Releases: bradymholt/cron-expression-descriptor
When using the 12 hour clock, midnight will be represented by 12:?? rather than 00:??
Add support for last day offsets (i.e. L-3 = '3 days before the last day of the month')"
Fixing some German translations that were still in English
Disable public signing to prevent compatibility issues. Version 1.21.2 still has a strong name (signed) assembly for those that require it.
Remove public signing to fix upgrade issues
Adding .NET Core support by targeting .NET Standard 1.1/2.0. (Note: If you app is targeting .NET Framework 4.0 or below you will need to use version 1.21.2 instead). Also, some misc bug fixes.
Adding .NET Core support by targeting .NET Standard 1.1/2.0. (Note: If you app is targeting .NET Framework 4.0 or below you will need to use version 1.21.2 instead). Also, some misc bug fixes.
Adding .NET Core support by targeting .NET Standard 1.1/2.0. (Note: If you app is targeting .NET Framework 4.0 or below you will need to use version 1.21.2 instead). Also, some misc bug fixes.
Adding .NET Core support by targeting .NET Standard 1.1/2.0. (Note: If you app is targeting .NET Framework 4.0 or below you will need to use version 1.21.2 instead). Also, some misc bug fixes.
Adding .NET Core support by targeting .NET Standard 2.0 and misc bug fixes. (Note: If you app is targeting .NET Framework 4.6 or below you will need to use version 1.21.2 instead.