- Try changing the region legend to an income legend. Hint: you need to use the same aes(color=income) specification for all geoms. You may want to use scale_color_manual with a sequential color palette, see RColorBrewer::display.brewer.all(type="seq") .
-->To view the Visualization of the code then click on this link https://busttech.github.io/deploy/
In this test we had converted the animation package in animint ,The animation package I had use is flip coin probability.
I had created two graphs first one is bargraph which showes the Coin Flip Frequencies and another one is Lineplot which showes the Cumulative Frequency Over Tosses and used time variable as toss.
To view the Visualization of the code main.r click on the following link --> https://busttech.github.io/deploy2/ Html file --> https://github.com/busttech/Test-solutions-of-animint/blob/main/Medium-Hard-Test/index.html Added pr on animint2 github video of the submission --> https://youtu.be/Gog2Sv7t_cE