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November 2020 Hackathon Implementation Plans

Yoram Kulbak edited this page Dec 7, 2020 · 19 revisions

BCF 3.0 Implementation and Integration Plan

  1. Keep meeting weekly
  2. Schedule a BCF 3.0 Launch Hackathon on the 17th and 18th of Feb 2021
  3. Create a slack channel for BCF 3.0 integration - everyone should communicate openly there so that we have cross-team awareness

BCF 3.0 Implementation tracking

Vendor Server/Client Status ETA
Solibri Client Started with BCF XML 3.0, expecting an initial version by the end of the week ~ end of Jan 2021
Oracle Aconex Server Started with BCF API and BCF XML ~ Feb 2021
Catenda Server Initial BCF API 3.0 implemented; Started on BCF-XML ~ Jan 2021
DDS Client Not started, recently improved the end-to-end testing with servers ~ Jan 2021 for internal testing
Graphisoft Client Not started, currently supporting XML only, would like to have more features, such as pins Unknown
xBIM and the Revit Plugin (by M.C) Client Not started ETA Dec 2020 for XML, unknown for API
KUBUS / BIMcollab Server & Client Not started, ETA for start unknown Unknown
ALLPLAN BIMplus Server TBA unknown
Asite Server Implementing No ETA
Trimble Server Progressing 2.1 support No ETA