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Design Notes for the Rebuild

The goals of this version are to be as abstracted/flexible as possible:

  • Easy to port between machines
  • ITC, DTC, STC all with minimal porting of most of the Forth words.


Metacompiling uses a Host Forth system (eg. Gforth on your x86_64 laptop) to build an application for a Target machine, by running normal-looking Forth code. That is, it contains colon definitions and CREATE foo 64 cells allot and : defining-word CREATE foo , DOES> @ 1+ ; and all the other magic you do in Forth code.

The trick is that by cleverly juggling the search order and compilation wordlist, the metacompiler can run through Forth code written for the target, and produce the same memory image as that target would have produced. The final image can then be written to disk and transported to the target machine.

In theory any application could be built this way; in practice most metacompilers are designed to cross-compile a Forth system for a different machine.

Four vocabularies

It's vital to understand at the top that there are four separate vocabularies in play during metacompiliation.

  1. native - the normal Host Forth words.
  2. host - the metacompiler's vocabulary, which duplicates some native words and so is made separate.
  3. target - contains mirror words that correspond 1-1 with the words in the Target image.
  4. The nameless dictionary being constructed in the Target image - it's not actually searched during metacompilation.

As an illustration, consider the three HERE words that exist at once:

  • native HERE is the Host's dictionary address, the normal Forth HERE. This is an address for the Host machine.
  • host HERE is the metacompiler's dictionary address. It is an address inside the Target image. (eg. it might be 16-bit, rather than 64-bit.)
  • target HERE is the mirror word for HERE on the Target system.

Three memory spaces

Per the Forth standard 3.3, we can split the Forth dictionary into three spaces. These may or may not overlap physically, and only some must be present on the client.

  • Code space is always included. It contains both native instructions and compiled Forth code (which might be native or threads).
    • Code space can be read-only. An interactive system needs a writable code space, but that can be separate from the read-only output of the metacompiler.
  • Data space is always read/write. It can be initialized by user code, eg. using , and some-var !. (This is legal even for ROM deployments!)
  • Name space holds the Forth word list, allowing to search the dictionary.
    • A non-interactive target does not need to include name space at all.

In a traditional bootstrapping Forth, including earlier versions of this metacompiler, the three spaces were always unified and read/write. Now they are carefully separated, enabling more variation in the target.

Target configurations

There are several dimensions in which the target can vary, and they have different implications for what the metacompiler must output.

See Standard configurations below for high-level combos.


There are three levels of interactivity:

  • Interactive: Interactive systems need to include name space and code to accept input, parse names and numbers, look up definitions, and compile Forth code. Non-interactive systems can skip most of this logic, and omit name space from the target.
    • Name space cannot be directly addressed by a program; therefore the metacompiled part can be read-only, with new definitions going elsewhere.
    • Put differently, interactive means that the target build is a Forth system, rather than a self-contained application.
    • Only interactive systems have EVALUATE!
  • Keyboarded: No Forth compiler, but still has input processing words like accept, parse-name, >number etc.
  • Application: No keyboard input functionality built in. Saves a bunch of space for pure applications such as games.

These are captured by two configuration flags:

  • has-dictionary?: true for interactive builds
  • keyboard-input?: true for interactive builds, or application builds that want to use Forth's input handling, eg. ACCEPT

(Setting config has-dictionary? ON and config keyboard-input? OFF doesn't make sense, but it should work.)

Included memory spaces

Of the three memory spaces, only code space is absolutely required in the target build. Name space is required for interactive builds (see above) but can be omitted for self-contained applications.

Data space always exists on the target, but it might be a separate, initially-empty RAM space, while the program lives in ROM. For targets where the data space is separate, any values initialized as part of the input program must be initialized on startup. (In the simple case where code and data space overlap and are read/write, this is trivial.)

The metacompiler keeps track of initialized data space during compilation, and if the target has a separate data space requiring initialization, it includes a table of the initial data and its destination within data space, and runs code on a COLD start to copy that data to the right places in the target's data space.

The memory space configuration is thus in a few parts:

  • data-space-blank? ON performs explicit initialization of data space, allowing it to be separate and code space to be in ROM.
  • mix-code-and-data? controls whether code and data space overlap or are separate.
  • mix-code-and-name? controls whether code and name space overlap.
    • This has implications for exactly how the dictionary is constructed.
    • This is forced OFF for non-interactive builds, since name space does not exist on the target.

Standard configurations

The several settings above are somewhat complex, so you probably want to target one of these high-level, "canned" configurations:

  • interactive-forth! an interactive Forth system, with all spaces unified.
    • Theoretically this could have a variant with separate spaces, but this is not supported yet.
  • rom-application! an application build, with separate data space that gets initialized on startup. Used for eg. a Gameboy Advance game, where the code goes in ROM, data in RAM and there's no keyboard at all.

Call one of these to set the configuration accordingly. You can make edits to the configuration after one of them is called.


One fairly self-contained component is an assembler for the Target CPU. This is loaded at the start and then used to assemble CODE words.

Mirror Words

The fundamental trick to metacompilation is building the target vocabulary full of mirror words. These run on the Host system, and their default action is to compile themselves a la T, into the Target image.

The metacompiler stays in "interpreting" STATE in its own system, so given:


: SOME-WORD   foo bar ;

it does some magic for :, see below, and then executes the mirror words foo and bar. Executing a mirror word compiles the corresponding Target xt into the Target image. ; is also magic, see below, and compiles EXIT just like it normally does in Forth.

HOST STATE is a separate variable from NATIVE STATE (the regular Forth state flag). It tracks whether we're metacompiling or metainterpreting.

HOST CREATE builds a header in the Target image, and a mirror word in the Host dictionary that points to the new word in the Target image. (And similarly for : etc.)


Feel free to skip this section - the mirror words should Just Work and you don't need to know their gory details to eg. port to a new machine.

The parameter field of a mirror word contains six cells:

  • Corresponding Target xt
  • Host xt for metainterpreting state
  • Host xt for metacompiling state
  • Host DOES routine's (host) xt
  • Target DOES routine's (target) xt
  • Host nt (name token) for this mirror word itself.

There are four different semantics for what the text interpreter should do when it encounters a word: interpreting on the target, compiling on the target, metainterpreting on the host, and metacompiling on the host.

The metainterpreting and metacompiling xts in the mirror word control what happens when the metacompiler encounters them.

By default, the metainterpreting xt throws an error - most words don't have a Host-side action.

The default mirror word metacompilation semantics is to read the Target xt from the mirror word's parameter field and tcompile, it into the Target image.

Note that HOST STATE controls which of the two Host semantics will be performed. (The Target semantics aren't run during metacompilation.)

Custom Host actions

Some Forth words (eg. : and VARIABLE) get executed during interpretation. These need custom actions for Host metainterpretation time!

These can be defined with HOST ACTS: like this:

TARGET   : VARIABLE ( "name" --     X: -- addr ) create 0 , ;
  HOST ACTS: create 0 T, ;

(Note that host create builds both a mirror word and target word with the default DOVAR style semantics.)

HOST ACTS: works by constructing a :noname definition, and having HOST ; save the xt into the metainterpretation slot in the mirror word.


What about those IMMEDIATE words like IF or REPEAT that have special compilation semantics (and undefined interpretation semantics)?

For this, a syntax like the following can be used:

TARGET  : IF ( ? --    C: if-loc )
    [ host T' 0BRANCH tliteral target ] compile,   HERE 0 , ; IMMEDIATE
HOST ACTS: ( -- )
    [T'] 0branch tcompile,   here 0 t, ; IMPERATIVE

HOST ACTS: works as above, changing the metainterpretation xt. IMPERATIVE swaps that xt to be the metacompilation one, and makes the metainterpretation xt throw an error. (Not unlike ?comp in the definition of IF.)

Defining Words with DOES>

This is, like a vanilla bootstrapping Forth kernel, the trickiest part!

First, disregard metacompilation for a while and let's review how DOES> works at all.

We define three "sequences", using CONSTANT as our example:

  • Sequence 1: Defining a new defining word.
    • : CONSTANT ( x "name" -- X: -- x ) create , DOES> @ ;
  • Sequence 2: Executing CONSTANT to define a new constant.
    • 7 CONSTANT foo
  • Sequence 3a: Executing foo to push the constant value 7.
  • Sequence 3b: Compiling foo into the current definition.

Note that these examples get a little gory-details. In order to illustrate what actually gets compiled, we need to show a threading model. This is based on DTC.

Sequence 1 - Defining CONSTANT

DOES> is an IMMEDIATE word. It compiles (DOES>) EXIT dodoes-code into the thread of CONSTANT.

The Forth compiler then continues, compiling @ EXIT as well.

The final definition for CONSTANT is:

link | 8 | "CONSTANT" | jsr docol | CREATE | , | (DOES>) | EXIT |
    dodoes-code | @ | EXIT

Sequence 2 - Executing CONSTANT, defining foo

CREATE parses the name foo and builds a new definition, with jsr dovar in the code field. , compiles the 7 into the parameter field.

At this point, foo looks like link | 3 | "foo" | jsr dovar | 7.

(DOES>) copies the current IP (or R@, if written in Forth) which is a pointer to the first EXIT. It advances this copy two cells so it points at dodoes-code. (To be 100% clear, the actual IP or address in RSP are not changed.)

This is a pointer to machine code, which is to say an xt in DTC! (DOES>) overwrites the jsr dovar at the start of foo with jsr this-addr, which causes foo to jump to that code when executed (sequence 3).

Sequence 3 - Executing foo

The code field of our newly created word foo now jumps to the dodoes-code inside CONSTANT's thread, instead of the basic dovar.

The address of foo's parameter field (where the 7 is) is that pushed/saved by jsr!

The dodoes-code does two things:

  1. Retrieve that parameter field address and push it on the data stack; and
  2. jsr docol to execute the high-level Forth thread after dodoes-code.

That thread does @, reading the 7 onto the stack; then EXIT, returning to whoever called foo. Perfect!

Metacompiling a defining word

The above is how such defining words work in general. How do we metacompile the word?

Well first, TARGET DOES> is IMMEDIATE on the Target and IMPERATIVE on the Host, so it runs at (meta)compile time. It compiles the same sequence into the Target definition as above (both Target and Host).

But then words defined by eg. x CONSTANT foo during metainterpretation need to update their Host-side action for foo as well.

  • Host exec: push the constant value to the Host's stack via T@.
  • Host compile: push the Target xt of foo, like any non-IMMEDIATE word.

We can use this syntax:

TARGET   : CONSTANT create , ( #1 ) DOES> ( #0 )   @ ( #2 ) ;
HOST ACTS: TCREATE T, ( #3 ) DOES> T@ ( #4 ) ;

There are 5 chunks of code here:

  1. DOES>'s IMMEDIATE and IMPERATIVE code and what it compiles (see above).
  2. Target sequence 2
  3. Target sequence 3
  4. Host sequence 2
  5. Host sequence 3

Each mirror word holds two xts in its parameter field, and has a NATIVE DOES> action that runs either the metacompiling and metainterpreting xt according to HOST STATE.

HOST DOES> is the key here: it effectively does both TARGET DOES> and NATIVE DOES>!

Thus both CONSTANT's Target word and mirror word are transformed with (DOES>). Then when CONSTANT is executed, both the Target's foo and its mirror word get tweaked to call their DOES> routines.


Numbers are a problem because they simply get pushed on the Host's stack (it's interpreting, after all) rather than compiled into the Target definition. We need some means of capturing numbers and compiling [LIT | n] into the Target.

This is handled by replacing the Host's native interpret (or ]) to handle numbers specially when metacompiling. This is handled with a HOST meta] routine.

Abstraction via the "Model"

The words in $machine/model.ft and $machine/model-target.ft hide some details specific to the target machine and the threading model. Then most of the metacompiled Forth code can be shared across all machines.

Host-side Model

$machine/model.ft abstracts the Forth model and target machine. This file is full of host definitions; see below for the Target-side model.

  • Define any T, prefixed words not defined by the assembler.
    • The complete set is T@ T! TC@ TC! T, TC, TCOMPILE, TALIGN TALIGNED.
  • Define HOST DP and HOST HERE based on the assembler's output image.
    • HOST DP is often a synonym for the assembler's output pointer, traditionally called there.
  • Assemble the first bit of code eg. any vectors at the top of memory.
    • Position the assembler's output pointer to wherever the machine code words should go.
  • Write DOES,, which assembles the (DOES>) EXIT dodoes-code into a Target word. Those words probably don't exist yet; make them HOST VARIABLEs and update the values later.
  • Write the code words: DOCOL, DOVAR, LIT, LITSTRING.
  • Write ,docol and ,dovar to compile the code fields for colon definitions and CREATEd definitions into the Target image.
  • Write ,dostring to compile a literal string into the current definition (this is called by S" etc., they should compile code that pushes the string at runtime.)
  • !dodoes ( does-xt word-xt -- ) is called by DOES> to update the code field of a CREATEd definition to point to the DOES> routine.
    • In ITC this is simply t!; in DTC it's more complex.
  • tliteral should compile code into the Target such that it pushes a literal number at compile time.
  • ,dest is given a Forth branch destination, and compiles it.
    • That's just t, if branch targets are absolute; but might need to do arithmetic for relative distances.
  • !dest ( dest slot -- ) gets the branch target and the location of the branch offset.
  • t>body is given a Target xt for a CREATEd word and should return its parameter field address. For ITC that's tcell+; for DTC it depends on the size of the code field.
  • Define rp0 and sp0, constants for the starting stacks.
  • Define an image variable entry-point, currently an empty cell. This will get set to the xt for COLD, the startup word.

Branch Redesign

In ITC and DTC, branches are Forth words that consume the next cell from the thread. In STC, branches can be arbitrary instructions.

To accomodate both with the same interface to the model:

  • BRANCH, ( -- slot-addr )
  • 0BRANCH, ( -- slot-addr )
  • !DEST ( target slot-addr -- )
  • TBRANCH, ( -- slot-addr )
  • T0BRANCH, ( -- slot-addr )
  • T!DEST ( target slot-addr -- )
: IF    ( ? --    C: -- if-slot ) 0BRANCH, ; IMMEDIATE
: THEN  ( --      C: if-slot -- ) here swap !dest ; IMMEDIATE
: ELSE  ( --      C: if-slot -- else-slot )
  BRANCH,        ( if-slot else-slot )
  here rot !dest ( else-slot ) ; IMMEDIATE

In ITC and DTC, those are (in Forth pseudocode):

: BRANCH,  ( -- slot-addr )     ['] BRANCH  compile, here 0 , ;
: 0BRANCH, ( -- slot-addr )     ['] 0BRANCH compile, here 0 , ;
: !DEST    ( target slot-addr ) ! ;

On Risque-16 STC:

  • BRANCH, compiles a blank B instruction, leaving its address as the slot.
  • 0BRANCH, compiles CMP tos, #0; BEQ +0; BEQ is the slot.
  • !DEST does roughly here over - ( slot delta ) swap !

Target-side Model

$machine/model-target.ft contains the target definitions for abstracting on the Target itself.

  • ,cf is given the address of a codeword (eg. dovar) and compiles the code field for a defintion. (On ITC, t,. On DTC, compiles a jump.)
  • ,docol is called from : and compiles such a codeword.
    • This is separate from ,cf because sometimes docol is inlined.
  • ,dostring is the same as the Host ,dostring.
  • Implement target (DOES>).
  • Update any forward references from $machine/model.ft, eg. for (DOES>) and EXIT.
  • Define a host word called T,DOES that compiles the inside of TARGET DOES>
    • This is weirdly indirect, but it was the best way to keep all the target-specific code in place.

Plus definitions for the ANS Forth words ALIGNED ALIGN PAD.