The updated Machine Learning framework for the CANARY project. This framework utilizes eye-tracking data and speech data to predict if a participant is a patient or a healthy control.
- (Recommended) Install Anaconda 3 on your system:
- Download/clone this repository wherever you'd like in your system.
- Open a terminal within the repository folder. In the terminal (Linux)/Command Prompt or Anaconda Prompt (Windows), execute this command:
conda create --name canary python=3.8.5
. This will create a virtual environment called "canary", so that it doesn't mess up your normal installation environment. - To activate this environment, execute in the same terminal:
conda activate canary
. - To install all the dependencies of this framework, execute:
pip install -r requirements.txt
- (Optional) If you make any changes to the python packages and would like to save them in the requirements.txt file, then execute:
pip freeze requirements.txt
To use the framework, the file params/settings.yaml contains all the parameters to run the experiment. All the parameters defined in params/settings.yaml are modifiable, but the ones that would need to be changed the most depending on each experiment are:
- seeds: defines the number of seeds the framework will run for
- folds: defines number of folds for CrossValidation
- mode: defines the mode of experiment. Can be single_tasks or can be fusion. ensemble will be added soon.
- single_tasks: runs each of the specified tasks and reports their results separately.
- fusion: runs all the specified tasks separately, then combines their results through averaging and reports results.
- classifiers: a list of classifiers that can be run through the framework.
- tasks: a list of tasks that can be run through the framework.
- output_folder: name of the folder where the results will be stored at the end of the run. This folder will be kept under the results folder.
Within params/settings.yaml file, all possible input values for each parameter have been provided in the comments of the file.
After setting up the parameters, it's time to run the framework. Either use a Python IDE and open and run it from there, or using the terminal, execute this line within the repository folder:
Note: The canary environment has to be activated everytime a new terminal is opened.
The results would be saved at results/output_folder where the output_folder is the one specified in params/settings.yaml.
The file is used to compile the results across all seeds and creates a cleaner looking table. To compile the results across all seeds, open the terminal and execute:
python <path to output folder> <path to file and name of file>
For example: for compiling results under a folder TF, this above line would be:
python ./results/TF ./results/TF/tf
where ./results/TF/tf is the path where the compiled results should be saved, and tf is the name of the file.
The resulting file is a .csv file. No need to specify .csv in the filename for the above line.