This plugins adds Jenkins pipeline steps to interact with the AWS API.
- withAWS
- awsIdentity
- cfInvalidate
- s3Upload
- s3Download
- s3Copy
- s3Delete
- s3DoesObjectExist
- s3FindFiles
- s3PresignURL
- cfnValidate
- cfnUpdate
- cfnDelete
- cfnDescribe
- cfnExports
- cfnCreateChangeSet
- cfnExecuteChangeSet
- cfnUpdateStackSet
- cfnDeleteStackSet
- snsPublish
- deployAPI
- awaitDeploymentCompletion
- listAWSAccounts
- updateIdP
- setAccountAlias
- ecrDeleteImages
- ecrListImages
- ecrLogin
- invokeLambda
- ec2ShareAmi
see the changelog for release information
This plugin is not optimized to setups with a primary and multiple agents. Only steps that touch the workspace are executed on the agents while the rest is executed on the master.
For the best experience make sure that primary and agents have the same IAM permission and networking capabilities.
the withAWS
step provides authorization for the nested steps.
You can provide region and profile information or let Jenkins
assume a role in another or the same AWS account.
You can mix all parameters in one withAWS
Set region information (note that region and endpointUrl are mutually exclusive):
withAWS(region:'eu-west-1') {
// do something
Use provided endpointUrl (endpointUrl is optional, however, region and endpointUrl are mutually exclusive):
withAWS(endpointUrl:'',credentials:'nameOfSystemCredentials',federatedUserId:"${submitter}@${releaseVersion}") {
// do something
Use Jenkins UsernamePassword credentials information (Username: AccessKeyId, Password: SecretAccessKey):
withAWS(credentials:'IDofSystemCredentials') {
// do something
Use Jenkins AWS credentials information (AWS Access Key: AccessKeyId, AWS Secret Key: SecretAccessKey):
withAWS(credentials:'IDofAwsCredentials') {
// do something
Use profile information from ~/.aws/config
withAWS(profile:'myProfile') {
// do something
Assume role information (account is optional - uses current account as default. externalId, roleSessionName and policy are optional. duration is optional - if specified it represents the maximum amount of time in seconds the session may persist for, defaults to 3600.):
withAWS(role:'admin', roleAccount:'123456789012', externalId: 'my-external-id', policy: '{"Version":"2012-10-17","Statement":[{"Sid":"Stmt1","Effect":"Deny","Action":"s3:DeleteObject","Resource":"*"}]}', duration: '3600', roleSessionName: 'my-custom-session-name') {
// do something
Assume federated user id information (federatedUserId is optional - if specified it generates a set of temporary credentials and allows you to push a federated user id into cloud trail for auditing. duration is optional - if specified it represents the maximum amount of time in seconds the session may persist for, defaults to 3600.):
withAWS(region:'eu-central-1',credentials:'nameOfSystemCredentials',federatedUserId:"${submitter}@${releaseVersion}", duration: '3600') {
// do something
Authentication with a SAML assertion (fetched from your company IdP) by assuming a role
withAWS(role: 'myRole', roleAccount: '123456789', principalArn: 'arn:aws:iam::123456789:saml-provider/test', samlAssertion: 'base64SAML', region:'eu-west-1') {
// do something
When you use Jenkins Declarative Pipelines you can also use withAWS
in an options block:
options {
stages {
Print current AWS identity information to the log.
The step returns an objects with the following fields:
- account - The AWS account ID number of the account that owns or contains the calling entity
- user - The unique identifier of the calling entity
- arn - The AWS ARN associated with the calling entity
def identity = awsIdentity()
Invalidate given paths in CloudFront distribution.
cfInvalidate(distribution:'someDistributionId', paths:['/*'])
cfInvalidate(distribution:'someDistributionId', paths:['/*'], waitForCompletion: true)
All s3* steps take an optional pathStyleAccessEnabled and payloadSigningEnabled boolean parameter.
s3Upload(pathStyleAccessEnabled: true, payloadSigningEnabled: true, file:'file.txt', bucket:'my-bucket', path:'path/to/target/file.txt')
s3Copy(pathStyleAccessEnabled: true, fromBucket:'my-bucket', fromPath:'path/to/source/file.txt', toBucket:'other-bucket', toPath:'path/to/destination/file.txt')
s3Delete(pathStyleAccessEnabled: true, bucket:'my-bucket', path:'path/to/source/file.txt')
s3Download(pathStyleAccessEnabled: true, file:'file.txt', bucket:'my-bucket', path:'path/to/source/file.txt', force:true)
exists = s3DoesObjectExist(pathStyleAccessEnabled: true, bucket:'my-bucket', path:'path/to/source/file.txt')
files = s3FindFiles(pathStyleAccessEnabled: true, bucket:'my-bucket')
Upload a file/folder from the workspace (or a String) to an S3 bucket.
If the file
parameter denotes a directory, the complete directory including all subfolders will be uploaded.
s3Upload(file:'file.txt', bucket:'my-bucket', path:'path/to/target/file.txt')
s3Upload(file:'someFolder', bucket:'my-bucket', path:'path/to/targetFolder/')
Another way to use it is with include/exclude patterns which are applied in the specified subdirectory (workingDir
The option accepts a comma-separated list of patterns.
s3Upload(bucket:"my-bucket", path:'path/to/targetFolder/', includePathPattern:'**/*', workingDir:'dist', excludePathPattern:'**/*.svg,**/*.jpg')
Specific user metadatas can be added to uploaded files
s3Upload(bucket:"my-bucket", path:'path/to/targetFolder/', includePathPattern:'**/*.svg', workingDir:'dist', metadatas:['Key:SomeValue','Another:Value'])
Specific cachecontrol can be added to uploaded files
s3Upload(bucket:"my-bucket", path:'path/to/targetFolder/', includePathPattern:'**/*.svg', workingDir:'dist', cacheControl:'public,max-age=31536000')
Specific content encoding can be added to uploaded files
s3Upload(file:'file.txt', bucket:'my-bucket', contentEncoding: 'gzip')
Specific content type can be added to uploaded files
s3Upload(bucket:"my-bucket", path:'path/to/targetFolder/', includePathPattern:'**/*.ttf', workingDir:'dist', contentType:'application/x-font-ttf')
Canned ACLs can be added to upload requests.
s3Upload(file:'file.txt', bucket:'my-bucket', path:'path/to/target/file.txt', acl:'PublicRead')
s3Upload(file:'someFolder', bucket:'my-bucket', path:'path/to/targetFolder/', acl:'BucketOwnerFullControl')
A Server Side Encryption Algorithm can be added to upload requests.
s3Upload(file:'file.txt', bucket:'my-bucket', path:'path/to/target/file.txt', sseAlgorithm:'AES256')
A KMS alias or KMS id can be used to encrypt the uploaded file or directory at rest.
s3Upload(file: 'foo.txt', bucket: 'my-bucket', path: 'path/to/target/file.txt', kmsId: 'alias/foo')
s3Upload(file: 'foo.txt', bucket: 'my-bucket', path: 'path/to/target/file.txt', kmsId: '8e1d420d-bf94-4a15-a07a-8ad965abb30f')
s3upload(file: 'bar-dir', bucket: 'my-bucket', path: 'path/to/target', kmsId: 'alias/bar')
A redirect location can be added to uploaded files.
s3Upload(file: 'file.txt', bucket: 'my-bucket', redirectLocation: '/redirect')
Creating an S3 object by creating the file whose contents is the provided text argument.
s3Upload(path: 'file.txt', bucket: 'my-bucket', text: 'Some Text Content')
s3Upload(path: 'path/to/targetFolder/file.txt', bucket: 'my-bucket', text: 'Some Text Content')
Log messages can be less verbose. Disable it when you feel the logs are excessive but you will lose the visibility of what files having been uploaded to S3.
s3Upload(path: 'source/path/', bucket: 'my-bucket', verbose: false)
Download a file/folder from S3 to the local workspace.
Set optional parameter force
to true
to overwrite existing file in workspace.
If the path
ends with a /
the complete virtual directory will be downloaded.
s3Download(file:'file.txt', bucket:'my-bucket', path:'path/to/source/file.txt', force:true)
s3Download(file:'targetFolder/', bucket:'my-bucket', path:'path/to/sourceFolder/', force:true)
Copy file between S3 buckets.
s3Copy(fromBucket:'my-bucket', fromPath:'path/to/source/file.txt', toBucket:'other-bucket', toPath:'path/to/destination/file.txt')
Delete a file/folder from S3. If the path ends in a "/", then the path will be interpreted to be a folder, and all of its contents will be removed.
s3Delete(bucket:'my-bucket', path:'path/to/source/file.txt')
s3Delete(bucket:'my-bucket', path:'path/to/sourceFolder/')
Check if object exists in S3 bucket.
exists = s3DoesObjectExist(bucket:'my-bucket', path:'path/to/source/file.txt')
This provides a way to query the files/folders in the S3 bucket, analogous to the findFiles
step provided by "pipeline-utility-steps-plugin".
If specified, the path
limits the scope of the operation to that folder only.
The glob
parameter tells s3FindFiles
what to look for. This can be a file name, a full path to a file, or a standard glob ("*", "*.ext", "path/**/file.ext", etc.).
If you do not specify path
, then it will default to the root of the bucket.
The path is assumed to be a folder; you do not need to end it with a "/", but it is okay if you do.
The path
property of the results will be relative to this value.
This works by enumerating every file/folder in the S3 bucket under path
and then performing glob matching.
When possible, you should use path
to limit the search space for efficiency purposes.
If you do not specify glob
, then it will default to "*".
By default, this will return both files and folders.
To only return files, set the onlyFiles
parameter to true
files = s3FindFiles(bucket:'my-bucket')
files = s3FindFiles(bucket:'my-bucket', glob:'path/to/targetFolder/file.ext')
files = s3FindFiles(bucket:'my-bucket', path:'path/to/targetFolder/', glob:'file.ext')
files = s3FindFiles(bucket:'my-bucket', path:'path/to/targetFolder/', glob:'*.ext')
files = s3FindFiles(bucket:'my-bucket', path:'path/', glob:'**/file.ext')
returns an array of FileWrapper
objects exactly identical to those returned by findFiles
Each FileWrapper
object has the following properties:
: the filename portion of the path (for "path/to/my/file.ext", this would be "file.ext")path
: the full path of the file, relative to thepath
specified (forpath
="path/to/", this property of the file "path/to/my/file.ext" would be "my/file.ext")directory
: true if this is a directory; false otherwiselength
: the length of the file (this is always "0" for directories)lastModified
: the last modification timestamp, in milliseconds since the Unix epoch (this is always "0" for directories)
When used in a string context, a FileWrapper
object returns the value of its path
Will presign the bucket/key and return a url. Defaults to 1 minute duration, using GET.
def url = s3PresignURL(bucket: 'mybucket', key: 'mykey')
The duration can be overridden:
def url = s3PresignURL(bucket: 'mybucket', key: 'mykey', durationInSeconds: 300) //5 minutes
The method can also be overridden:
def url = s3PresignURL(bucket: 'mybucket', key: 'mykey', httpMethod: 'POST')
Validates the given CloudFormation template.
def response = cfnValidate(file:'template.yaml')
echo "template description: ${response.description}"
Create or update the given CloudFormation stack using the given template from the workspace.
You can specify an optional list of parameters, either as a key/value pair or a map.
You can also specify a list of keepParams
of parameters which will use the previous value on stack updates.
Using timeoutInMinutes
you can specify the amount of time that can pass before the stack status becomes CREATE_FAILED and the stack gets rolled back.
Due to limitations in the AWS API, this only applies to stack creation.
If you have many parameters you can specify a paramsFile
containing the parameters. The format is either a standard
JSON file like with the cli or a YAML file for the cfn-params command line utility.
Additionally you can specify a list of tags that are set on the stack and all resources created by CloudFormation.
The step returns the outputs of the stack as a map. It also contains special values prefixed with jenkins
- "true"/"false" whether the stack was modified or not
When cfnUpdate creates a stack and the creation fails, the stack is deleted instead of being left in a broken state.
To prevent running into rate limiting on the AWS API you can change the default polling interval of 1000 ms using the parameter pollIntervall
. Using the value 0
disables event printing.
def outputs = cfnUpdate(stack:'my-stack', file:'template.yaml', params:['InstanceType=t2.nano'], keepParams:['Version'], timeoutInMinutes:10, tags:['TagName=Value'], notificationARNs:['arn:aws:sns:us-east-1:993852309656:topic'], pollInterval:1000)
or the parameters can be specified as a map:
def outputs = cfnUpdate(stack:'my-stack', file:'template.yaml', params:['InstanceType': 't2.nano'], keepParams:['Version'], timeoutInMinutes:10, tags:['TagName=Value'], notificationARNs:['arn:aws:sns:us-east-1:993852309656:topic'], pollInterval:1000)
Alternatively, you can specify a URL to a template on S3 (you'll need this if you hit the 51200 byte limit on template):
def outputs = cfnUpdate(stack:'my-stack', url:'')
By default the cfnUpdate
step creates a new stack if the specified stack does not exist, this behaviour can be overridden by passing create: 'false'
as parameter :
def outputs = cfnUpdate(stack:'my-stack', url:'', create: 'false')
In above example if my-stack
already exists it would be updated and if it doesnt exist no actions would be performed.
In a case where CloudFormation needs to use a different IAM Role for creating the stack than the one currently in effect, you can pass the complete Role ARN to be used as roleArn
parameter. i.e:
def outputs = cfnUpdate(stack:'my-stack', url:'', roleArn: 'arn:aws:iam::123456789012:role/S3Access')
It's possible to override the behaviour of a stack when the creation fails by using "onFailure". Allowed values are DO_NOTHING, ROLLBACK, or DELETE Because the normal default value of ROLLBACK behaves strangely in a CI/CD environment. cfnUpdate uses DELETE as default.
def outputs = cfnUpdate(stack:'my-stack', url:'', onFailure:'DELETE')
You can specify rollback triggers for the stack update:
def outputs = cfnUpdate(stack:'my-stack', url:'', rollbackTimeoutInMinutes: 10, rollbackTriggers: ['AWS::CloudWatch::Alarm=arn:of:cloudwatch:alarm'])
When creating a stack, you can activate termination protection by using the enableTerminationProtection
def outputs = cfnUpdate(stack:'my-stack', url:'', enableTerminationProtection: true)
Note: When creating a stack, either file
or url
are required. When updating it, omitting both parameters will keep the stack's current template.
Remove the given stack from CloudFormation.
To prevent running into rate limiting on the AWS API you can change the default polling interval of 1000 ms using the parameter pollIntervall
. Using the value 0
disables event printing.
cfnDelete(stack:'my-stack', pollInterval:1000)
The step returns the outputs of the stack as map.
def outputs = cfnDescribe(stack:'my-stack')
The step returns the global CloudFormation exports as map.
def globalExports = cfnExports()
Create a change set to update the given CloudFormation stack using the given template from the workspace.
You can specify an optional list of parameters, either as a key/value pair or a map.
You can also specify a list of keepParams
of parameters which will use the previous value on stack updates.
If you have many parameters you can specify a paramsFile
containing the parameters. The format is either a standard
JSON file like with the cli or a YAML file for the cfn-params command line utility.
Additionally you can specify a list of tags that are set on the stack and all resources created by CloudFormation.
The step returns the outputs of the stack as a map. It also contains special values prefixed with jenkins
- "true"/"false" whether the stack was modified or not
To prevent running into rate limiting on the AWS API you can change the default polling interval of 1000 ms using the parameter pollIntervall
. Using the value 0
disables event printing.
cfnCreateChangeSet(stack:'my-stack', changeSet:'my-change-set', file:'template.yaml', params:['InstanceType=t2.nano'], keepParams:['Version'], tags:['TagName=Value'], notificationARNs:['arn:aws:sns:us-east-1:993852309656:topic'], pollInterval:1000)
or the parameters can be specified as a map:
cfnCreateChangeSet(stack:'my-stack', changeSet:'my-change-set', file:'template.yaml', params:['InstanceType': 't2.nano'], keepParams:['Version'], tags:['TagName=Value'], notificationARNs:['arn:aws:sns:us-east-1:993852309656:topic'], pollInterval:1000)
Alternatively, you can specify a URL to a template on S3 (you'll need this if you hit the 51200 byte limit on template):
cfnCreateChangeSet(stack:'my-stack', changeSet:'my-change-set', url:'')
or specify a raw template:
cfnCreateChangeSet(stack:'my-stack', changeSet:'my-change-set', template: 'my template body')
By default the cfnCreateChangeSet
step creates a change set for creating a new stack if the specified stack does not exist, this behaviour can be overridden by passing create: 'false'
as parameter :
cfnCreateChangeSet(stack:'my-stack', changeSet:'my-change-set', url:'', create: 'false')
In above example if my-stack
already exists, a change set stack with change set will be created, and if it doesnt exist no actions would be performed.
In a case where CloudFormation needs to use a different IAM Role for creating or updating the stack than the one currently in effect, you can pass the complete Role ARN to be used as roleArn
parameter. i.e:
cfnCreateChangeSet(stack:'my-stack', changeSet:'my-change-set', url:'', roleArn: 'arn:aws:iam::123456789012:role/S3Access')
You can specify rollback triggers for the stack update:
cfnCreateChangeSet(stack:'my-stack', changeSet:'my-change-set', url:'', rollbackTimeoutInMinutes: 10, rollbackTriggers: ['AWS::CloudWatch::Alarm=arn:of:cloudwatch:alarm'])
Note: When creating a change set for a non-existing stack, either file
or url
are required. When updating it, omitting both parameters will keep the stack's current template.
Execute a previously created change set to create or update a CloudFormation stack. All the necessary information, like parameters and tags, were provided earlier when the change set was created.
To prevent running into rate limiting on the AWS API you can change the default polling interval of 1000 ms using the parameter pollIntervall
. Using the value 0
disables event printing.
def outputs = cfnExecuteChangeSet(stack:'my-stack', changeSet:'my-change-set', pollInterval:1000)
Create a stack set. Similar options to cfnUpdate. Will monitor the resulting StackSet operation and will fail the build step if the operation does not complete successfully.
To prevent running into rate limiting on the AWS API you can change the default polling interval of 1000 ms using the parameter pollIntervall
. Using the value 0
disables event printing.
cfnUpdateStackSet(stackSet:'myStackSet', url:'')
To set a custom administrator role ARN:
cfnUpdateStackSet(stackSet:'myStackSet', url:'', administratorRoleArn: 'mycustomarn')
To set a operation preferences:
cfnUpdateStackSet(stackSet:'myStackSet', url:'', operationPreferences: [failureToleranceCount: 5])
Deletes a stack set.
To prevent running into rate limiting on the AWS API you can change the default polling interval of 1000 ms using the parameter pollIntervall
. Using the value 0
disables event printing.
Publishes a message to SNS.
Note that the optional parameter messageAttributes
is assuming string only values.
snsPublish(topicArn:'arn:aws:sns:us-east-1:123456789012:MyNewTopic', subject:'my subject', message:'this is your message', messageAttributes: ['k1': 'v1', 'k2': 'v2'])
Deploys an API Gateway definition to a stage.
deployAPI(api:'myApiId', stage:'Prod')
Additionally you can specify a description and stage variables.
deployAPI(api:'myApiId', stage:'Prod', description:"Build: ${env.BUILD_ID}", variables:['key=value'])
Awaits for a CodeDeploy deployment to complete.
The step runs within the withAWS
block and requires only one parameter:
- deploymentId (the AWS CodeDeploy deployment id: e.g. 'd-3GR0HQLDN')
Simple await:
Timed await:
timeout(time: 15, unit: 'MINUTES'){
Retrieves the list of all AWS accounts of the organization. This step can only be run in the master account.
The step returns an array of Account objects with the following fields:
- id - the account id
- arn - the organizations ARN
- name - the account name
- safeName - the name converted to only contain lower-case, numbers and hyphens
- status - the account status
def accounts = listAWSAccounts()
You can specify a parent id (Root, Orga unit) with the optional parameter parent
def accounts = listAWSAccounts('ou-1234-12345678')
Create or update a SAML identity provider with the given metadata document.
The step returns the ARN of the created identity provider.
def idp = updateIdP(name: 'nameToCreateOrUpdate', metadata: 'pathToMetadataFile')
Update the assume role trust policy of the given role using the provided file.
updateTrustPolicy(roleName: 'SomeRole', policyFile: 'path/to/somefile.json')
Create or update the AWS account alias.
setAccountAlias(name: 'awsAlias')
Delete images in a repository.
ecrDeleteImages(repositoryName: 'foo', imageIds: ['imageDigest': 'digest', 'imageTag': 'tag'])
List images in a repository.
def images = ecrListImages(repositoryName: 'foo')
Create login string to authenticate docker with the ECR.
The step returns the shell command to perform the login.
def login = ecrLogin()
For older versions of docker that need the email parameter use:
def login = ecrLogin(email:true)
Invoke a Lambda function.
The step returns the object returned by the Lambda.
def result = invokeLambda(
functionName: 'myLambdaFunction',
payload: [ "key": "value", "anotherkey" : [ "another", "value"] ]
Alternatively payload and return value can be Strings instead of Objects:
String result = invokeLambda(
functionName: 'myLambdaFunction',
payloadAsString: '{"key": "value"}',
returnValueAsString: true
Share an AMI image to one or more accounts
amiId: 'ami-23842',
accountIds: [ "0123456789", "1234567890" ]
- add
argument tocfnUpdate
- Handle
status for CodeDeployment deployments
- Add ecrListImages
- Add ecrDeleteImages
- Fix instances of TransferManger from aws-sdk were never closed properly
- add
- add
argument tolistAWSAccounts
- Add Xerces dependency to fix #117
- Add ability to upload a String to an S3 object by adding
option tos3Upload
- Add redirect location option to
- Add support for SessionToken when using iamMfaToken #170
- add
to stack outputs. Specifies if stack was modified - Increase AWS SDK retry count from default (3 retries) to 10 retries
- Add CAPABILITY_AUTO_EXPAND to Cloudformation Stacks and Stacksets
- fixing regression that
was now mandatory onwithAWS
- fix s3Upload step doesn't allow to set object metadata with values containing colon character (#141)
- add support for assume role with SAML assertion authentication (#140)
- fix timeout settings for
(#132) - fixed tagsFile parameter being ignored when the tags parameter equals null.
- fixed error string matching for empty change set in cloudformation
- automatically derive partition from region (#137)
- add paging for listAWSAccounts (#128)
- retry stackset update on StaleRequestException
- add support for OperationPreferences in cfnUpdateStackSet
- handle throttles from cloudformation stackset operations
- fixed regression in cfnUpdate
- allow the customization of setting a roleSessionName
- content encoding can be specified in
step - allow configuration of cloudformation stack timeout
- fix issues with stack timeouts
- use SynchronousNonBlockingStepExecution for long running AWS steps to allow the pipeline step to be aborted
- use custom polling strategy for cloudformation waiters to speed up pipeline feedback from cloudformation changes
- add support for tagsFile in cfnUpdate, cfnCreateChangeSet, cfnUpdateStackSet
- add
to cfnUpdateStackSet
- add rollback configuration to
- add
- add retries around cfnUpdateStackSet when stack set is currently busy
- add
step - allow upload of single files to bucket root
- add duration to withAWS
- add sseAlgorithm to s3Upload
- add messageAttributes in snsPublish
- add ability to utilize AWS Credentials Plugin
- add iamMfaToken to withAWS step
- Return ValidateTemplate response on cfnValidate
- Add s3PresignURL
- use
for some steps for better error handling - allow s3Delete to empty bucket (#63)
- set minimal Jenkins version to 2.60.3 and switch to Java 8
- fix
step (#67)
- Do not fail job on empty change set creation
- Add support for maps with cloudformation parameters.
- Allow cfnCreateStackSet, cfnUpdate, cfnCreateChangeSet to take a raw (string) template
- add
- add updateTrustPolicy step (#48)
- fix NPE in ProxyConfiguration (#51)
- fix strange upload behavior when uploading file to path (#53)
- add support for Stacksets
- return change set from step
- Add
parameter tos3Upload
. - Fix more characters in RoleSessionName
- Allow upload of multiple files to bucket root (#41)
- Use DELETE method for failed stack creation. (Changed behavior)
- Use Jenkins proxy config when available
- retrieve all CloudFormation exports (#42)
- s3Upload returns the S3 URL of the target
- Fix:
did not work in Jenkins 2.102+ (#JENKINS-49025) - Fix: RoleSessionName (slashes in buildNumber) in
step for assume role. (#JENKINS-45807) - Doc: Clarify usage of metadata
- Fix:
broken during code cleanup
- Fix: RoleSessionName (decoding job name HTML url encoding) in
step for assume role. - Add
option when creating a stack to allow changed behaviour. - Add the possibility to define specific content-type for s3Upload step.
- Support roleArns with paths
- add
- Fixed regression added by #27 (#JENKINS-47912)
- Add policy for withAWS support - allows an additional policy to be combined with the policy associated with the assumed role.
- Add
step - Add
step - Add endpoint-url for withAWS support - allows configuring a non-AWS endpoint for internally-hosted clouds.
- Add support for String payload and return value in
step - Support additional S3 options: pathStyleAccessEnabled and payloadSigningEnabled
- Update AWS SDK to 1.11.221
- Fix: return value of
is now serializable
- Add federatedUserId for withAWS support - generates temporary aws credentials for federated user which gets logged in CloudTrail
- Add return value to
step - Add
step - Add
step - Add
- Add the following options to
- fixes JENKINS-45964: Assuming Role does not work in AWS-China
- Allow opt out for by-default stack creation with
- roleArn parameter support for
- Fix: Rendering the paths for S3* steps manually (Windows)
- fixes JENKINS-46247: Fix credentials scope in withAWS step and add a credentials dropdown
- add
- Add
step - add
step - Fix creation of RoleSessionName
- Fix bug when missing DescribeStacks permission
- Make polling interval for CFN events configurable #JENKINS-45348
- Add
step - Add
step - Add
- Replace slash in RoleSessionName coming from Job folders
- improve S3 download logging #JENKINS-44903
- change RoleSessionName to include job name and build number
- add the ability to use a URL in cfnValidate
- add support for create stack timeout
- add the ability to use a URL in cfnUpdate
- add deployAPI step
- add support for externalId for role changes
- allow path to be null or empty in S3 steps
- fix environment for withAWS step
- add support for recursive S3 upload/download
- fix #JENKINS-42415 causing S3 errors on slaves
- add paramsFile support for cfnUpdate
- allow the use of Jenkins credentials for AWS access #JENKINS-41261
- add cfnExports step
- add cfnValidate step
- change how s3Upload works to use the aws client to guess the correct content type for the file.
- add empty checks for mandatory strings
- use latest AWS SDK
- add support for CloudFormation stack tags
- add support for publishing messages to SNS
- fail step on errors during CloudFormation actions
- add proxy support using standard environment variables
- add cfnDescribe step to fetch stack outputs
- fixing invalidation of CloudFront distributions
- add output of stack creation, updates and deletes
- Only fetch AWS environment once
- make long-running steps async
- first release containing multiple pipeline steps