- The Turing reactor
- Lyapunov & Reynolds number for neural networks and other graph-bound information flows
- Knots of several threads (agencies) of graph
- Reward-behavior chain path finding
- Quantum memory of molecules
- Folding, hidden information and crystallography
- Modeling a Kalman filter as a generalized latency-reducer, including as a predictor
- Model simulation of society by assigning a hierarchy of models to a multi-graph (multimodal network of agents)
- What tensorial form is incentivized at capture / generation?
- Physics notes
- REDACTED_REFERENCE - time, confidence, energy
- Time-travel-aware path-finding for minimizing energy, processing time and wait time
- Dimensional shift between low-yield/deficit and high-yield/excedent dimensions
- "The Unproven Theorem" paradox applied to virtualized sentients
- Expanding C-S-P space
- The Erdos hash
- Functorial - definitions from several disciplines
- Time Traveling Turing Machine
- Trans-finite ordinal numbers
- Reconciliere [derivatelor partiale fractionare] cu [distributii de probabilitate]
- Order by RHG heuristic of pSTEM space
- Cytokine broadcast bandwidth?
- End-to-end architecture of human-machine interaction
- Eventual awareness of environment and of self
- Confidence in quantum space
- Locally unobservable side-effects
- Randomness of the Abyss
- Dendritic computing machines
- Branching Overloaded (too frequent or dominant) entities
- hypergraph.add(fc45fa2a90e0d5075d11eae907ecdc6be75582b718f91a9c84eeaf05d0ff80c1)
- REDACTED Sleeping and dreaming keep us human
- The autopoiesis-capable, self-descriptive, functionally-edged and functionally-vertex graph
- Sisteme axiomatice convexe si propozitii interne.
- Turing tape metric (distance)
- Energy-projection of data operation
- REDACTED Nicholson shear tensor
- Canonical Materialization-Observation-Representation (MOR) loops in anisotropic, heterogenous perception loops
- Durable State Stack
- Accumulate delta-features
- Mutiple pStem allocator/state enforcer/binding enforcer/entanglement enforcer
- Types of relationships of a sentient to a state
- Algorithm which output complex confidence values
- Auto-referintiere conditionala si circumstantiala
- Pick at least one, at most three; "Pick at least X, at most Y out of Z - type of games"
- Notes on P vs. NP, communicability and computability *Normal graph encoding into known tesselations
- Drill-down, generative graph investigator, enricher, based on collaborative inquiry, validation, decomposition
- XorBuffer
- Preparatory front of switch
- Non-Abelian (non-additive)
- The Merkle-Bloom Forest
- Types of spiders that can navigate a web
- Deserialization and folding
- The squashing, tipping and folding of grounded multi-graphs
- Simtul Masurii
- What is the selection-identity cardinality and the approximate occurence/frequency of classes of ?
- Compatibility / relatability as a function of relatedness (code editing distance) and kinness (branch distance)
- The Spillage Lattice Vectors
- Patent: REDACTED
- Patent:: REDACTED
- Nine requirements for automating Research and Development in IT
- Pareto |K-kost contraction on unproductive/redundant models
- {e/p-o/c-i/r} uncertainty minimization
- Seria-metru si seria-cronograf si seria-metru-cronograf, toate criptografice
- Resource manager
- Particle State Non-Additivity
- Feynmann:: Resolution
- The effects of |K-constraints on cognitive-perception
- Lazarum Address Space Subset
- The holographic sentient and the tree’s rings
- Ipkahash conjecture of iso-contextual functional congruence.
- Scheduling Policies and Prioritization Functions
- Kolmogorov equations to generalize Lotka-Voltera quantitative description of population equilibria
- Notations for subjective sentient theory
- δP security differential as operational strain: probability of interference (Welfer space amplitude)
- Choice has been committed. REDACTED
- Choice under information asymmetry/secrecy
- The ideal-permutation Oracle
- Kolmogorov Equations: Derivatives on discrete states
- Choice as a function taking the observed and observable Universe as an argument
- Autori interesanti pe mind-body problem
- Cummulative denial of firsthand experience and buildugsroman enforcement
- Grafuri orientate in spatiile partiale
- Time is an encoder of observable state
- Levenshtein regex
- Neural ODE
- Duty of definition, completeness and consistency
- P(flip)=e^-(O(path to sufficient precedent))
- The stasis of Markov blankets
- Transformare Lorenz-RMG
- Generalizing the existence & convergence of stacked convolutional estimators, as well as estimators obtained from other operators
- Declararea complexitatii downstream
- Fresnel solids and 2ds+t inter-bus adaptor surface (Klein-Fresnel adaptors/joints/knees/pairing/coupling/junction)
- Patina coherence & consistency
- FC, SL, tensor-mesh multi-graphs, |K vectors
- Skyhash -> NameHash
- Feynman - network of observers and instruments
- Assumptions and handlers for: out of time/energy/space/confidence
- Network of clocks
- The state of modern physics
- Semantic compression
- State stability reinforcement
- Layered object semantics
- Algorithm complexity on ternary computer
- Logarith-w(i) probability depending on assumption-weight distance
- String cache/heap with set of vari-equals metrics and lookup multi-maps
- A Calculus for Brain Computation
- Reversible and irreversible arches and bifurcations
- Frobenius Distance between Graphs (NP-hard)
- Entropy as combinatorics / re-arrangement potential count
- Graph algorithms
- Histographic Differential Analysis
- Does light-in-transit create gravity ripples?
- Assumptions on spaces and structures
- AoT data access pattern; assumptions; continouus migration;
- Inflection points on cummulative probability distributions
- The inaccessibility and inherent randomness of pre-pro-lingual causality
- Tesselation of p/Stem space
- Pricing access to the Matrix
- Tensor / convolution cache
- Axioms and axioms-enrichrd with sentient computational capability and bodily/embodiment capability
- The ante-post nature of certainty
- The free market is rigged at the joints: the order of processing is preset
- Boring through pSTEM
- Buffer of inaccessible observables has overflown.
- Generalized Holographic Principle
- Modelling value and price in markets of sentient agents
- Ant-colony optimal path lookup in stochastic state spaces
- Bushner degeneracy
- Antrenare Distribuita Cu gossip, Quantizizare+sparsificare Cu Acumulator; Proof Of Truth Statistic; Cu Persistarea Pe Chain A Reputatiei
- Resample, Store And Forward
- Multi-threaded Kalman Filter
- Generalizing the existence & convergence of stacked convolutional estimators, as well as estimators obtained from other operators
- Functorul Dirac-Gauss
- Supermaximae de tip Nicholson-Fijneman
- Teoria membranelor filtrante
- The Harkaw Equilibrium
- Flow controls, schedulers, conditional and state uncertainty
- Descentralized AI
- Representational stress tensor
- Fenced unstable Nash-Turing equilibrium
- Holographic projection using conformal transforms
- Relative frequencies of (end-to-end) co-observation between communicating observers
- Transversal dependency
- NoOp generalization
- Network models for delayed perecption
- |K / |Q >= h-bar-efficiency
- Cryptographic permutation
- Shift sorting / whoosh-sorting
- Permutation order estimation
- Equality seen as Mahalanobis distance
- Zyanum conformity measure
- Exogenous and Introgenous Entropy
- Topochrony is the topological study of isochrone surfaces over time
- Echilibrul Nash cu obiective integro-differentiale sub presupuneri de schimbari tranzitii/costuri/garantii si sub asimetrie informationala (volatilitate)
- The differential topochrony of the human brain
- Fill ratio of the quantization capacity of a materialized-value/rastered field
- Holographic events
- log_p q , p,q-prime
- Holographic interface and folding
- How to efficiently encode and store permutations?
- Modelling membranes
- Economic threshold for pre-emptive optimization under uncertainty
- The Free-Will Exchange
- How to measure the digital economy?
- Fractional calculus
- δ|Q / δ|K (quality-kost) dual optimizations
- Bounded choice, streaming choice
- Lie algebras
- Local lattice tesselation and connectivity
- Play, planning, pain and simulation
- Categorical perception, clustering non-essential information
- Null-pointer algebra
- Alef-zero + reward/acceptability
- Motivation as a function of Perceived probability, Perceived desirability and Perceived effort
- Sigma-alef probability of co-membranatic state-flip
- Meta-observation pattern & policy
- Geometry of Stacked Towers of Registers and Functions
- 3a5t3r3GG FENKART C(2 7); FENKART C(4 7); FENKART C(3 7);
- The Self-Surgery Turing Machine
- Desirability and Selection
- Objective-tensor shear spikes
- Core dumps as security risks.
- Disruption and defragmentation; access-aware defragmentation
- FENKART:: Nash: Logical Induction ; REDACTED
- The Future of Mathematics?
- Quantum field, protein and origami folding
- Flip of data-flow direction vector is an effect of over-using the assumption of auto-correlation of both inbound aprori signal and outbound a posteriori symbols (as projected on the objective function stack of the sentient)
- Quantum interpretations
- Generator de functii obiectiv; lateralul co-observabil întâietant (care garanteaza obiectivul) dar nedeterminat (multi-valuat, in pereche cu tensori de incredere)
- Atunci cand spui un numar faci o serie de presupuneri despre felul in care functioneaza lumea in jurul a ceea ce reprezinta numarul tau.
- The reductionist view of quantum mechanism: assumes that all information that exists is also accessible to all actors in the system.
- Entanglement between particles means an agreement to share internal states or even published/externally-observed states
- The problem of observability of particles
- Hash-based addressing, routing and bucketing for content- and order-based allocation and replication/validation
- Snap to digital (poor quantization space, high confidence)
- Holographic projection using conformal transforms ; the roll-on topological projection;
- The double-slit experiment in a cold, dark room
- The observer-particle computational model and entropy differentials
- Tonis (Tonitz) peak of observability, expected accessibility and detected non-accesibility (no-op/for-nothing/degeaba interrupts)
- Verencz VAV :: visibility-accessibility-valution
- Category theory
- Spinors and twistors
- Spinor histogram (hypergram)
- Type Theory
- The nature of formulating first perception of an observable or of interactions between observables
- Receptaculitate si promiscuitate
- Conversations as a joint attempt to as-reliably modify a shared pMultiGraph or pMultiHyperGraph
- Almost-always unobservable actions and observables.
- The OA loop -> Observation, Action
- Scopul nostru este sa gandim masini care sa gandeasca in avans, inainte sa ne gandim noi ca ar fi o problema, la potentialele solutii la acea problema
- Micro-planificarea activitatilor individuale (REDACTED DETAILS)
- Choice as self-interference of sentient, in the face of branching alternatives or competing paths in the path space
- Use anticipation/observation cycles to model traffic under the assumption of bounded free (incalculable from outside) will
- Allowed and Forbidden cross-membranatic edges,
- Observed and Unobserved Bitflow between Observer-Particles States
- Casandrism - cognitive behavior excesively focused on greedy, unconfirmed prediction
- Computing probability in terms of layered knowability, observability and quantizable difference
- Quantized or rational curvature; angles of edges around intersection; \inref Bressler algorithms for rasterizing lines; scatter total differential potential around the pre—allocated quantization blocks, depending on which combinatorial configuration minim
- Thought experiments (book, ecc)
- Note on quantum tunneling
- Lossy defragmentation
- The Order of Choice/s
- Stolt divergence
- Fijneman-Nicholson conflict of interest and divergence potential (order-critical irreducible objective function instances)
- Multi-graph folding problems. Complexity.
- Holographic void of a bag/membrane - unfilled space on the surface/sphere that encloses that membrane
- A trunk or a bundle of edges in a multi-graph copy
- Spin-pressure between particles
- Suma presupunerilor ramane constanta pentru toti sentientii de aceeasi capacitate (C) si integritate (I) cognitve
- Regarding: Type and Category theory
- The Eventual physical embodiment and cerebral-tesseraction of the Mental Palace
- Ecuatia de continuitate scrisa pentru pachetele de informatie care circula prin graful histografic de interactiune
- REDACTED Proposal Entropy
- Decreases in inspection depth and stack size
- Core dump: REDACTED
- Kalman-Riemann content-based router
- Succesoral trusted replica
- Dual hash
- Merkle tree vs. The centralizing forces of the Internet
- Anti-entropic vacuum cycles of memory
- The seven equations of sentience
- Do-Not-X (D-N-X), holographic diaphragms; membranatic lenses;
- A patra conjectura REDACTED
- Hedetniemi’s conjecture is false
- Pointers, entanglement, barriers and mirrors
- Quantum Gate computational model (google, ms) vs quantum annealing (dwave)
- Graph flood fill and distance duals
- Number of priority stacks in n objectives
- Centralized -> descentralized via conformal transform
- Sentient reference-class identity and block stacking problem
- Hanoi lookup sequence
- The semantic pre-cache buffer-map
- The Rechnenberg Anticipation-Predisposition Catastrophe
- Sentient travel as consensus (quorum) path-finding
- The Rechnenberg trans-sentient operator
- The invisible data flow between particles and between particles and fields
- Columb-Buckingham Potential in crystal networks
- The Karsterson-Zoy model
- Hyrid models for thinking fast/slow
- Complexity of algorithms on multi-dimensional memories and buses (eg. 3D memory and 2D bus)
- Does a particle contain a short-term history of its surrounding (local) universe, or a dimensionally-reducing function thereof?
- Vaccum energy culling: when observations do not cross a particular piece of space, that piece of space becomes eligible for reallocation.
- Functional Mutation Trace (Funktionalmutationspur)
- Trans-membranatic osmomosis and diffusion in the subjective entropy field of the observer
- Particle(state)-field(state) drift and it’s effect on uncertainty and turbulence
- Fermionic life & bosonic life
- Implicit language characteristics between sentients of the same branch/trunk
- Prescient and with-accessible prediction singularities (from long-living oracles)
- Script to repackage cryto-signed, ipfs,
- Exchange-pattern constraints on the types of items, services and currencies that can be give one for the other, in such manner that preserves the stationariety of the status quo.
- Widely available means more likely interceptable and also less up-to-date on security & privacy & reliability/availability rituals
- Demands for 2020
- “The Prescient Highway”
- Fractional bits
- The Eigenhurst (eigen, erst) equivalence of criteria of minimal embodiment, relative to sentient lifecycle
- Quantum Knots vs Computational Knots? Isomorphism with computational data-dependency/flow and execution multi-graphs?
- The assumption of piecewise immutable membership.
- The Orosboroses
- Welfer particle curvature, torsion & strain fields
- Categorical, cardinal and ordin aleph-epsilon probabilities
- Objective function stack operations
- Bajmtr-Eisig decoherence of objective stack (D-N-X Do Not X; O-o-Y Out of Y;)
- The Fenkart architectures (TODO)
- Multi-representational taxonomies
- Gödel indeces for hyper-multi-graphs and category networks
- Kasoff route-priority vector
- RLP-PAL Paths under routing by an inaccessible (unreachable) objective
- The Aisles Band
- Predictive, near-real time, scheduling of pre-computed or prepared responses, under conditions of perception-with-uncertainty
- Diljar-Overton model of perception, cognition, intention, action