From 14079c2d06d0c81e3af3422d101c7ffd35134256 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Mehdi Mousavi Date: Tue, 23 Jul 2019 12:39:05 +0800 Subject: [PATCH] Remove duplicate rows, sort entries by ASN#, and update the name of individual entities. --- bad-asn-list.csv | 1462 +++++++++++++++++++++++----------------------- 1 file changed, 723 insertions(+), 739 deletions(-) diff --git a/bad-asn-list.csv b/bad-asn-list.csv index 9ca4302..b48ca7c 100644 --- a/bad-asn-list.csv +++ b/bad-asn-list.csv @@ -1,741 +1,725 @@ ASN,Entity -3223,"VOXILITY, RO" -3561,"CENTURYLINK-LEGACY-SAVVIS - Savvis, US" -3842,"RAMNODE - RamNode LLC, US" -4250,"ALENT-ASN-1 - Alentus Corporation, US" -4323,"TWTC - tw telecom holdings, inc., US" -4694,"IDC Yahoo Japan Corporation, JP" -5577,"ROOT, LU" -6724,"STRATO STRATO AG, DE" -6870,"H1ASN, RU" -6939,"HURRICANE - Hurricane Electric, Inc., US" -7203,"LEASEWEB-USA-SFO-12 - Leaseweb USA, Inc., US" -7489,"HOSTUS-GLOBAL-AS HostUS, HK" -7506,"INTERQ GMO Internet,Inc, JP" -7850,"CITYLINKFIBER -, Inc., US" -7979,"SERVERS -, Inc., US" -8075,"MICROSOFT-CORP-MSN-AS-BLOCK - Microsoft Corporation, US" -8100,"ASN-QUADRANET-GLOBAL - QuadraNet, Inc, US" -8455,"ATOM86-AS ATOM86, NL" -8560,"ONEANDONE-AS Brauerstrasse 48, DE" -8972,"PLUSSERVER-AS, DE" -9009,"M247, GB" -9370,"SAKURA-B SAKURA Internet Inc., JP" -10297,"ENET-2 - eNET Inc., US" -10439,"CARINET - CariNet, Inc., US" -10929,"NETELLIGENT - Netelligent Hosting Services Inc., CA" -11588,"HIGHWINDS - Highwinds Network Group, Inc., US" -11831,"ESECUREDATA - eSecureData, CA" -11878,"TZULO - tzulo, inc., US" -12586,"ASGHOSTNET, DE" -12876,"AS12876, FR" -12989,"HWNG, NL" -13213,"UK2NET-AS, GB" -13739,"DATACENTER-IP - Datacenter IP, LLC, US" -13926,"RBLHST-NY - Strong Technology, LLC., US" -14061,"DIGITALOCEAN-ASN - Digital Ocean, Inc., US" -14127,"ILAND - Iland Internet Solutions Corporation, US" -14618,"AMAZON-AES -, Inc., US" -15003,"NOBIS-TECH - Nobis Technology Group, LLC, US" -15083,"INFOLINK-MIA-US - Infolink Global Corporation, US" -15169,"GOOGLE - Google Inc., US" -15395,"RACKSPACE-LON, GB" -15497,"COLOCALL Internet Data Center ""ColoCALL"", UA" -15510,"CWCS-PS, GB" -15626,"ITLAS, UA" -15734,"IDH, ES" -16125,"CHERRYSERVERS1-AS, LT" -16262,"DELTA-LTD-AS, RU" -16276,"OVH, FR" -16284,"UNSPECIFIED, NG" -16397,"EQUINIX BRASIL SP, BR" -16509,"AMAZON-02 -, Inc., US" -16628,"DEDICATED-FIBER-COMMUNICATIONS - DedFiberCo, US" -17216,"DC74-AS - DC74 LLC, US" -18450,"WEBNX - WebNX, Inc., US" -18779,"EGIHOSTING - EGIHosting, US" -18978,"ENZUINC-US - Enzu Inc, US" -19084,"COLOUP - ColoUp, US" -19318,"NJIIX-AS-1 - NEW JERSEY INTERNATIONAL INTERNET EXCHANGE LLC," -19437,"SS-ASH - SECURED SERVERS LLC, US" -19531,"NODESDIRECT - Nodes Direct, US" -19624,"SERVERROOM - Data Room, Inc, US" -19844,"GORACK - GoRack LLC, US" -19871,"NETWORK-SOLUTIONS-HOSTING - Network Solutions, LLC, US" -19969,"JOESDATACENTER - Joe's Datacenter, LLC, US" -20021,"LNH-INC - HostMySite, US" -20264,WEBAIR-INTERNET-2 - Webair Internet Development Company Inc. -20454,"SSASN2 - SECURED SERVERS LLC, US" -20473,"AS-CHOOPA - Choopa, LLC, US" -20598,"CYBERSPACE-AS Autonomous System number for Cyber Space, IL" -20738,"AS20738, GB" -20773,"HOSTEUROPE-AS, DE" -20836,"CDLAN-AS Milano, IT" -20860,"IOMART-AS, GB" -21100,"ITLDC-NL, UA" -21159,"NOVOSERVE-GMBH-AS Frankfurt, Germany, NL" -21321,"ARETI-AS, GB" -21859,"ZNET - Zenlayer Inc, US" -22363,"PHMGMT-AS1 - Powerhouse Management, Inc., US" -22552,"ESITED - eSited Solutions, US" -22781,"RBLHST - Strong Technology, LLC., US" -23033,"WOW -, US" -23342,"UNITEDLAYER - Unitedlayer, Inc., US" -23352,"SERVERCENTRAL - Server Central Network, US" -24482,"SGGS-AS-AP SG.GS, SG" -24768,"ALMOUROLTEC, PT" -24875,"NOVOSERVE-AS, NL" -24940,"HETZNER-AS, DE" -24961,"MYLOC-AS, DE" -24971,"MASTER-AS Czech Republic /, CZ" -25163,"NG-NIGERIA-AS, NG" -25369,"BANDWIDTH-AS, GB" -25379,"PEKITEL-AS, RU" -25780,"HUGESERVER-NETWORKS - HugeServer Networks, LLC, US" -25820,"IT7NET - IT7 Networks Inc, CA" -27257,"WEBAIR-INTERNET - Webair Internet Development Company Inc.," -28753,"LEASEWEB-, DE" -29066,"VELIANET-AS Internetdienste GmbH, DE" -29073,"QUASINETWORKS, NL" -29182,"ISPSYSTEM-AS, LU" -29302,"HSI-EUROPE, GB" -29354,"PCE-DE-DUS - PCE-NET GmbH, DE" -29465,"VCG-AS, NG" -29550,"SIMPLYTRANSIT, GB" -29691,"NINE, CH" -29802,"HVC-AS - HIVELOCITY VENTURES CORP, US" -29838,"AMC - Atlantic Metro Communications, US" -29854,"WESTHOST - WestHost, Inc., US" -30083,"SERVER4YOU - server4you Inc., US" -30176,"AS-PRIORITYCOLO - Priority Colo Inc, CA" -30475,"WEHOSTWEBSITES-COM - Handy Networks, LLC, US" -30633,"LEASEWEB-USA-WDC-01 - Leaseweb USA, Inc., US" -30693,"SERVERHUB-PHOENIX - Eonix Corporation, US" -30900,"WEBWORLD-AS t/a Web World Ireland, IE" -30998,"NAL-AS, NG" -31034,"ARUBA-ASN, IT" -31103,"KEYWEB-AS, DE" -32097,"WII-KC - WholeSale Internet, Inc., US" -32181,"ASN-GIGENET - GigeNET, US" -32244,"LIQUID-WEB-INC - Liquid Web, L.L.C, US" -32475,"SINGLEHOP-LLC - SingleHop, Inc., US" -32489,"AMANAHA-NEW - Amanah Tech Inc., CA" -32613,"IWEB-AS - iWeb Technologies Inc., CA" -32780,"HOSTINGSERVICES-INC - Hosting Services, Inc., US" -33070,"Rackspace" -33083,"AXCELX-NET - AxcelX Technologies LLC, US" -33182,"DIMENOC -, Inc., US" -33302,"ONS-COS - Data 102, LLC, US" -33330,"CLOUDRADIUM-ASN - CloudRadium L.L.C, US" -33387,"DATASHACK - DataShack, LC, US" -33438,"HIGHWINDS2 - Highwinds Network Group, Inc., US" -33480,"WEBWERKSAS1 - Web Werks, US" -33724,"BIZNESSHOSTING - VOLICO, US" -33785,"CITYNET, EG" -33891,"CORE-BACKBONE, DE" -34305,"BASEIP, NL" -34971,"PDDA-AS, CZ" -34989,"SERVETHEWORLD-AS, NO" -35017,"SWIFTWAY-AS Netherlands, GB" -35366,"ISPPRO-AS EUserv / KOS-Online / Keepfree, DE" -35415,"WEBZILLA, NL" -35470,"XL-AS, NL" -35662,"REDSTATION European Network, GB" -35908,"VPLSNET - Krypt Technologies, US" -35916,"MULTA-ASN1 - MULTACOM CORPORATION, US" -36024,"COLO4-CO - Colo4, LLC, US" -36114,"VERSAWEB-ASN - Versaweb, LLC, US" -36290,"THECABLE-STKITTS-01 - The Cable of St. Kitts, KN" -36351,"SOFTLAYER - SoftLayer Technologies Inc., US" -36352,"AS-COLOCROSSING - ColoCrossing, US" -36666,"GTCOMM - GloboTech Communications, CA" -36873,"VNL1-AS, NG" -36887,"DOPC-AS, NG" -36920,"KKON, NG" -36970,"interswitch, NG" -37018,"GALAXYBB-AS, NG" -37088,"VDT-AS, NG" -37153,"HETZNER, ZA" -37170,"UNILAG, NG" -37209,"HYPERIA, NG" -37230,"SWIFTTALK, NG" -37248,"PHASE3TEL, NG" -37269,"ICSL, NG" -37280,"BCL, NG" -37308,"COOLLINK, NG" -37347,"NGCOM, NG" -37377,"Futurecom, NG" -37472,"NIGCOMSAT, NG" -37506,"Zinox, NG" -37521,"Internet-Solutions-, NG" -37540,"WINROCK-, NG" -37643,"Ambion-AS, NG" -37661,"NRaE1-AS, NG" -37692,"NetStack-AS, ZA" -37714,"BITFLUX, NG" -38001,"NEWMEDIAEXPRESS-AS-AP NewMedia Express Pte Ltd, SG" -39020,"COMVIVE-AS Madrid - Spain, ES" -39326,"HSO-GROUP, GB" -39351,"ESAB-AS, SE" -39392,"SUPERNETWORK-AS Bilejova 407, CZ" -39572,"ADVANCEDHOSTERS-AS, NL" -40156,"THEOPT-HOU - The Optimal Link Corporation, US" -40244,"TURNKEY-INTERNET - Turnkey Internet Inc., US" -40676,"AS40676 - Psychz Networks, US" -40824,"WZCOM-US - WZ Communications Inc., US" -40861,"PARAD-40-ASN - Paradise Networks LLC, US" -41653,"AQUARAY, FR" -41665,"HOSTING-AS, UA" -42160,"LCPDCO LCP AS dc oostkamp, BE" -42331,"FREEHOST, UA" -42473,"ANEXIA-AS A-9020 Klagenfurt, AT" -42695,"CNHAB, SE" -42708,"PORTLANE, SE" -42730,"EVANZOAS, DE" -42831,"UKSERVERS-AS UK Dedicated Servers, Hosting and Co-Location," -43146,"Agava ltd, RU" +1442,"SureHosting Internet Solutions, Inc." +3223,"Voxility LLP" +3561,"CenturyLink Communications, LLC" +3722,"NetActuate, Inc" +3842,"RamNode LLC" +4250,"Alentus Corporation" +4323,"tw telecom holdings, inc." +4694,"IDC Frontier Inc." +4851,"Host Networks" +5577,"root SA" +6188,"VPS Datacenter, LLC" +6718,"NAV COMMUNICATIONS SRL" +6724,"Strato AG" +6870,"RECONN. Operator Svyazi, LLC" +6939,"Hurricane Electric LLC" +7203,"Leaseweb USA, Inc." +7349,"TierPoint, LLC" +7489,"HostUS" +7506,"GMO Internet,Inc" +7595,"Readyspace Cloud Services" +7598,"Forcepoint Cloud Services - AsiaPac region" +7850,", Inc." +7979,", Inc." +8075,"Microsoft Corporation" +8100,"QuadraNet Enterprises LLC" +8455,"Schuberg Philis B.V." +8477,"Echostar Studio Sp. z o.o." +8556,"Levantis Hosting GmbH" +8560,"1&1 Internet SE" +8972,"Host Europe GmbH" +9009,"M247 Ltd" +9166,"Cegeka NV" +9290,"GoHosting" +9370,"SAKURA Internet Inc." +9412,"5G NETWORK OPERATIONS PTY LTD" +9667,"5G NETWORK OPERATIONS PTY LTD" +9823,"Education Web Hosting" +9925,"Powerbase DataCenter Services (HK) Ltd." +10200,"Web hosting provider and ISP connectivity." +10207,"Intervolve Pty Ltd" +10297,"eNET Inc." +10439,"CariNet, Inc." +10532,"Rackspace Hosting" +10929,"eStruxture Data Centers Inc." +11230,"Managed Hosting Services, LLC" +11235,"Itron-Hosting" +11274,"TierPoint, LLC" +11588,"Highwinds Network Group, Inc." +11831,"eSecureData" +11878,"tzulo, inc." +12586,"GHOSTnet GmbH" +12617,"Sentia Denmark A/S" +12876,"ONLINE S.A.S." +12989,"StackPath LLC" +13209,"Atom Hosting SRL" +13213,"UK-2 Limited" +13647,"NetActuate, Inc" +13739,"Datacenter IP, LLC" +13909,"Techie Hosting, Inc." +13926,"Strong Technology, LLC." +13955,"Echostar Broadcasting Corporation" +14061,"DigitalOcean, LLC" +14120,"oneZero Financial Systems, LLC" +14127,"Iland Internet Solutions Corporation" +14160,"Premium Hosting, Inc." +14244,"NSI Hosting" +14384,"HOST DESIGNS, LLC" +14415,"Host Collective, Inc." +14442,"Media-Hosts Inc." +14567,"Springs Hosting" +14576,"Hosting Solution Ltd." +14618,", Inc." +14708,"WebHost Chile S.A." +14986,"Ultra Hosting" +14987,"Rethem Hosting LLC" +14992,"Newtek Technology Solutions, Inc" +15003,"Nobis Technology Group, LLC" +15083,"Infolink Global Corporation" +15169,"Google LLC" +15189,"VIMRO, LLC" +15395,"Rackspace Ltd." +15497,"7HEAVEN LLC" +15510,"Compuweb Communications Services Limited" +15626,"ITL LLC" +15734,"EQUINIX (SPAIN) ENTERPRISES SLU" +15919,"Servicios de Hosting en Internet S.A." +16125,"UAB Cherry Servers" +16262,"Datacheap Ltd." +16276,"OVH SAS" +16284,"Vodacom Business Africa (Nigeria) Limited" +16397,"EQUINIX BRASIL SP" +16509,", Inc." +16535,"Echostar Purchasing Corporation" +16628,"DedFiberCo" +16973,"T-Four Services S.A" +17019,"JCHost Internet Services, LLC" +17216,"DC74 LLC" +17439,"Netmagic Datacenter Mumbai" +17669,"ac3, Australian Centre for Advanced Computing and Communications" +17881,"Inet Hosting, Inc." +17918,"ac3, Australian Centre for Advanced Computing and Communications" +17920,"Ultra Serve Internet Pty Ltd - Transit AS - Hosting Provider," +17971,"TM-VADS DC Hosting" +18120,"Gemini Software Solutions (P) Ltd. Hosting Services, India" +18450,"WebNX, Inc." +18570,"EchoStar Broadcasting Corperation" +18779,"EGIHosting" +18978,"Enzu Inc" +19084,"ColoUp" +19133,"Bird Hosting Inc." +19234,"Canada Web Hosting" +19318,"Interserver, Inc" +19437,"SECURED SERVERS LLC" +19531,"Nodes Direct" +19624,"Data Room, Inc" +19844,"GoRack LLC" +19871,"Network Solutions, LLC" +19969,"Joe's Datacenter, LLC" +20021,"HostMySite" +20068,"Hawk Host Inc." +20248,"Take 2 Hosting, Inc." +20264,"Webair Internet Development Company Inc." +20401,"Hostway Corporation" +20448,"VPNtranet, LLC." +20450,"Trojan Hosting, LLC." +20454,"SECURED SERVERS LLC" +20473,"Choopa, LLC" +20598,"Autonomous System number for Cyber Space," +20692,"Matthias Rojahn" +20738,"Host Europe GmbH" +20773,"Host Europe GmbH" +20836,"CDLAN s.r.l." +20860,"IOMART CLOUD SERVICES LIMITED" +21100,"ITL LLC" +21159,"NovoServe B.V." +21217,"Safe Host SA" +21321,"Areti Internet Ltd." +21859,"Zenlayer Inc" +22152,"Vertex Telecom, Inc." +22363,"Powerhouse Management, Inc." +22552,"eSited Solutions" +22611,"InMotion Hosting, Inc." +22720,"Rackspace Hosting" +22781,"Strong Technology, LLC." +22903,"Databank Holdings, Ltd" +23033,"" +23052,"PleskLogin Net" +23108,"Quantact Hosting Solutions, Inc." +23273,"Santa Barbara Web Hosting, Inc." +23342,"Unitedlayer, Inc." +23352,"Server Central Network" +23535,", Inc." +23881,"UDomain Web Hosting Company Ltd" +24220,"Hostcentral" +24381,"Web Hosting and Colocation Services" +24482,"SG.GS" +24549,"Layerstack Limited" +24558,"Internet Hosting Service Provider to the Aditya" +24611,"Datacenter Luxembourg S.A." +24679,"Hostway Deutschland GmbH" +24725,"LLC Hostmaster" +24768,"ALMOUROLTEC SERVICOS DE INFORMATICA E INTERNET LDA" +24875,"NovoServe B.V." +24931,"Pulsant Limited" +24940,"Hetzner Online GmbH" +24958,"The Bunker Secure Hosting Ltd" +24961,"myLoc managed IT AG" +24971,"Master Internet s.r.o." +24997,"Caucasus digital network" +25048,"DSNET Ltd" +25128,"Hostway Deutschland GmbH" +25163,"21st Century Technologies Limited" +25260,"QualityHosting AG" +25369,"Hydra Communications Ltd" +25379,"PEKITEL Ltd." +25532,"LLC MASTERHOST" +25642,"The Frohman Group Inc." +25780,"HugeServer Networks, LLC" +25820,"IT7 Networks Inc" +25926,"HostUS" +26277,"Las Vegas NV Datacenter" +26481,"Rebel Hosting" +26484,"Internet Keeper Global" +26978,"Carpathia Hosting, LLC" +27175,"AtNetHost LLC" +27223,"Bare Metal Hosting" +27229,"Webhosting.Net, Inc." +27257,"Webair Internet Development Company Inc." +27357,"Rackspace Hosting" +27589,"MOJOHOST" +27597,"Siteserver, Inc." +27640,"GIGAS HOSTING USA, LLC" +28099,"iHosting Servicios Internet Ltda." +28216,"Host One Servicos de Internet Ltda" +28333,"Local Datacenter Soluções em Comunicação Ltda." +28747,"Easyhost BVBA" +28753,"Leaseweb Deutschland GmbH" +28855,"Octopuce s.a.r.l." +28997,"Nedcomp Hosting B.V." +29066," Internetdienste GmbH" +29067,"LLC Hostmaster" +29073,"Quasi Networks LTD." +29097,"Hostpoint AG" +29119,"ServiHosting Networks S.L." +29140,"Hostserver GmbH" +29182,"JSC The First" +29302,"Hosting Services Inc" +29311,"Solvinity B.V." +29331,"Forsikringens Datacenter A/S" +29354,"PCE-NET GmbH" +29452,"Secura Hosting Ltd" +29465,"MTN NIGERIA Communication limited" +29550,"Simply Transit Ltd" +29691,"Nine Internet Solutions AG" +29713,"Reliable Hosting Services" +29748,"Carpathia Hosting, LLC" +29802,"HIVELOCITY, Inc." +29838,"Atlantic Metro Communications II, Inc." +29854,"WestHost, Inc." +29869,", Inc." +29883,"Internet Hosting Servers" +30083,"HEG US Inc." +30152,"Beyond Hosting, LLC" +30176,"Priority Colo Inc" +30235,"Twinservers Hosting Solutions Inc." +30475,"Handy Networks, LLC" +30633,"Leaseweb USA, Inc." +30693,"Eonix Corporation" +30849,"Research-and-production company Host Ltd" +30900,"Sternforth Ltd." +30998,"Netcom Africa Limited" +31034,"Aruba S.p.A." +31103,"Keyweb AG" +31240,"ZAO Hosting Telesystems" +31472,"VoiceHost Ltd" +31590," ApS" +31659,"Below Zero Hosting Ltd." +31698," Limited" +31981,"BlueTower Hosting LLC" +32097,"WholeSale Internet, Inc." +32181,"GigeNET" +32244,"Liquid Web, L.L.C" +32275,"Unified Webhosting, Inc." +32306,"Host NIT Inc" +32338,"Hostiserver Ltd" +32400,"Hostway Services, Inc." +32475,"SingleHop LLC" +32489,"Amanah Tech Inc." +32613,"iWeb Technologies Inc." +32647,"Crucial Web Hosting, Ltd." +32740,"Sliqua Enterprise Hosting, Inc." +32780,"Hosting Services, Inc." +32911,"DediPower Managed Hosting" +33070,"Rackspace Hosting" +33083,"AxcelX Technologies LLC" +33182,", Inc." +33251,"TierPoint, LLC" +33260,"Miva Merchant, Inc." +33302,"Data 102, LLC" +33322,"Network Data Center Host, Inc." +33330,"CloudRadium L.L.C" +33387,"DataShack, LC" +33438,"Highwinds Network Group, Inc." +33480,"Web Werks" +33552,"Fluid Hosting LLC" +33569,"ALLHOSTSHOP.COM" +33724,"VOLICO" +33785,"City Net Telecom" +33891,"Core-Backbone GmbH" +34305,"Base IP B.V." +34432,"Profihost AG" +34541,"Online Solutions Oy" +34649,"HOST365 LIMITED" +34745,"TeleWare Hosted Services Ltd." +34971,"Prometeus di Daniela Agro" +34989,"ServeTheWorld AS" +35017,"Swiftway Sp. z o.o." +35278,"SPRINTHOST.RU LLC" +35295,"JSC RU-CENTER" +35366,"ISPpro Internet KG" +35415,"Webzilla B.V." +35467,"DataDiensten Fryslan B.V." +35470,"CloudVPS B.V." +35662,"Redstation Limited" +35908,"Krypt Technologies" +35914,"Armor Defense Inc" +35916,"MULTACOM CORPORATION" +35974,"Carpathia Hosting, LLC" +36024,"TierPoint, LLC" +36114,"Versaweb, LLC" +36236,"NetActuate, Inc" +36290,"The Cable of St. Kitts" +36351,"SoftLayer Technologies Inc." +36352,"ColoCrossing" +36408,"CDNetworks Inc." +36536,"Enterhost" +36666,"GloboTech Communications" +36791,"Portland Internet Hosting LLC" +36873,"Airtel Networks Limited" +36887,"DIRECT ON PC LTD" +36920,"KKON Technologies Ltd" +36970,"IPARTNERS LIMITED" +37018,"Galaxy Backbone PLC" +37088,"VDT COMMUNICATIONS LIMITED" +37153,"HETZNER (Pty) Ltd" +37170,"University of Lagos" +37209,"Hyperia Limited" +37230,"Swifttalk Limited" +37248,"Phase3 Telecom Limited" +37269,"Information Connectivity Solutions Limited" +37280,"Broadbased Communications Limited" +37308,"Steam Broadcasting and Communications Limited" +37347,"NGCOM" +37377,"FUTURECOM LIMITED" +37472,"Nigerian Communications Satellite Ltd" +37506,"Zinox Telecommunications Limited" +37521,"Internet Solutions Nigeria Limited" +37540,"Winrock Nigeria Limited" +37643,"Ambion Wireless LTD" +37661,"Nigerian Research and Education Network Limited by Guarantee" +37692,"NetStack Ltd" +37714,"BITFLUX COMMUNICATIONS LIMITED" +38001,"NewMedia Express Pte Ltd" +38107,"CDNetworks" +38279,"IOMNET-AS ISP/Hosting service Provider Manila" +38894,"manageNET Pty Ltd hosting services" +39020,"Comvive Servidores S.L." +39326,"HighSpeed Office Limited" +39351,"31173 Services AB" +39392,"SuperNetwork s.r.o." +39451,"Melbourne Server Hosting Ltd" +39458,"Real Hosts Limited" +39572,"DataWeb Global Group B.V." +39704,"CJ2 Hosting B.V." +39756,"EASYHOST SRL" +39839,"DK Hostmaster A/S" +40156,"The Optimal Link Corporation" +40244,"Turnkey Internet Inc." +40281," Hosting, L.L.C." +40374,"High Density Hosting, Inc." +40438,"Canhost Inc." +40539,"Hosting Consulting, Inc" +40676,"Psychz Networks" +40715,"DataCenter.BZ, LLC" +40728,"GearHost, Inc." +40819,"VPS Datacenter, LLC" +40824,"WZ Communications Inc." +40861,"Paradise Networks LLC" +41062,"ProstoHosting LTD" +41079,"H88 S.A." +41369,"DataCenter Finland Oy" +41427,"Datacenter d.o.o." +41562,"Host4all Sarl" +41653,"Aqua Ray SAS" +41665,"Tehnologii Budushego LLC" +42120,"MODIT Datacenter Kft." +42160,"lcp nv" +42210,"NetActuate Inc" +42244,"Hosting Operator Ltd." +42311,"pgHosting" +42331,"PE Freehost" +42399,"JSC RU-CENTER" +42400,"MultiHost IT AS" +42418,"Hostnordic A/S" +42442,"Adacor Hosting GmbH" +42465,"Forcepoint Cloud Ltd" +42473,"ANEXIA Internetdienstleistungs GmbH" +42612,"DinaHosting S.L." +42622,"Teknik i Media Datacenter Stockholm AB" +42695,"City Network Hosting AB" +42699," GmbH" +42705,"Talia Limited" +42708,"GleSYS AB" +42730,"EVANZO e-commerce GmbH" +42776,"Hostel Ltd." +42831,"UK Dedicated Servers Limited" +43021,"Certit Hosting Handelsbolag" +43146,"Domain names registrar REG.RU, Ltd" +43198,"GCI Network Solutions Limited" +43289,"I.C.S. Trabia-Network S.R.L." +43317,"FISHNET COMMUNICATIONS LLC" +43350,"NForce Entertainment B.V." +43472,"HostingMax LTD" +43541,"VSHosting s.r.o." +43620,"Timico Managed Services Ltd" +44050,"Petersburg Internet Network ltd." +44066,"First Colo GmbH" +44398,"Itadel A/S" +44901,"BelCloud Hosting Corporation" +45102,"Alibaba (US) Technology Co., Ltd." +45152,"Zone Networks Pty Ltd, Managed Hosting Solutions" +45179,"SiteHost New Zealand" +45187,"Rackspace IT Hosting AS IT Hosting Provider Hong Kong" +45201,"Nexon Asia Pacific Pty Ltd" +45470,"8 to Infinity Pte Ltd" +45481,"Digital Sense Data Centre Hosting Brisbane" +45486,"HostCorp Internet" +45577,"Intervolve Pty Ltd" +45650,"Vianet Communications Pvt. Ltd." +45671,"Wholesale Services Provider" +45693,"INDIAGAMES TRANSIT AS Content hosting serivce India" +45815,"ESDS Software Solution Pvt. Ltd." +45887,"GPLHost LLC" +46177,"SimpleCDN Technologies, Inc." +46260,"MEDHOST, Inc." +46261,"QuickPacket, LLC" +46430,"VICTON, Inc." +46433,"" +46475,"Limestone Networks, Inc." +46562,"Total Server Solutions L.L.C." +46573,"Global Frag Networks" +46664,"VolumeDrive" +46805,"Inter Connects Inc" +46816,"DirectSpace Networks, LLC." +46844,"Sharktech" +46873,"Host Color" +46945,"Elite Hosts, Inc." +47143,"Todayhost Limited" +47161,"KosmoHost IT Technologies LTD" +47172,"Greenhost BV" +47205,"Telia Lietuva, AB" +47328,"True Records Inc." +47385,"JSC RU-CENTER" +47447,"23media GmbH" +47549,"Hosting Systems Ltd" +47577,"Righthosting Ltd" +47583,"Hostinger International Limited" +47588,"N. P. SH. TELENETRONICS" +47625,"Paul David Hughes trading as Hosting Systems" +48093,"Webland AB" +48446,"Hostersi Sp. z o.o." +48812,"DataCenter Noord BV" +48825,"Fast2host ltd" +48896," Sp. z o.o." +49313,"Seva-Host Ltd" +49349,"Dotsi, Unipessoal Lda." +49367,"Seflow S.N.C. Di Marco Brame' & C." +49453,"Global Layer B.V." +49485,"High Availability Hosting Limited" 49505,"OOO Network of data-centers Selectel" -43289,"TRABIA trabia network, MD" -43317,"FISHNET-AS, RU" -43350,"NFORCE, NL" -44050,"PIN-AS, RU" -44066,"DE-FIRSTCOLO, DE" -45102,"CNNIC-ALIBABA-CN-NET-AP Alibaba (China) Technology Co., Ltd." -45187,RACKSPACE-AP Rackspace IT Hosting AS IT Hosting Provider Hon -45470,"SG-8-TO-SG 8 to Infinity Pte Ltd, SG" -45671,"AS45671-NET-AU Wholesale Services Provider, AU" -45815,"HOSTCOIN-AS-IN-AP ESDS Software Solution Pvt. Ltd., IN" -46261,"QUICKPACKET - QuickPacket, LLC, US" -46430,"ASN-VICTON - VICTON, Inc., CA" -46475,"LIMESTONENETWORKS - Limestone Networks, Inc., US" -46562,"TOTAL-SERVER-SOLUTIONS - Total Server Solutions L.L.C., US" -46664,"VOLUMEDRIVE - VolumeDrive, US" -46805,"CACHED - CachedNet LLC, US" -46816,"DSNETWORKS-001 - DirectSpace Networks, LLC., US" -46844,"ST-BGP - Sharktech, US" -47328,"TRI-AS, ES" -47447,"TTM, DE" -47588,"TELENETRONICS-AS, RS" -49349,"DOTSI, PT" -49367,"ASSEFLOW Amsterdam Internet Exchange (AMS-IX), IT" -49453,"GLOBALLAYER, NL" -49505,"SELECTEL, RU" -49532,"SERVERHUB-, DE" -49544,"I3DNET, NL" -49981,"WORLDSTREAM, NL" -50297,"INFIUM, UA" -50613,"THORDC-AS, IS" -50673,"SERVERIUS-AS, NL" -51159,"THINKSYSTEMSUK-ASN, GB" -51167,"CONTABO to AS1299 announce AS34933, DE" -51191,"XIRRA, DE" -51395,"AS-SOFTPLUS, CH" -51430,"ALTUSHOST-NET, NL" -51731,"GTT-AS, CZ" -51765,"ASEUHOST, FI" -51852,"PLI-AS, CH" -52048,"DATACLUB, LV" -52173,"MAKONIX, LV" -52219,"ROUTERNETWORKS, US" -53013,"WIX NET DO BRASIL LTDA, BR" -53340,"FIBERHUB - VegasNAP, LLC, US" -53559,"ANONYMIZER - Anonymizer Inc., US" -53597,"HOYOS-CONSULTING-LLC - Hoyos Consulting LLC, US" -53667,"PONYNET - FranTech Solutions, US" -53755,"IOFLOOD - Input Output Flood LLC, US" -53850,"GORILLASERVERS - GorillaServers, Inc., US" -53889,"MICFO - Micfo, LLC., US" -54104,"AS-NETDNA - netDNA, US" -54203,"RBLHST-FL - Strong Technology, LLC., US" -54455,"MADEIT - MadeIT inc., US" -54489,"CORESPACE-DAL - CoreSpace, Inc., US" -54500,"18779 - EGIHosting, US" -54540,"INCERO - Incero LLC, US" -55225,"ILIKA - (USA) Inc., US" -55286,"SERVER-MANIA - B2 Net Solutions Inc., CA" -55536,"PSWITCH-HK PACSWITCH IP NETWORK, HK" -55933,"CLOUDIE-AS-AP Cloudie Limited, HK" -55967,CNNIC-BAIDU-AP Beijing Baidu Netcom Science and Technology C -56322,"SERVERASTRA-AS, HU" -56630,"MELBICOM-EU-AS, NL" -56934,"SOLOGIGABIT-AS, ES" -57043,"HOSTKEY-AS, NL" -57169,"EDIS-AS-EU, AT" -57230,"ARIAWEBCO-AS, GB" -57858,"AS57858, EE" -58073,"YISP-AS, NL" -58305,"SYN, GB" -59253,"LSW-SG Leaseweb Asia Pacific pte. ltd., SG" -59349,"GMO-Z-COM GMO-Z.COM PTE. LTD., SG" -59432,"GINERNET, ES" -59504,"CYBERTECH-AS, RU" -59729,"ITL-, BG" -59764,"ATLANTIC-NET, GB" -60011,"BHOST, GB" -60068,"CDN77, GB" -60118,"ALISTAR-AS, RO" -60404,"LITESERVER, NL" -60485,"AS-60485, EE" -60505,"TELENET-SLJUDJANKA-AS, RU" -60558,"SECUREDSERVERS-, EU" -60567,"DATACLUB-, SE" -60781,"LEASEWEB-NL Netherlands, NL" -61102,"INTERHOST, IL" -61157,"PLUSSERVER-ASN1, DE" -61317,"ASDETUK, GB" -61440,"Digital Energy Technologies Chile SpA, CL" -62217,"VOOSERVERS, GB" -62240,"CLOUVIDER London, United Kingdom, GB" -62282,"RACKRAY UAB Rakrejus, LT" -62370,"SNEL, NL" -62471,"SWITCHDATASOLUTIONS-AS - SupremeBytes, LLC, US" -62540,"DRAKE-AS - Drake Holdings LLC, US" -62567,"DIGITALOCEAN-ASN-NY2 - Digital Ocean, Inc., US" -63008,"CONTINA - Contina, US" -63018,"USDEDICATED - US Dedicated, US" -63119,"AS-63119 - netirons, US" -63128,"RBLHST-TOR - Strong Technology, LLC., US" -63199,"CDSC-AS1 - Capitalonline Data Service Co.,LTD, US" -63473,"HOSTHATCH-ASN - HostHatch, Inc, US" -63949,"LINODE-AP Linode, LLC, US" -64245,"AS-DIGITALFYRE - DigitalFyre Internet Solutions, LLC., US" -64484,"ASDMZHOST, NL" -132816,"SIMPLERCLOUD-AS-AP SimplerCloud Pte Ltd, SG" -133296,"WEBWERKS-AS-IN Web Werks India Pvt. Ltd., IN" -133480,"INTERGRID-AS-AP Intergrid Group Pty Ltd, AU" -133752,"LSW-HK Leaseweb Asia Pacific pte. ltd., HK" -134451,"NME-INDONESIA-AS-AP NewMedia Express Pte Ltd, ID" -136258,"ONEPROVIDER-AS BrainStorm Network, Inc, CA" -197155,"ARTNET, PL" -197328,"INETLTD, TR" -198310,"PALLADA-AS, RU" -199653,"ARUBAFR-AS, FR" -199883,"ARUBACLOUDLTD-ASN, GB" -200019,"ASCLOUDATA, MD" -200039,"HYDRACOM-AS, GB" -201011,"NETZBETRIEB-GMBH, DE" -201525,"HZ-CA-AS, BG" -202053,"UPCLOUD, FI" -202836,"-Reserved AS-, ZZ" -203523,"VIRTONO-NETWORKS, RO" -203629,"TERRAHOST_AS, NO" -204196,"ABELOHOST, NL" -327705,"FUTA, NG" -327784,"FIDELITY-BANK, NG" -327813,"Web4Africa, ZA" -327942,"LANDMARK-UNIVERSITY, NG" -328035,"Zeta-Web-Nigeria-AS, NG" -394256,"CLOUDSINGULARITY - Tech Futures Interactive Inc., CA" -394330,"LTDBROADBAND - LTD Broadband LLC, US" -394380,"LEASEWEB-USA-DAL-10 - Leaseweb USA, Inc., US" -395089,"HEXTET - Hextet Systems, CA" -395111,"KVCNET-2009 - KVCHOSTING.COM LLC, US" -395978,UNKNOWN -"20248","Take 2 Hosting, Inc." -"44901","BelCloud Hosting Corporation" -"200904","Foxcloud Llp" -"53057","RedeHost Internet Ltda." -"200532","LLP Kompaniya Hoster.KZ" -"50968","Hostmaster, Ltd." -"135822","Ovi Hosting Pvt Ltd" -"55293","A2 Hosting, Inc." -"57286","Gigas Hosting S.A." -"201200","SuperHosting.BG Ltd." -"24549","Pacificnet Hosting Ltd" -"39458","Real Hosts Limited" -"200000","Hosting Ukraine LTD" -"14576","Hosting Solution Ltd." -"54290","Hostwinds LLC." -"206898","Server Hosting Pty Ltd" -"60117","Host Sailor Ltd." -"20448","VPNtranet, LLC." -"201553","Excom cloud S.L." -"54825","Packet Host, Inc." -"31472","VoiceHost Ltd" -"8556","Levantis Hosting GmbH" -"29119","ServiHosting Networks S.L." -"60476","MRG Hosting B.V." -"25532",".masterhost autonomous system" -"54500","18779 - EGIHosting" -"49949","24 Solutions Hosting Services AB" -"51698","Activehost RU Ltd." -"42442","Adacor Hosting GmbH" -"11274","Adhost Internet Advertising, LLC" -"57345","ADM-HOST di Ratti Alessandro" -"54817","ALDEN HOSTING LLC" -"200019","ALEXHOST SRL" -"53342","All Nine Hosting, Inc." -"33569","ALLHOSTSHOP.COM" -"201983","Ansluten Hosting i Sverige AB" -"132425","APC Hosting Pte Ltd" -"197395","Ark B Hosting BV" -"42699","AS GmbH" -"31698","AS Number for Ltd" -"42612","ASN de Dinahosting SL" -"29311","ASP4all Hosting B.V." -"54527","Astute Hosting Inc." -"63213","Astute Hosting Inc." -"27175","AtNetHost LLC" -"13209","Atom Hosting SRL" -"29140","Autonomous System Hostserver GmbH" -"27223","Bare Metal Hosting" -"31659","Below Zero Hosting Ltd." -"49834","Best Hosting Company Ltd" -"49693","Best-Hoster Group Co. Ltd" -"30152","Beyond Hosting, LLC" -"19133","Bird Hosting Inc." -"198414"," sp. z o.o." -"45201","BlueCentral Pty Ltd Hosting Solutions." -"31981","BlueTower Hosting LLC" -"62605","Brain Host, LLC" -"61280","By Hosting B.V." -"53332","C2Hosting, LLC" -"61147","CallHosted B.V." -"51109","CAMELHOST SIA" -"19234","Canada Web Hosting" -"40438","Canhost Inc." -"58797","Carpathia Hosting" -"26978","Carpathia Hosting, Inc." -"29748","Carpathia Hosting, Inc." -"35974","Carpathia Hosting, Inc." -"262990","CENTER HOSTING TECNOLOGIA EIRELI" -"43021","Certit Hosting Handelsbolag" -"42695","City Network Hosting AB" -"39704","CJ2 Hosting B.V." -"62899","Clarity Web Hosting Inc." -"53281","Clearpath Hosting" -"59615","CLOUD HOSTING LLC" -"55761","Colocation Hosting Sdn Bhd" -"52335","Colombia Hosting" -"16973","Corporacion Hostarica S.A." -"196827","Credocom Hosting ApS" -"32647","Crucial Web Hosting, Ltd." -"14992","CrystalTech Web Hosting Inc." -"198968","Cyberneticos Hosting SL" -"196745","Datacenta Hosting Ltd" -"62071","Datahost SRL" -"132869","Dedicated-Hosting Solutions" -"56106","DEDICATEDGAMING.COM.AU - Hosting Provider AUSTRALIA" -"32911","DediPower Managed Hosting" -"24931","DediPower Managed Hosting Limited" -"57669","DediPower Managed Hosting Limited" -"48896"," Sp. z o.o." -"45481","Digital Sense Data Centre Hosting Brisbane" -"132509","DIGIWEB ADVANCED HOSTING LIMITED" -"39839","DK Hostmaster A/S" -"63129","DL Host" -"53370","dotCOM host" -"25048","DSNet Hosting Limited" -"28747","Easyhost BVBA" -"46433","" -"55051","" -"18570","EchoStar Broadcasting Corperation" -"13955","Echostar Broadcasting Corporation" -"16535","Echostar Holding Purchasing Corporation" -"22903","" -"9823","Education Web Hosting" -"46945","Elite Hosts, Inc." -"263032","Empire Host" -"36536","Enterhost" -"50986","Excellent Hosting Sweden AB" -"199733","Extrahost GmbH" -"48825","Fast2host Ltd" -"35914","FireHost, Inc." -"33552","Fluid Hosting LLC" -"52236","G2KHosting S.A." -"28855","GalacSYS is an hosting and managed services provider" -"198347","Game-Hosting GH AB" -"40728","GearHost, Inc." -"18120","Gemini Software Solutions (P) Ltd. Hosting Services, India" -"53914","Genesis Hosting Solutions, LLC" -"12586","GHOSTnet GmbH" -"55720","Gigabit Hosting Sdn Bhd" -"27640","GIGAS HOSTING USA, LLC" -"62563","GLOBALTELEHOST Corp." -"202118","Go Hosting S.P.R.L." -"9290","GoHosting" -"45887","GPLHost LLC" -"51050","H4Hosting B.V." -"20068","Hawk Host Inc." -"49485","High Availability Hosting Limited" -"40374","High Density Hosting, Inc." -"14415","Host Collective, Inc." -"46873","Host Color" -"14384","HOST DESIGNS, LLC" -"54555","Host Duplex, LLC" -"263237","HOST E.I.R.L." -"20773","Host Europe GmbH" -"53918","Host Hotels and Resorts, L.P." -"4851","Host Networks" -"32306","Host NIT Inc" -"133229","Host Palace Internet Services" -"28216","Host Revenda" -"36236","Host Virtual, Inc" -"42210","Host Virtual, Inc" -"51248"," s.r.o." -"49815","Host2 Ltd" -"34649","HOST365 LIMITED" -"41562","Host4all Sarl" -"33260","Hostasaurus, Inc." -"24220","Hostcentral" -"52347","HOSTCLICK, de DUCA GRACIELA MIRTA" -"45486","HostCorp Internet" -"33182",", Inc." -"53055"," Data Center" -"51290","HOSTEAM S.C. TOMASZ GROSZEWSKI BARTOSZ WASZAK LUKASZ GROSZEWSKI" -"132225","Hosted Continuity Pty Ltd" -"133120","Hosted Network Pty. Ltd." -"42776","Hostel Ltd." -"55799","Hostemo Technology Sdn Bhd" -"48446","Hostersi Sp. z o.o." -"263093","Hostgator Brasil Hospedagem e suporte tecnico LTDA" -"56732","Hostinet AS" -"42399","Hosting Center LLC" -"47385","Hosting center Ltd." -"40539","Hosting Consulting, Inc" -"42244","Hosting Operator Ltd." -"29302","Hosting Services Inc" -"10929","Netelligent Hosting Services Inc." -"47549","Hosting Systems Ltd" -"200147","Hosting Techniques Limited" -"393326","Hosting4Biz" -"198171","HOSTING90 systems s.r.o." -"57773","HOSTINGBIT SRL" -"47583","Hostinger International Limited" -"43472","HostingMax Ltd" -"32338","Hostiserver Ltd" -"9166","HostIT NV" -"62082","Hostland LTD" -"198651","HOSTLINE, UAB" -"24725","Hostmaster LLC" -"29067","Hostmaster LLC" -"197902","Hostnet B.V." -"42418","Hostnordic A/S" -"29097","Hostpoint AG, Switzerland" -"196645","Hostpro Ltd." -"56110","HostRightNow Technologies India Pvt Ltd" -"23535",", Inc." -"29869",", Inc." -"62756",", Inc." -"26484","HOSTSPACE NETWORKS LLC" -"25926","HostUS" -"15189",", Inc." -"20401","Hostway Corporation" -"24679","Hostway Deutschland GmbH" -"25128","Hostway Deutschland GmbH" -"39756","HOSTWAY ROMANIA SRL" -"32400","Hostway Services, Inc." -"9412","Hostworks Content Delivery System" -"9667","Hostworks Pty Ltd" -"51294","HUBARA hosting solutions S.L." -"23052","ihost Solutions, Inc." -"28099","iHosting Servicios Internet Ltda." -"45693","INDIAGAMES TRANSIT AS Content hosting serivce India" -"17881","Inet Hosting Inc." -"17669","INFOPLEX Hosting and Managed Service Provider Asia Pacific" -"17918","INFOPLEX Hosting and Managed Service Provider Asia Pacific" -"50926","Infortelecom Hosting, S.L." -"201634","Ingram Micro Hosting B.V." -"22611","InMotion Hosting, Inc." -"54641","InMotion Hosting, Inc." -"61102","Interhost Communication Solutions Ltd." -"132071","Interhost Pacific Pty Ltd t/a Intervolve" -"10207","Interhost Pacific Pty Ltd t/a Intervolve." -"45577","Interhost Pacific Pty Ltd t/a Intervolve." -"132070","Interhost Pacific Pty Ltd t/a Intervolve." -"262603","INTERNET E WEB HOSTING SERV DE INFORMATICA LTDA" -"29883","Internet Hosting Servers" -"24558","Internet Hosting Service Provider to the Aditya" -"38279","IOMNET-AS ISP/Hosting service Provider Manila" -"199997","Ippon Hosting SARL" -"50465","IQHost Ltd" -"14120","IT Hosting Services, LLC." -"11235","Itron-Hosting" -"50655","Its Hosted" -"17019","JCHost Internet Services, LLC" -"31240","JSC Hosting Telesystems autonomous system" -"199481","K3 Hosting Limited" -"16862","Kansas Hosting, LLC" -"47161","KosmoHost IT Technologies LTD" -"56784","Limited liability company MultiHOST MSK" -"59791","Linqhost B.V." -"59677","LLC Kras-Host" -"202023","LLHost Inc" -"199990","LOCALHOST AS" -"50872","LOCALHOST D.O.O." -"54839","Lowest Host/Empire Technology LLC" -"58936","Managed Hosted Applications Limited" -"11230","Managed Hosting Services, LLC" -"62310"," GmbH" -"38894","manageNET Pty Ltd hosting services" -"47172","Mart Jaco van Santen trading as Greenhost VOF" -"262287","Maxihost Hospedagem de Sites Ltda" -"46260","MEDHOST, Inc." -"14442","Media-Hosts Inc." -"133143","Medihost Solutions Pty Ltd" -"197648","MEGA HOST LIMITED" -"39451","Melbourne Server Hosting Ltd." -"58922","Microchannel Hosting Pty Ltd" -"27589","MOJOHOST" -"42400","Multihost IT AS" -"133393","Naki Host Limited" -"201597","NE-IT Hosting B.V." -"28997","Nedcomp Hosting B.V." -"60800","Netwise Hosting Ltd." -"33322","Network Data Center Host, Inc." -"38001","NewMedia Express Pte Ltd. Singapore Web Hosting Service Provider" -"199129","Next point Host EOOD." -"197372","NMA Hosting Solutions BV" -"57752","NORMHOST SARL" -"201670","Novahosting Ltd." -"14244","NSI Hosting" -"22152","OC Hosting, Inc." -"34541","Online Solutions Hosting Services" -"196678","OOO Hosterov" -"43198","Outsourcery Hosting LTD" -"47625","Paul David Hughes trading as Hosting Systems" -"42331","PE Freehost" -"62049","Penta Corporate Hosting Ltd" -"35295","PeterHost.Ru Hosting Provider at SPb" -"42311","PGHOSTING-DRESDEN-BACKBONE" -"53589","PlanetHoster" -"59705","POBOX Hosting Limited" -"36791","Portland Internet Hosting LLC" -"14160","Premium Hosting, Inc." -"34432","Profihost AG" -"41062","ProstoHosting LTD" -"59135","PT Dapur Hosting" -"201630","QHOSTER LTD." -"25260","QualityHosting AG" -"23108","Quantact Hosting Solutions, Inc." -"40281"," Hosting, L.L.C." -"31590"," ApS" -"10532","Rackspace Hosting" -"22720","Rackspace Hosting" -"27357","Rackspace Hosting" -"33070","Rackspace Hosting" -"45187","Rackspace IT Hosting AS IT Hosting Provider Hong Kong" -"7595","Readyspace Network Pte Ltd, Hosted Solutions Provider,Singapore" -"26481","Rebel Hosting" -"29713","Reliable Hosting Services" -"13926","" -"54203","" -"62651","" -"63128","" -"62838","Reprise Hosting" -"30849","Research-and-production company Host Ltd" -"14987","Rethem Hosting LLC" -"47577","Righthosting Ltd" -"54334","Roya Hosting LLC" -"63916","RSH Hosting Network" -"50915","S.C. Everhost S.R.L." -"21217","Safe Host SA" -"59816","SAFE HOSTS INTERNET LLP" -"23273","Santa Barbara Web Hosting, Inc." -"59632","SC Pidgin Host SRL" -"29452","Secura Hosting Ltd" -"59795","SecurityLayer Hosting Solutions SRL" -"60739","Server Centre Hosting Ltd" -"15919","Servicios de Hosting en Internet S.A." -"49313","Seva-Host Ltd" -"57879","sfip84 Hosting und mehr UG haftungsbeschraenkt" -"56617","SIA VPS Hosting" -"62088","Sinarohost LTD" -"45179","SiteHost New Zealand" -"27597","Siteserver Hosting, Inc." -"201702"," s.r.o." -"32740","Sliqua Enterprise Hosting, Inc." -"58667","SmartNet Hosting and connectivity" -"12617","Solido Hosting A/S" -"199847","SORTA-HOSTING-SMLLC" -"25642","Spiderhost Inc" -"14567","Springs Hosting" -"35278","SPRINTHOST.RU LLC" -"197914","Stockho Hosting SARL" -"41079"," sp. z o.o." -"1442","SureHosting Internet Solutions, Inc." -"43620","Syan Limited Hosting" -"197439","Sylon Hosting GmbH" -"198313","SystemHOST Limited" -"42705","Talia provides VSAT network and hosting services worldwide." -"44398","TDC Hosting" -"13909","Techie Hosting, Inc." -"34745","TeleWare Hosted Services Ltd." -"24958","The Bunker Secure Hosting Limited" -"17971","TM-VADS DC Hosting" -"47143","Todayhost Limited" -"59854","Top Level Hosting SRL" -"57682","TOV HOST VDS" -"3722","Tranquil Hosting, Inc." -"13647","Tranquil Hosting, Inc." -"20450","Trojan Hosting, LLC." -"30235","Twinservers Hosting Solutions Inc." -"47205","UAB HOSTEX" -"23881","UDomain Web Hosting Company Ltd" -"198047","UK Webhosting Ltd" -"14986","Ultra Hosting" -"17920","Ultra Serve Internet Pty Ltd - Transit AS - Hosting Provider" -"32275","Unified Webhosting, LLC" -"50608","Ventelo Hosting AS" -"199213","Venzo Hosting A/S" -"262170","" -"201862","VMhosts Ltd" -"43541","VSHosting s.r.o." -"24381","Web Hosting and Colocation Services" -"10200","Web hosting provider and ISP connectivity." -"14708","WebHost Chile S.A." -"27229","Webhosting.Net, Inc." -"48093","Webland Hosting AB" -"42465","Websense Hosted Security - Anycast network" -"7598","Websense Hosted Security - AsiaPac region" -"30475","" -"55229","White Sands Hosting" -"7349","Windstream Hosted Solutions, LLC" -"33251","Windstream Hosted Solutions, LLC" -"52465","WNet Internet y Hosting" -"52270","X-Host SRL" -"45152","Zone Networks Pty Ltd, Managed Hosting Solutions" -"8477","ZTS Echostar Studio Poznan Poland" -"198153","AS SEIDOR DATACENTER SANTANDER" -"52925","Ascenty DataCenters Locacao e Servicos LTDA" -"61412","BunkerInfra Datacenters BV" -"262978","Centro de Tecnologia Armazem Datacenter Ltda." -"53225","DATACENTER" -"41427","DataCenter d.o.o." -"53101","Datacenter e Provedores Ltda-ME" -"41369","DataCenter Finland Oy" -"35467","DataCenter Fryslan AS" -"59554","Datacenter Groningen B.V." -"52674","DATACENTER LTDA" -"24611","Datacenter Luxembourg S.A." -"48812","DataCenter Noord BV" -"40715","DataCenter.BZ, LLC" -"201449","Digital Absolut Business - Servidor, Virtualizacao, Cluster, Datacenters e Telecomunicacoes" -"52321","Fideicomiso de Administración Datacenter Capitalinas" -"29331","Forsikringens Datacenter A/S" -"201709","HanDS Hanse Datacenter Services GmbH" -"53221","INTERNET DATACENTER" -"198432","Ipcore Datacenters S.L" -"51241","Iran Post Company-Tehran DataCenter" -"19969","Joe's Datacenter, LLC" -"56799","Jordens Datacenter NV" -"26277","Las Vegas NV Datacenter" -"58113","LIR DATACENTER TELECOM SRL" -"28333","Local Datacenter Soluções em Comunicação Ltda." -"42120","MODIT Datacenter Informatikai es Szolgaltato KFT" -"6718","NAV DATACENTER TELECOM SRL" -"20692","NetGate Datacenter ASN" -"17439","Netmagic Datacenter Mumbai" -"132717","NxtGen Datacenter & Cloud Technologies Pvt. Ltd." -"9925","Powerbase DataCenter Services (HK) Ltd." -"132779","RackBank Datacenters Private Ltd" -"42622","Teknik i Media Datacenter Stockholm AB" -"6188","VPS Datacenter, LLC" -"40819","VPS Datacenter, LLC" -"24997","AS for CDN" -"38107","CDNetworks" -"36408","CDNetworks Inc." -"57363","CDNvideo LLC" -"46177","SimpleCDN Technologies, Inc." -"62026","SkyparkCDN Ltd." -"61107","UNIVERSAL CDN (CYPRUS) LTD" +49532,"Eonix Corporation" +49544," B.V" +49693,"Best-Hoster Group Co. Ltd." +49815,"Host2 Ltd" +49834,"Best Hosting Company, LLC" +49949,"24 Solutions AB" +49981,"WorldStream B.V." +50297,"Infium, UAB" +50465,"IQHost Ltd" +50608,"Ventelo Hosting AS" +50613,"Advania Island ehf" +50655,"Its Hosted" +50673,"Serverius Holding B.V." +50872,"LOCALHOST d.o.o." +50915,"LLC "Asia-Unicom"" +50926,"Infortelecom Hosting S.L." +50968,"Hostmaster, Ltd." +50986,"Excellent Hosting Sweden AB" +51050,"H4Hosting BV" +51109,"Sia Nano IT" +51159,"Think Systems UK Ltd" +51167,"Contabo GmbH" +51191,"Xirra GmbH" +51241,"IRAN POST Company" +51248," s.r.o." +51290,"HOSTEAM S.C. TOMASZ GROSZEWSKI BARTOSZ WASZAK LUKASZ GROSZEWSKI" +51294,"HUBARA hosting solutions, S.L." +51395,"SOFTplus Entwicklungen GmbH" +51430,"AltusHost B.V." +51698,"ActiveHost RU LLC" +51731,"GTT a.s." +51765,"Oy Crea Nova Hosting Solution Ltd" +51852,"Private Layer INC" +52048,"DataClub S.A." +52173,"Makonix SIA" +52219,"Router Networks LLC" +52236,"G2KHosting S.A." +52270,"X-Host SRL" +52321,"Fideicomiso de Administración Datacenter Capitalinas" +52335,"Colombia Hosting" +52347,"HOSTCLICK, de DUCA GRACIELA MIRTA" +52465,"WNet Internet y Hosting" +52674,"NEOGRID DATACENTER SA" +52925,"Ascenty Data Centers e Telecomunicações S/A" +53013,"W I X NET DO BRASIL LTDA - ME" +53055,"DIMENOC SERVICOS DE INFORMATICA LTDA" +53057,"RedeHost Internet Ltda." +53101,"SIANET Datacenter e Provedores Ltda-ME" +53221,"ENGETRONICS INTERNET DATACENTER" +53225,"IPGLOBE INTERNET LTDA" +53281,"Clearpath Hosting" +53332,"C2Hosting, LLC" +53340,"VegasNAP, LLC" +53342,"All Nine Hosting, Inc." +53370,"dotCOM host" +53559,"KST Networks" +53589,"PlanetHoster" +53597,"Hoyos Consulting LLC" +53667,"FranTech Solutions" +53755,"Input Output Flood LLC" +53850,"GorillaServers, Inc." +53889,"Micfo, LLC." +53914,"Genesis Hosting Solutions, LLC" +53918,"Host Hotels and Resorts, L.P." +54104,"netDNA" +54203,"Strong Technology, LLC." +54290,"Hostwinds LLC." +54334,"Micfo, LLC." +54455,"MadeIT inc." +54489,"CoreSpace, Inc." +54500,"EGIHosting" +54527,"Astute Hosting Inc." +54540,"HIVELOCITY, Inc." +54555,"Host Duplex, LLC" +54641,"InMotion Hosting, Inc." +54817,"ALDEN HOSTING LLC" +54825,"Packet Host, Inc." +54839,"Lowest Host/Empire Technology LLC" +55051,"" +55225,"Roadrunner Wireless Internet Services, LLC" +55229,"White Sands Hosting" +55286,"B2 Net Solutions Inc." +55293,"A2 Hosting, Inc." +55536,"PACSWITCH IP NETWORK" +55720,"Gigabit Hosting Sdn Bhd" +55761,"Colocation Hosting Sdn Bhd" +55799,"IPTELECOM ASIA" +55933,"Cloudie Limited" +55967,"Beijing Baidu Netcom Science and Technology Co., Ltd." +56106,"ZONENETWORKS.COM.AU - Hosting Provider AUSTRALIA" +56110,"Everdata Technologies Pvt Ltd" +56322,"ServerAstra Kft." +56617,"SIA "VPS Hosting"" +56630,"Melbikomas UAB" +56732,"HOSTINET S.L.U." +56784,"Limited liability company MultiHOST MSK" +56799,"Foneo Datacenter N.V." +56934,"Sologigabit, S.L.U." +57043,"HOSTKEY B.V." +57169,"EDIS GmbH" +57230,"Aria Web Development LLC" +57286,"GIGAS HOSTING S.A." +57345,"Suivant Sarl" +57363,"CDNvideo LLC" +57669,"Pulsant Limited" +57682,"TOV HOST VDS" +57752,"NORMHOST SARL" +57773,"1Access Sweden AB" +57858,"Inter Connects Inc" +57879,"EXIMPROD SERVICII SUPORT SRL" +58073,"YISP B.V." +58113,"S.T.D. LISIEUX S.R.L." +58305,"SYN LTD" +58667,"SmartNet Hosting and connectivity" +58797,"Carpathia Hosting" +58922,"Microchannel Hosting Pty Ltd" +58936,"Managed Hosted Applications Limited" +59135,"PT Suraloka Digital Kreatif" +59253,"Leaseweb Asia Pacific pte. ltd." +59349,"GMO-Z.COM PTE. LTD." +59432,"GINERNET S.L." +59504,"VPSVILLE LLC" +59554,"Datacenter Groningen B.V." +59615,"SIA Serverum" +59632,"SC PIDGIN HOST SRL" +59677,"LLC Kras-Host" +59705,"Veber Limited" +59729,"ITL LLC" +59764,"Atlantic.Net, INC." +59791,"LinQhost B.V." +59795,"Lucas Rolff, trading as Hosting4Real" +59816,"Safe Hosts Internet LLP" +59854,"Top Level Hosting SRL" +60011,"Mythic Beasts Ltd" +60068,"Datacamp Limited" +60117,"Host Sailor Ltd." +60118,"Cyber Smart Solutions S.R.L" +60404,"Liteserver Holding B.V." +60476," B.V." +60485,"Inter Connects Inc" +60505,"LLC TeleNet Sljudjanka" +60558,"PHOENIX NAP, LLC." +60567,"DataClub S.A." +60739,"Server Centre Hosting Ltd" +60781,"LeaseWeb Netherlands B.V." +60800,"Netwise Hosting Ltd" +61102,"Interhost Communication Solutions Ltd." +61107,"UNIVERSAL CDN (CYPRUS) LTD" +61147,"CallHosted B.V." +61157,"PlusServer GmbH" +61280,"By-Hosting B.V." +61317,"Digital Energy Technologies Ltd." +61412,"VPSOPENVZ SRL-D" +61440,"Digital Energy Technologies Chile SpA" +62026,"SkyparkCDN Ltd." +62049,"Penta Corporate Hosting Ltd" +62071,"Datahost SRL" +62082,"Hostland LTD" +62088,"SinaroHost LTD" +62217,"VooServers Ltd" +62240,"Clouvider Limited" +62282,"UAB Rakrejus" +62310," GmbH" +62370," B.V." +62471,"SupremeBytes, LLC" +62540,"Drake Holdings LLC" +62563,"GLOBALTELEHOST Corp." +62567,"DigitalOcean, LLC" +62605,"Untangled Technology, LLC" +62651,"Strong Technology, LLC." +62756,", Inc." +62838,"Reprise Hosting" +62899,"Clarity Web Hosting Inc." +63008,"Micfo, LLC." +63018,"US Dedicated" +63119,"NETIRONS" +63128,"Strong Technology, LLC." +63129,"DL Host" +63199,"Capitalonline Data Service Co.,LTD" +63213,"Astute Hosting Inc." +63473,"HostHatch, LLC" +63916,"IPTELECOM Global" +63949,"Linode, LLC" +64245,"DigitalFyre Internet Solutions, LLC." +64484,"SARL Hexanode" +132070,"Intervolve Pty Ltd" +132071,"Intervolve Pty Ltd" +132225,"Hosted Continuity Pty Ltd" +132425,"APC Hosting Pte Ltd" +132509,"DIGIWEB ADVANCED HOSTING LIMITED" +132717,"NxtGen Datacenter & Cloud Technologies Pvt. Ltd." +132779,"RackBank Datacenters Private Ltd" +132816,"SimplerCloud Pte Ltd" +132869,"Mohammad Mahabub Alam t/a M.A Network Service" +133120,"Hosted Network Pty. Ltd." +133143,"Medihost Solutions Pty Ltd" +133229,"HostPalace Web Solution Private Limited" +133296,"Web Werks India Pvt. Ltd." +133393,"Naki Host Limited" +133480,"Intergrid Group Pty Ltd" +133752,"Leaseweb Asia Pacific pte. ltd." +134451,"NewMedia Express Pte Ltd" +135822,"Ovi Hosting Pvt Ltd" +136258,"BrainStorm Network, Inc" +196645,"LTD HOSTPRO LAB" +196678,"OOO Hosterov" +196745,"Datacenta Hosting Ltd" +196827,"Credocom Hosting ApS" +197155,"Artnet Spolka z ograniczona odpowiedzialnoscia" +197328,"Istanbuldc Veri Merkezi Ltd Sti" +197372,"NMA Hosting Solutions BV" +197395,"ARK B HOSTING BV" +197439,"Sylon Hosting GmbH" +197648,"CLOUDLAYER8 LIMITED" +197902,"Hostnet B.V." +197914,"Ecritel SARL" +198047,"Paragon Internet Group Limited" +198153,""SOCIETAT D'ESTUDIS INFORMATICS I D'ORGANITZACIO, SOCIETAT ANONIMA" (SEIDOR)" +198171,"HOSTING90 systems s.r.o." +198310,"Pallada Web Service LLC" +198313,"Systemhost Limited" +198347,"Game-Hosting GH AB" +198414,"H88 S.A." +198432,"Ipcore Datacenters S.L" +198651,"HOSTLINE, UAB" +198968,"Cyberneticos Hosting SL" +199129,"Next point Host EOOD." +199213,"Hosters Services A/S" +199481,"K3 Hosting Limited" +199653,"Aruba SAS" +199733,"Extrahost GmbH" +199847,"SORTA-HOSTING-SMLLC" +199883,"ArubaCloud Limited" +199990,"LOCALHOST AS" +199997,"Ippon Hosting SARL" +200000,"Hosting Ukraine LTD" +200019,"ALEXHOST SRL" +200039,"Hydra Communications Ltd" +200147,"Hosting Techniques Limited" +200532,"LLP Kompaniya Hoster.KZ" +200904,"FOXCLOUD LLP" +201011,"AS33891 Netzbetrieb GmbH" +201200,"SuperHosting.BG Ltd." +201449,"Digital Absolut Business - Servidor, Virtualizacao, Cluster, Datacenters e Telecomunicacoes, Lda" +201525,"HZ Hosting Ltd" +201553,"Vola los del Internet S.L." +201597,"NE-iT Hosting BV" +201630,"QHOSTER LTD." +201634,"Ingram Micro Global Services B.V." +201670,"Novahosting Ltd." +201702," s.r.o." +201709,"HanDS Hanse Datacenter Services GmbH" +201862,"VMhosts Ltd" +201983,"Ansluten Hosting i Sverige AB" +202023,"LLHost Inc" +202053,"UpCloud Ltd" +202118,"Go Hosting S.P.R.L." +202836,"Samsung SDS Co Ltd" +203523,"Virtono Networks SRL" +203629,"TerraHost AS" +204196,"Abelohost BV" +206898,"Server Hosting Pty Ltd" +210138,"FLOWSPEC LTD" +262170,"" +262287,"Maxihost LTDA" +262603,"GX INTERNET E WEB HOSTING SERV DE INFORMATICA LTDA" +262978,"Centro de Tecnologia Armazem Datacenter Ltda." +262990,"VIRTUAL CENTER HOSTING TECNOLOGIA EIRELI" +263032,"Empire Telecom" +263093,"Endurance Group Brasil Hospedagem de Sites LTDA" +263237,"PowerHost Telecom SPA" +327705,"Federal University of Technology, Akure(FUTA)" +327784,"Fidelity Bank PLC" +327813,"VIDOLU Group Pty Ltd-Web4Africa" +327942,"LANDMARK UNIVERSITY OMU-ARAN" +328035,"Zeta-web Nigeria Limited" +393326,"Epic Games Inc." +394256,"Tech Futures Interactive Inc." +394330,"LTD Broadband LLC" +394380,"Leaseweb USA, Inc." +395089,"Hextet Systems" +395111,"KVCHOSTING.COM LLC" +395978,"OkServers LLC" +396362,"Leaseweb USA, Inc."