"modules": {
"server": {
"port": port number,
"host": host name or IP address,
"controllerPath": path to controller directory,
"ignored": ['name of ignored URI'...],
"error": {
"404": {
"controller": controller name,
"method": public controller method
"500": ...
"reroute": [
"from": '/',
"to": 'another/place'
######API: start
void start()
Starts an HTTP or HTTPS server
#####API: userError
void userError(mixed error, mixed response, Function callback)
Responds to the client with status code 404
#####API: error
void error(mixed error, mixed response, Function callback)
Responds to the client with status code 500
Example of how to set up a server
// index.js file of an application
var gracenode = require('./GraceNode/');
gracenode.use('server', 'server');
gracenode.setup(function (error) {
if (error) {
throw new Error('failed to set up GraceNode');
// we start the server as soon as GraceNode is ready
// controller/example/index.js > /example/foo/
var gracenode = require('../GraceNode/');
// this will become part of the URI
// the first argument is **ALWAYS** requestObject = function (requestObject, serverCallback) {
// serverCallback is created by server module automatically
cb(null. 'foo', 'JSON');
// /example/foo/ will display "foo" on your browser
How to read GET and POST
// controller file
module.exrpots.index = function (requestObject, cb) {
// server module automatically gives every controller the following functions:
// requestObject.getData and requestObject.postData
var getFoo = requestObject.getData.get('foo');
var postFoo = requestObject.postData.get('foot');
cb(null, null, 'JSON');
How to read request headers
// controller file
module.exports.index = function (requestObject, cb) {
// server module automatically gives every contrller the following function:
// requestObject.requestHeaders > an instance of Headers class
var os = requestObject.requestHeaders.getOs();
String get(String headerName)
String getOs()
String getBrowser()
String getDefaultLang
How to set response headers
// controller
module.exports.index = function (requestObject, cb) {
// server module automatically gives every contrller the following function:
// requestObject.setHeader
module.exports.setHeader('myHeader', 'foo');
How to read and set cookie
// controller
module.exports.index = function (requestObject, cb) {
// server module automatically gives every contrller the following functions:
// requestObject.getCookie and module.exports.setCookie
var sessionCookie = requestObject.getCookie('session');
requestObject.setCookie('myCookie', 'foo');
// for handling session please use session module
How to handle and pass parameters
// controller
// request URI /foo/index/one/two/
module.exports.index = function (requestObject, cb) {
var parameters = requestObject.parameters;
// parameters: ["one", "two"]