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November 2020 Virtual Hackathon Agenda

Yoram Kulbak edited this page Nov 23, 2020 · 25 revisions


Format: 2 session, 1:20h each with a 20 minute break in-between.


  • Finalise a release candidate for BCF 2.2 XML and API standard(s) (no more new features enter BCF 2.2)
  • Finalise a release candidate for the Foundation 1.0 standard (no more new features enter Foundation 1.0)

Day 1:

Session 1

  • Discuss and Finalise Agenda
  • Reiterate the vision, agree about the foundation API
  • Agree on "break out groups"
  • Divide outstanding topics to the groups

Session 2

  • Break out to groups to complete reviewing all outstanding issues and pull requests in BCF XML and BCF API repositories
  • Debrief and confirm Day 2 Agenda (10:45 CET)

Day 2

Session 1:

  • Review output from Day 1/Session 2 and discuss any outstanding topics
  • Present plans for delivery of documents API in H1 CY 2021 (Yoram)
  • Finalise Foundation 1.0
  • Hack, integrate, test
  • Review BCF 2.2 candidate specification, align BCF XML and BCF API

Session 2:

  • (Veni) Enhance 2D markup and annotation to support features such as measurements and pins
  • Debrief and confirm Day 2 Agenda (10:45 CET)

Day 3:

Session 1:

  • John Egan: Introduction to open information containers

Session 2:

  • Discuss and address issues discovered in integration/review

Issue Stash