"modules": {
"session": {
"hosts": ["server host or IP address"...],
"ttl": int (in seconds),
"options": object
#####API: getSession
void getSession(String sessionId, Function callback)
Passes a session object to the callback
#####API: setSession
void setSession(String, sessionId, mixed value, Function callback)
Configurations N/A
#####API: createHash
void createHash(String sourceStr, Int cost, Function callback)
Creates a hash with salt from sourceStr
This function uses bcrypt module and it is based on blowfish encryption.
bigger the cost the slower this function will become.
#####API: validateHash
void validateHash(String str, String hash, Function callback)
Validates a hash and str
#####API: createSalt
void createSalt(Int cost, Function callback)
Creates a salt.
#####API: uuid
String uuid(Int version, Object options, Buffer buffer, Array offset)
Creates a uuid. This module uses node-uuid module.
Possible values for version are 1 or 4
Version 1 is timestamp-base and version 4 is random-base